God-tier patrician cinema thread

God-tier patrician cinema thread

I like this film a lot

that movie sucks

I think it's pretty good.

>being a director is so hard lol


Fellini literally made this movie to jerk off his own sensibilities.

lol! fuckin got em hahah ah this is now a batman vs superman thread

what were your thoughts, reddit?

this is reddit-tier cinema desu

don't believe me? go check it out

kys lol

i honestly don't think it's that great. Although at that time the whole "meta" sense must've been quite innovative. Most of the actual content of the movie is what he said tho


Thou goest to woman? Do not forget thyn whip!



Children of paradise was a more wholesome fleshing out of the themes in 8 and a half and I, vitelloni

Just saw this earlier this week. I thought it was great.

Probably the best film ever made.

its one of the finest ever

Sup Forums in a nutshell

upvoted! great post my epic friend! to le front page we sail!

Now THAT'S Sup Forums in a nutshell

alright faggots if you're so hip what do you watch that's so great?

Orson Welles said in an 80's Q&A that you don't need a story to make a great movie: Just look at Fellini.

of all of Fellini's movies I've seen that I didn't connect with (La Strada, La Dolce Vita, 8 1/2), he made a gem with Nights of Cabiria, which I love more than the other three put together.