>Be me
>playing gta online
>legit, purchased copy
>game is over two years old, old as shit, boring
>you have to grind impossibly hard to get anything cool and somehow win races and deathmaches against level 789 players
>install mod and get a useable amount of in-game money that would have taken months of daily play to procure otherwise
>instantly banned
>why did I pay money for this shit again?
Be me
play with /gtag/
it's actually pretty fun
Must be on pc because for one you can't simply install mod and two I've been modding the console for the whole two years and never banned brah get good console MASTER RACE
git gud
seriously, level up doing shit, play heists and sell cars for $$, get gud nigga
>console peasant
>too autistic to realize it's fucking easy to make money
>pay $50 for hacks instead of spending 2hrs to get a good car
but muh feels
Yep, I'm on PC.
Dumped lots of hours into the game, doing various shit. Got to about lvl 58, still not enough money to get anything interesting. Got a Zentorno and T20 because of a hacked cash drop. Basically the only thing that kept me playing the game.
I'm not a bad player, I'm just not psycho about trying to play on a pro level.
how the fuck do you get to 58 and not have money, do you do nothing but races or some shit? git gud
Plus heists are stupid - either you host one and wait for hours upon hours to maybe, MAYBE end up with a crew who will complete a full mission without rage quitting. Or join someone elses heist and get jewed out of any sort of significant payout.
>Caring about the cash in a fun game
I'm glad rockstar is driving you all crazy.
Stop ruining my fun you shit plebs, git gud.
I guess I ended up with an OK amount of money, but not enough to really enjoy a good amount of the content.
Yeah, but R* purposely puts cash at arms length, to keep people playing and buying fucking shark cards or whatever they're called. It's about R* making money hand over fist, not about players being too shitty to enjoy the game fully.
I found racing to be one of the funner parts of the game. Sorry.
>not about players being too shitty
You fucking nigger pub normies can't even finish a heist 90% of the time.
You all suck and Rockstar should just turn off all auto-aiming assist for multiplayer.
OK, I'll go kill myself because in my own home, with a game that I purchased with my own money, I don't play the game the way that you like to play it.
Stop blaming issues that arn't the core of your problem which is being a better player.
Anyone who complains about the money in the game is just a bad player.
You're like a white dude blaming affirmative action because you can't get a job.
Play however you want, just quit bitching about your casualness on /b
Yeah, I guess I should have known better than to think that people here would understand.
Sorry pros, keep at it.
HAHA you sound like a woman now.
>coming to a forum for autistic Vietnamese rice farmers for empathy
i thought the normies were all on /soc
Interesting to see people actually defend rockstar. The online is fucked because of their greed
its basically pay to win
>Got money dumped on by a hacker months ago
>Didn't necessarily turn it down
>Banwave comes but misses me
>R* announces they won't ban victims of modders cash drops
>Week later, get banned
>Contact support, explain situation
>R* support apologizes and unbans me
>Says I can keep the cash
>Ask if I'll be banned for spending it or if I should wait till they remove it
>"Nope, have fun. Sorry for the inconvenience"
>Latest update just dropped
>Banned again
>Contact support, again.
>Ticket immediately closed, can't respond
>Create second ticket under glitches instead of ban appeal so it won't be closed automatically
>Create well thought out short post that links to the previous ticket/incident
>Post quotes from support saying I'm ok to continue playing
>8 days goes by
>No response
>Post on community page
>Community doesn't even read
>Spams, "Fuck you hacker!" & "Another modder begging to be forgiven. Fuck off :)"
>This continues for 3 days
>1 post per day asking for assistance on the quick moving community page
>3rd day, support messages on my topic finally
>"We're not discussing any sort of ban appeals or anything relating to them"
>Closes my topic
>Banned me from community page
>Deleted my tickets
All in all? I enjoyed GTA games. And the next one will probably be insanely epic and amazing.
But I'm not buying. R* has lost me as a customer from this experience.
>Hard day at work, go to play some gta online, chill out and have a beer.
>2 minutes on the server and I start exploding every time I respawn.
I'm glad your banned shit brain, I payed good money for a good game that was destroyed by a horrible community.
still waiting on my gtag invite pending 2 months....
Better than my shit.
>Bought a new copy
>Gets ring of death within a week due to friend
>Tell friend he can keep it
>Months later, I get a new copy from another friend
>Same disk, it had been passed as a birthday gift to three different people before being sold to me
>Toss the dead copy
>Buy another one from gamehub, their only copy
>should work fine
>This one is also crashing
>Took it back, had it repaired
>It did nothing
>Done with GTA and I've never even played it.
welcome to 1980.
This doesn't surprise me. Rockstars support is absolute shit. They don't give two shits about actually helping people out
It's ironic that a game about stealing and getting money illegally is so uptight about cheating.
Even the ingame rules
>Can't steal a player owned car.
>can't blow up a player owned car without a punishment
>Can't arrest anyone
>can't have consensual sex with other players, NPC prostitutes a-okay though.
I think i made it to like lvl 60 something, and like $3-4 million in cash and assets.
Just got so fucking boring. You have all the people who bought the game when it came out who exploited easy repeating missions for quick cash and exp, then i come along not more than a few months later and theyve nerfed everything, and i cant interact with anyone as id instantly get blown up by an rpg or some shit.
>tl;dr if i wanted to grind autistically, id go back to fucking runescape
Drop your IGN, I'll invite you right now [spoiler]if it isn't higgus[/spoiler]
check this:
>Mass Effect 3
>didnt have internet, so got file on external hdd to play campaign
>actually bought collectors edition 1st, but it required internet
>later, get internet
>download all the dlc caribbean style
>finally decide to install the legit version
>the fuck am i gonna do about all the unauthorized dlc?
>put in te crack, dont play through origin
>wanna try online
>switch to original exe, just in case.
>game bitches bout dlc, but doesnt matter for multiplayer
>swap exe for crack
>go online
>everythings fine
>check campaign
>everything works, even if run through origin
>go MP once, get a bunch of fucks on insanity
>clearly cheating
>want cheat too, cuz want guns in MP, but ive got 3 years of catching up
>look around the net
>learn about credits being stored in client
>use CheatEngine to get massive moneys
>buy boxes
>get gear
>class skills stored locally too
>add more points to class to max everything out
>everythings still fine
>fuck the police
>play SW:ToR f2p
>fuck paying
>time goes by, i pretty much turn f2p account for subscriber access with in-game credits alone
>EA here, we put out new patch
>EA here, we fucked up, dont buy that item for cheap as dirt and immediately sell it back to vendors for 100x profit, or ban
>do it
>ban for like a week
>after expiration, another ban
>contact fuckers, saying u already banned me for that, why r u punishing me twice for the shit i was already punished?
>EA here, cuz we want a balanced game for everyone and u got cash for nothing
>i write "c'mon, its like 3rd expantion, every1 is on new farming grounds, they r making 10x more credits than before, economy for f2p is fucked and i have to spend money to spend money, cuz thats your buisness plan. U have it written in your eula banned players can come back if u agree to it, so just do. U can even take back the credits in my accounts, so it «fair»"
>EA here, no.
i even offered to be equalized, so i cant "ruin it for others" anymore and it was their mistake to leave such a bug in, but they just kept being EA fags.
Its been a year, imma appeal again, its been another expansion, im sure p2w r earning 100x the credits now, but im still the problem with my 1-year-out-of-loop insignificant savings
>mods without spoofing console id/ip address.
>gets banned
Did it to yourself.
>tfw hacker have me 50 mil
>tfw I have no face
and the ugly people losers try to hurt me cause smell like shit like beyonce and is ugly and the ugly people losers try to hurt the attractive loser people and me the ugly way cause the ugly people losers smell like shit like beyonce and is ugly