old If you're a member of a Federation ship's crew with a holodeck, what program would you use during your break/downtime? Mine would be playing as Julius Caesar during the Gallic campaign
/stg/ - Star Trek General
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Threadly reminder that you will NEVER watch the DS9 spinoff where Dukat, Kira, Damar, and Ziyal go on space adventures in a stolen Bird of Prey
You will NEVER watch Dukat slowly work his magic on Kira and redpill her on the occupation
You will NEVER watch the episode where Damar and Weyoun put aside their differences over a raucous 24-hour Kanar bender
You will NEVER watch the episode where Kira has to give Ziyal 'the talk'
Screw Klingon aerobics, I want to do old-timey workouts with Sandow.
Battle of Wolf 359
Hand to hand combat vs Klingons
Stealth infiltration in to secret Breen & Jem'Hadar installations
I would create a late 1930s cinema draft house in Upper Manhattan with nothing but holo-Germans who came en masse to watch Triumph of the Will.
I'd wait in the film booth while they packed into the theatre. Once it go to Hitler's speech, I'd select a variety of modern weapons to start scoping them out or just cause general mayhem.
They will be in utter shock and fear but the exits are chained shut. I start to lob grenades about into this large crowd of humanity. Mayhem ensues and the people are pleading for their lives.
This is when I finally open the window and yell out to the prostrate crowd...
"Life itself is only a vision… a dream. Nothing exists, save empty space and you. And you… are but a thought."
Then I turn around and casually order "Computer, Arch" and exit the holodeck without turning off the program.
It is assumed that those injured will suffer and die and be attended to by the very few left who were not victims of my assault.
Why the hell would you want to do The Battle of Wolf 359?
it's the most ebin moment in the franchise and actionbabbies love that kind of stuff
I have a better question.
Why would you not want to do The Battle of Wolf 359?
Why are the Q so afraid of the Borg? In "Q2", Q scolds Q for agitating the borg. What's the deal?
>Why would you not want to do that?
Presumably, if I'm in a Trek setting with some holodecks, Wolf 359 happened somewhere between immediately and ten years ago. It was a terrible battle, and I probably lost family in it.
Unless, we're talking about just you existing outside of the universe. Then yeah, I get it.
If we're talking hopeless scenarios, I wonder if a Lovecraft story could be adapted to a holodeck narrative.
Scolding him didn't mean they were afraid of them. Q could have made their entire race disappear on a whim.
It was more the fact that he was taking seriously liberties in messing with the natural development of the Milky Way Galaxy
>Why are the Q so afraid of the Borg?
Because Q2 was a horribly-written episode.
The only in-universe reason I can come up with is the Q see pissing off the Borg like dropping a hornet's nest on someone's (namely, the mortals of the galaxy) head.
>its another belanna gets raped by doppelganger paris but the writers dont even care episode
Yeah, I get your point about lost family. I was just thinking of a historical battle recreation, though.
>Q scolds Q for agitating the borg. What's the deal?
Because the Borg are belligerent and bent on conquest. Making them more so is unreasonable.
Why did O'brian go by a different name in early TNG?
The Borg are a necessary evil to keep the Yuuzhan Vong out of our galaxy.
>Commander Riker uses the holodeck for everything, from his darkest fantasies to the most ridiculously mundane task. One day he'll be oil wrestling with kangaroos on top of a giant mattress or making love to a duplicate of himself with huge breasts. The next day he'll show up in his bathrobe and use the holodeck to shower and shave himself. What makes me hate him is that Riker pays no attention to the rules about bodily fluids. He will use the holodeck just to go to the bathroom. He'll have a floating toilet made out of clouds and he'll lay the biggest and smelliest deuce I've seen this side of the neutral zone. Then he'll just walk right out like he's allowed to do that.
Sex and violence fantasies aside, probably mostly this
It's treason, then...
Is it me or O'brien is the most boring character in Star Trek? I would prefer he play villainous aliens. His actor and character has 0 charisma
>you will never pilot your Nicor class bioship through fluidic space and visit the Undine homeworld
fuck off with you generals you cancerous fucking faggot
Nice try, Keiko
Shouldn't you be taking care of Kirayoshi right now?
Go back to Sup Forums my friend.
Post your favorite Star Trek episodes
forget about them, have to rewatch
Magnificent Ferengi
Doc becoming ECH
Episode where Archer got brain AIDS and cant remember
Last thread the Sup Forumsfags were proudly discussing which reddits they browse
That got me thinking, what happens to the cum?
Recycled for use in replicators.
Actually, it makes it easier to find between the endless capeshit, got, and other threads.
Not sure why this angers people so much.
I'd run the holoprogram where I'm inside a vagina as its being fucked. Just sit in there watch as this enormous donger just plugged away for hours at a time.
Hmmm... So why wouldn't shit be the same?
>0 charisma
Well, he is an engineer.
After having to resort to beating a guy to death with a phaser rifle because shooting him wouldn't do shit, I've had my fill of Voyager crap, so I'm cool with not doing any of that.
The Inner Light (first time I chocked up watching a t.v. show)
Any episode with Section 31 in it
The one where the hunter aliens play Nazis and turn the ship into a huge holodeck
Putting "Trek" in the first post makes the thread easier to find in the catalog, e.g.
Putting "general" in there doesn't.
>"We are evil aliens. You can tell that we're evil because we have studied your ancient Earth history and decided that your ancient Earth Nazis were admirable. That's just how evil we are."
Journey to babel
Measure of a Man
The Alien Nazi one
Vulcan baseball or ocean's 11
Mirror universe episode
Not trolling, but Deep shit 9 is turbopleb pew pew for actionbabbies and Voyager is infinitely superior
'Who Mourns for the Adonais?' or 'The Squire of Gothos'
'The Inner Light' or 'Best of Both Worlds' (I know, pleb choices)
'Trials and Tribble-ations'
'Bride of Chaotica!'
The one with the old west town in space. 'North Star,' was it?
I just realized I like a lot of the comedy episodes.
What do star fleet soldiers look like
>hunter aliens play Nazis
Hirogen, quite possibly inspired by Predator.
Depends which era.
>not having any trek-related keyword filtered to automatically show up at the top
Generals generally attract shitty posters who might otherwise leave the threads alone, though at this point activity has been so slow I can't blame people for posting them. Last thread was up for a day and got rescued from page 10 no less than 15 times
Like this
Star Trek threads attract shitty people. One might say that it's a garbage show for garbage people.
I don't think voyager was as bad as everyone pretends, but DS9 wasn't all actionbaby shit, it had some pretty treky episodes
Any episide in holo ireland in voy made me want to shoot myself
Generals are cancer and quickly fill up with shitposting memers because they are here all day every day. Just like /got/ and /who/. Trek threads are still comfy and actually have decent discussions still because it's not played out and talked about every goddam day.
>look at the rest of the board
>game of thrones
>porn threads
>maybe 10 threads that are actual serious tv/film discussion
It's not exactly a high bar but these threads are a world above most of the board. There's usually a respectable balance of discussion and shitposts/waifuposts which results in the hotpockets leaving them alone.
Scenario 1: Centauress waifu. I'd program her not to shit because that's not something I want to deal with and I'd probably just upscale the doorways of all the houses.
Scenario 2: Xenomorph Girl, with human lips instead of the scary teeth and boobs/butt/vag. No acid blood. Sapient and intelligent, capable of human communication.
Scenario 3: Early 21st Cent. Helping a waifish young girl transition into being a boy, sharing my clothes, playing video-games together
Scenario 4: Some sort of immense zoo attended entirely by emotionless robot where I can fuck all the animals ever discovered on any planet
Scenario 5: Some sort of violent wild-woman who will do everything in her power to repeatedly rape me, just hard enough for it not to be entirely enjoyable (I'm talking fractures here) and I'd have to fight her off.
Scenario 6: A world where I'm completely invisible and incorporeal and can wander through watching people go about their every day lives. The world is populated exclusively by women of every different colour and species.
Scenario 7: Every Alien Star Trek actor lines up in front of my, beginning with Armin Shimerman. They each approach me and I get to peel the prosthetics off their face - they thank me and tell me how uncomfortable it was then move on.
Scenario 8: I replicate myself a suit of golden armour, and present myself to a neolithic tribe and become their god. I preside over this tribe for thousands upon thousands of years essentially using my knowledge of the future to "cheat" the system (if I fuck up, I can just rewind it) building a sprawling utopia. Periodically, I'd elect personal concubines and catamites from the best I could find in my entire empire.
Scenario 9: A girlfriend who doesn't look at me with disgust when I ask to watch her pee.
nb; I'd work my entire life to get enough latinum to get and maintain a personal holo-deck because I' pretty sure I couldn't get away with this on Star Fleet.
Fucking Christ every scenario I read was more degenerate and mentally unstable than the last.
Please for the sake of the thread delete this
I bet this guy still writes letters and not just to the cast but extras like the guy who played Morn.
What wrong with capestuff and game of thrones? I love marvel, game of thrones, ds9 and the force awakens. What is wrong with talking about fun on topic things on Sup Forums?
>mfw walking in on your degenerate holodeck sessions
I only got into Star Trek in mid 2015, and have only watched TOS/TNG/DS9, haf a season of Voyager and a couple of the movies. I have yet to write to any of the actors and I don't think they'd appreciate my vision for what would happen if I were in the Star Trek universe.
>likes DS9
>and TFA
As a proud DS9 fanboi I want absolutely nothing to do with your faggot ass.
Do you have a spiral notebook where you write this shit down or do you just have that list ready to go at a moment's notice?
I'm pretty sure he has it all scrawled on human skin somewhere in his masturbatin' room.
Senator Vreenak, his fist clenched, his eyes bulging, his voice a hissing whisper.
>/stg/ - Star Trek General
Remember when Sup Forums used to joke about Star Trek becoming a General as a gag.
Remember when we thought it would only happen if enough newfriends from other sites made it so on Sup Forums.
>DS9 image as the OP
This explains so much.
There must be something that can be done to stop the death of Trek on Sup Forums
Last time I tried to tell people to cool it down and that we didn't need a permanent general, they flipped a shit
>newfriends from other sites
Reddit doesn't like TOS, so as long as these threads continue to like TOS, you can't blame these threads on that site.
I typed it up just then. I retread these fnatasies pretty regularly in my head but I've yet to write them down anywhere other than Sup Forums.
I've been meaning to write them down in a google doc, curate and develop them but I'm too afraid someone will find out, since I usually let my girlfriend have access to it.
I have this overwhelming fear of there being a technological development in future where I'll be confronted with everything I've ever written on Sup Forums and it will be made public with my name attached to it.
>this level of autism
>Reddit doesn't like TOS
But they do love ds9 which would explain the Ops use of the word general along side a ds9 image.
You can have these thoughts and still lead a normal life.
>but they do love ds9
That's just a myth
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /trek/ threads love DS9.
As long as our tastes are different from Reddit then we can't blame DS9 on Reddit.
The autism is not having the thoughts per se. The autism is thinking anyone here wants to listen to those disgusting 'underage on Sup Forums'-tier blogposts
You want to keep them out? Post and discuss ENT. It's actually pretty good but tourists get massively butthurt and triggered by anyone realizing this, much more so than TOS or even VOY
>If you're a member of a Federation ship's crew with a holodeck, what program would you use during your break/downtime?
>a myth
That poll was taking after Sup Forums had already been invaded by newfriends from others sites no more than a month or two ago which makes the image and that poll irrelevant.
This show had fantastic potential. Shame to se it wasted on that fucking Temporal Cold War bullshit.
The stand alone episodes were pretty decent.
That poll isn't a Sup Forums poll. You're so far up your own ass that you're making shit up on the spot.
>It's actually pretty good
It does have a few good episodes.
>Temporal Cold War
Easily the crappiest part of Enterprise.
I would fuck the bunny
>posting your stale, tired old false flag yet again
So do the DS9 fans ever make false flags against the Voyager fans?
Or is it only the Voyager fans who are desperate enough to make false flags against the DS9 fans?
>disgusting 'underage on Sup Forums'-tier blogposts
Holy shit The Killing Games is the bottom of the voyager barrel
Fucking mulgrew can barely play the captain, let alone the captain thinking shes someone else
You're right. Let's all have endless arguments about whether my favourite Trek series is better than your favourite Trek series, and whose tastes are "Reddit" or not, then.
That post was a joke. Notice the tab bait?
Holy fuck this is what trek threads have come to
Gladly, we need to purge those fucks from these threads.
Starting with anyone who posts The Fedora Generation
Well according to , TNG is the most Reddit.
Therefore, we must either accept Reddit or reject TNG.
This is objectively correct
This is a paradox therefore I cannot answer.
>or reject TNG.
Anyone with half a brain already did this
>it's a "Benjamin Sisko is a crime writer in the 1940s" episode
Bad forced meme
>crime writer
No, he wrote science fiction for one of the SciFi pulp mags.
>That poll isn't a Sup Forums poll.
I seem to remember a single person who wouldn't stop posting a link to that poll every single day for about a week on Sup Forums a few months back which resulted in that image. The image was than posted over and over again (as you have now) as if to imply that it reflected which Trek show was Preferred on Sup Forums.
Gul Dukat; Mall (du)Cop
shut the fuck up
You're a newfriend who doesn't remember shit.
Our /trek/ polls never reach 2000+ voters.
I was the one who created that tab-bait image
It was meant to parody the people who used it to argue 'tng is reddit and therefore ds9 is patrician' or some bullshit like that even though ds9 was in second place
Also the person you are replying to wasn't the poster
For me, it goes
The Original Series I couldn't imagine trying to watch again because it's so, so dated. The main reason to watch it is for the great interpersonal relationship between Kirk, Spock, and Bones. There's some really good episodes, but the stories feel much more fantantastical than any other Trek.