What the best to get high on vallium
What the best to get high on vallium
>What the best to get high on vallium
Best way?
Swallow it.
Crush them into a powder and smoke it.
you cant smoke vallium?
>Get high
>On valium
Lol good luck faggot. The only way you're gonna feel anything is if you Down and 12er with em and even then you're just gonna black out
Op here, i also have tramadol and tamazapam.
should i mix it and whats the best dose to get the best feeling
throw them out and get some real drugs faggot
I respect the law and i don't want to go to jail to pick up the soap
>What the best to get high on vallium
Sounds like you're high already
I'm a newfag at drugsing, but I had a couple of Valium recently when I has lasik and I was fucking wasted when I was led to the operating room. I would say I was high. Like being really, really drunk, but without getting into any fights.
How much is a couple user and did you mix it with any other drugs?
i may qualify to be prescribed valium
cant wait to abuse them :^ )
the only way you can get them is to make some retarded excuse. they are really hard to get and the doctors will know if you're going to abuse them. lucky my doctor is my drug dealer lol.
I have a condition which I will not tell you what it is that a doctor is allowed to prescribe them to me
mix it with alcohol and ask for tramadol and tamapam. youll get high as fuck
valium doesnt get u high. it makes you tired. lol
Its called the euphoria feeling. the point you feel really happy
I have no idea how much was in each pill. They said most people are good with one but they could give me two if I was feeling anxious. I asked for three. They gave me two. The only other thing they gave me was some sort of antibiotic eyedrops.
i dont qualify for pain meds but I will try mixing valium with some alcohol
Happy to inspire you with my experience. Don't forget to send me some. 11/10 would do again.
dude ive taken valium for years. it does not give u euphoria. it might say that shit on the side effects lists but it isn't true. It sedates you and helps your anxiety that's about it.
alcohol and pain killers. you feel like your in heaven trust me
Snort it
thats because you're taking the medication correctly. im abusing the shit out of valium.
ive abused the shit out of it too. If you want euphoria go do some coke or ecstasy.
valium is alcohol without the buzz
empty sedative shit
but youll thank jesus for it if youre living in fear
I stop taking illigal drugs. anyone can recommend any prescription drugs that can get you high?
codeine is an opiate. i.e. it is oral heroine. it will get you high.
go complain about severe pain and you might get it
I tried it last time and the docotor proscribe me tramadol instead. codine is so damn hard to get unless you have cancer.
Valium gets me high. Coke does nothing for me. Ecstasy was so fucking good that I only did it once for fear of completely ruining my life.
they are trained to identify drug-seeking behaviour now because of all the junkies (like you) who go there and pretend to be sick just to get medication
about 30 or 40 years ago they handed out shit like codeine and even barbiturates like candy. barbiturates are literally suicide pills. if you get tired of life you just take a handful of them and go to sleep and never wake up. many doctors suicided with barbiturates.
Crush them up and put them under your tougne and have a few beers
its a good thing I no longer have connections for ecstasy
id do it too often and probably die somehow
If I keep having lasik just to get Valium, they'll probably be able to tell that I keep having lasik just to get the Valium.
I don't consider myself as a junkie but a person who enjoys taking vallium because it takes away my anxiety and gets me high. i know many couples who seems normal every day people take it to help them socialise.
valium is a heavy handed hard drug that will fuck you up if you keep taking it. dependency and addiction are just around the corner. it will melt your brain. if you take that shit for long enough, when you finally come off it, you will have symptoms similar to parkinsons which might not ever go away. its a dirty drug. if it wasnt for the pharmaceuticals making so much money off of it it would be illegal.
pharmies are fucking gay..have fun getting addicted and fucking up your cognitive functions..
i got off all that shit and i feel 10x better
go get some good weed and some edibles
with the right marijuana you can achieve any kind of high your looking for
i gave up weed ages ago and the long term affects is still presant with memory lost and slow reations.
im an alcoholic and its pretty much fried my brain, but valium will do worse and in a shorter time frame than either weed or booze.
its a shitty drug, get off it immediately if possible.
thanks for the advice user
i took valium for 3 years, atleast 100mg a day, i was a junkie don't get me wrong, but i kicked it and i'm fine now, the way you faggots are reacting is like you've never taken drugs before and you heard this from your mom.
get high as fuck, but dont take them for a week straight or you will feel like shit after that.
100mg da fuck, which mg pill was you taking 10mg or 5mg
Xanax > Valium
both, either, whatever i could get my hands on
not everyone has experience in abusing every type of drug
I want to try xanax, is it the same feeling as valium?
kinda, just 10x stronger.
ther're very similar compounds, or whatever, im not a chemist but think of valium like 'slow release' and xanax for immediate panic attacks
Op is giant faggot.
im going to try 10 mg of valium lol
Each person prefer their own type of drugs of getting high.
hah. the joke is i nearly went blind and died from a bottle of whiskey that i bought from a licensed retailer which was contaminated with methyl alcohol. and the government does little to nothing to make people aware of this danger, because they make a shit ton of tax off alcohol.
feeling the euphoria right now mixing valium and tramadol with alcoholl. OP here