Which is better?

Which is better?

Girls or Broad City

Both are shit stirring Jew shows.


Broad city because at least none of the cast are sexual abusers.

>generally mistrust and dislike jews because of their leanings toward cultural marxism and globalization
>I want to empty myself into this goofy looking girl
What the fuck is wrong with me?

>why am I attracted to a female? I'm supposed to be homosexual!

>What the fuck is wrong with me?
you're a bigot

you live a lonely and myopic life so when you're presented with someone who actually exists in the world it shatters your narrow and prepubescent worldview.

Name at least 1,092 good things the Jews have done.

who wouldn't fuck her over lena dunham

>you live a lonely and myopic life so when you're presented with someone who actually exists in the world it shatters your narrow and prepubescent worldview.
What are you actually talking about? I have Myopia douchebag.

Broad City I can actually watch and enjoy.

Girls annoys the hell out of me.

How am I a bigot?

>generally mistrust and dislike jews because of their leanings toward cultural marxism and globalization



a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

I'd say it's pretty cut and dried.

bc is funny and ilana/abby are objectively 10/10s
girls is annoying and l.dunham is disgusting

I hate that every discussion about shows about women has to operate under the assumption that because they're women, we naturally hate them. Maybe that actually is the majority of Sup Forums and I'm just out of touch.

Both are septic garbage and are perfect examples of the jews ruling our culture and trying to destroy the west
I'm not kidding


Considering brosd city is actually funny, I'd go with that user

dude white heterosexual men lmao

I like the 2 and a half seasons of Broad City that I've seen more than all of the seasons of Girls. BC has 2 seasons of really solid comedy under its belt, while Girls has had some missteps. They're different animals altogether. But I have watched both shows from the start, and I gotta say, both are very well written, well produced and have qts abound. Its all good television, even though Sup Forums hates Jews and women.

Lena Dunham seems like an annoying human but she is a funny writer and a good showrunner, at least for an HBO series.

FWIW Girls is more drama than Broad City, to compare both of them because they're both women-run shows is kind of lazy and reminds me of some Buzzfeed shit.