Ask me anything
Ask me anything
What brand of strawberry syrup did you use
Who will win the MLB World Series this year?
Why are you this hungry for attention?
Kendrick or jessica alba?
If that pick is you, get some help op. No one is impressed by your pain. Stop being a faggot and get your shit together.
When do you plan on getting a job and moving out of your moms house?
if you cum, will it ooze out the sides?
is the square root of 69 really 8 something?
How does it feel knowing you'll have this stupid shit on your arm for the rest of your life?
are these dubs
Who will win
18 teenagers or yamcha
How easily does your neck cut?
unfortunately not, sorry m8, maybe next time
That's not indie dude
quints means yamcha
What a waste of quints
Just kill yourself and quit trying to get attention.
Yeah you do. Ur posting on Sup Forums
Now gtfo while I go find porn.
Nigger i just wasted my penta in a fuckkng stupid question call the mods
Hi Quint-Satan
are you getting skyrim remastered?
Why aren't you answering any questions?
do you have blond hair and blue eyes?
holy shit
Not OP but hell ye
Oh my god yes post more please
DO A FLIP FAGGOT, while killing yourself :3
Cardinals as always.
oh god this is golden someone cap this
Get thread?
not sure if bait...
Hail satan
Post more op
That's some pretty hard tic tac toe games.
for some reason, I thought that was your dick
OP, why did I think this?
calm. the. fuck. down
Why are you such a faggot?
Everyone can do that. Only heroes can kill themselves though.
Thank you
>best op
kys thread, you start
Your arm is going to look like shit and several people are going to ask you about it even though you don't give a damn. Are you prepared to feel like a pathetic flesh sack that deserves it, because you were dumb enough to do such a thing? Also... Do you think the moon landing was real or fake??
Thats his arm not his penor stoopid.
Have you considered just stopping?
When are you gonna cut deeper?
Yes I love this thread
All the more cooler if the answer is "yes"!
No he would have to cut into the tube that connects his balls to his head and that is a deep cut he would bleed a lot and not only would he cum from the sides he would also pee from the sides
why didn't you timestamp your bait?
What did you have for breakfast today? If you had nothing you should probably start having cereal every morning for a balanced diet.
Why are you so stupid?
gross, that one at the bottom is infected as fuck.
why do you write like an edgy goth? that shit's over a decade old.
Why do you cut yourself?
can I lick it? serious question.
Well Someone needs to take your razor blade away or you might hurt yourself
at least emos only cut themselves...not others.
Your arm looks like a McDonald's cherry pie.
Imagine a world were being emo meant stabbing or cutting random people
who the fuck is Doug? Don't tell me you're one of these bitches obsessing over some dude that doesn't want you
why aren't you answering any of the questions?
Omg if she is. Kys
cuz i'm doing it again
do you think that self-harming and telling some guy you're doing it for him *bt iz not ur folt bb* is gunna guilt him into being with you?
do you really want to be with someone who's only with you because you are blackmailing them with your own wellbeing?
Idk, I'm just addicted to the pain. Feels good
Pic related
Dude lmfao
I just put some neosporin on the deep one, kinda oozing and shit as it tries onto scab itself over unsuccessfully
those are some old scars, and the infected one is gross
Satan? Is that you?
me too
>on the deep one
nigga that shit's IN the deep one
Why did you do it wrong?
That is a fucking cake you faggot
that's more risky than it was in the old days
you go to the hosp, you risk MRSA, C.diff, sepsis.
nice quads sir
gotten any bugs there?
OP get your faggot ass in here.
And you stop hijacking the thread. Start your own.
nigger, if thats real you need to go to a fucking hospital and get that shit checked out. I dont care if you cut yourself but thats disgusting
Are you implying that he hasn't hurt himself already?
I just like seeing my blood slowly oozing out and the deep red is amazing to
Nahhh it'll be fine, done this before a bunch
quints nigga
oh shit ma bad
Why didn't you carve a timestamp on yourself?