Fluffy abuse thread. Last two got deleted.
Fluffy is not MLP. FLuffy is allowed.
Fluffy abuse thread. Last two got deleted
Can we get a different name for them?
Hunter fluffs? Preddies?
Nu dummeh, is cannibal fluff
Honest question here: wtf is the appeal? Tons of this shit is made. Who has the will? Does everyone who likes these comics make them too?
Where is the appeal?
By all means carry on, but please enigheten me.
post the rest of the story retard
im guessing its the same reason why people enjoy watching gore, just sick perversion?
Honest question here: Why do you need a reason?
Fucking milinials, you dont deserve an answer to everything. You do or you dont, you dont expect an answer. Is your brain that pathetic? that is has to understand EVERYTHING in the world?
Fuck off
Whats the appeal of coming in to threads you dont like or have no association with?
Oh don't fucking start.
How is "cannibal fluffy" marketable?
Why not something with a less ugly word? Like uhh...Apex fluffy? Or Carnofluff?
To learn? I find it fascinating that someone really enjoys this and I wonder why.
So I wanted to hear what the people that actually like it has to say about it.
Is that the end? THAT CAN'T BE THE END?!
Cannibal fluffies weren't invented they are emergences of recessive genes and mutations. They weren't invented to be marketed. They are like alicorns.
It's not.
Sorry son I wish I had the rest
Give the rest?
>To learn?
And you think you're entitled to an answer?
Quite simple here
Find a thread
Read op
1.Oh i like that. *go in to thread*
2.Oh i dont like that *hide thread*
this fucking simple
Go in to one of the various trap threads, and dick a dildo in your ass and maserbate for an hour then.
read the booru nigga. Most of the shit on Sup Forums is repost of the same comics over and over.
Shit what an angry guy.
Good luck with your fluffy life.
Yeah but isn't that one of the many comics that Wolfram removed?
Jesus Christ it is near impossible to understand what the fuck those things are saying.
This generation's version of Dead Baby jokes.
Bu..but dead baby jokes are still funny
Oh fuck, the guy sold the bitch
She got rused
yeah but not as edgy
Thx lad
Does anyone have the storys of darth maracas?
How did they die? Just stillborn?
Maybe, but there are other artist that are as good (i'd say better). Unfortunately most disappear in the middle of series. Even the popular and prolific ones
Negligence probably, Fluffies can be irresponsible.
Look at their eyes and bodies. They are all runts. I'm not sure if they are even dead.
There's something so heartwrenching about these simple creatures not being able to fully comprehend the sufferings that befall them, like losing their babies. Such tragic figures, they are.
I like this version better.
I thikk it's safe to assume they're dead.
I think it's hilarious when inferior shitty low-quality poor bad and worthless things get completely destroyed.
It's probably appealing to my sense of justice - bad creatures deserve bad actions, and fluffies are the worst creatures.
Are runts premature? Or just naturally small & weak?
This is MLP, Mods delete this shit
it's the same as normal animals. Runt fluffies are called bad babbies
Someone needs to post that Microfluffy story again, that one was the freshest thing I've read in a while.
Where'd that guy go anyway?
It's really unfortunate. I wish that the Wolfram would've had the two other fluffies get killed off by the owner, rather than listening to those brats and getting rid of Spinel.
I'd like to reiterate that, in the Justice vs. Catharsis debate, I come down on the side of catharsis. I just don't think that most fluffies, aside from smarties, are really all that bad.
You mean darth maracas and his holy knights?
Check the post chain, i posted the last 2 panels
I always come here and hope to see that comic where some girl punishes a baby smarty who thinks he is already an adult. She builds an entire fucking city for him and forces him to do everything an adult has to do, making him miserable. Been looking for it everywhere :/
The term bad or "dummeh" babbeh is used to refer to any baby that has an undesirable characteristic (bad color, male that isn't aggressive enough, other retarded shit).
I am going to die alone, never knowing the love of a woman.
Its called life of an adult, and it is incomplete
I know the ending. I just think it's a shitty ending.
Yeah, that guy. Saw his story the other night and I want him to make more.
Well based on and , it seems he actually gets rid of the one asking for Spinel because of how rude she was to him, and really ends up keeping Spinel, do to how bad he felt for not being strong enough to euthanize Spinel from the life of a pillowfluff.
That is debatable, but I'm pretty sure in general bad = runts, poopie = brown, dummeh = physicall deformed or mentally retarded, munsta = alicorn/sparkle/etc
Then you would know spinel didnt not get killed/thrown away, and that the mother is brought to a shelter/breeding center.Father most likely killed.
Same bro, same. Though i didnt finish the storys
Spinel did die. He went to the storage room. No one leaves the storage room.
...or maybe it just ends with assrape
What the fuck are you even talking about
And what makes you sure of this? Spinel isn't shown being put into some kind of storage room.
The orange fluff lured them all into a trap; he was aware of the giant ass wooden block, and ate the support that held it up. The whole blue army and toy knights were killed when it fell right on them. and it ended on a happy note since the remaining reds found a tunnel that lead outside, where they would be happy and shit.
it's a good metaphor for life
This thread is not weird enough.
His owner cant bring himself to kill him. He gets taken to a kennel where people drop off fluffies that they never want to see. The kennel is over capacity. The kennel workers know his owner will never come back. He gets put in a storage room with other pillows. The storage room with an automated washing and feeding stations. He is so horrible and ridden with disease that all fluffies die within a short time. His death is not shown but implied.
Can't believe i'm actually sharing them now.
p1, 4 to come.
Sad time? Sad time.
The comic shows none of that.
Your headcannon is shit
Anyone hear the story of the little society a man made in his backyard for a bunch of foals? And how his subtle yet noticably influence slowly affected the foals as they grew?