Civil War

I don't think we'll get a superhero film on par with The Dark Knight ever again. Zack Snyder is trying but he can't find the right screenwriter & he's bogged down by studio expectations. Disney & Marvel aren't trying because they already have a predetermined formula that they aren't in the least bit interested in changing. Disney knows the people that go to see their movies expect out of place one-liners that deflate tension & shallow character motivations that hold no gravitas. It's sad that we've become so comfortable with mediocrity without even realizing it. Disney is playing their audience like a violin & no one can stop them. They have the industry in the palm of their hand and they're squeezing the last ounce of artisitic integrity left inside of it. Their superhero films are suitable 2 hour time killers, but they can be so much more.

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Richard is that you?

>Zack Snyder is trying but he can't find the right screenwriter
Didn't he have an Academy Award-winning screenwriter?

why do these fucking normies keep mentioning dark knight when the pinnacle is actually batman begins?

>Zack Snyder is trying but he can't find the right screenwriter
Yeah, THAT'S what's holding him back.

I think you are wrong. How much will CW make?

Zack Snyder can't because he's a fucking retarded, tone deaf, meat-headed jock manlet and should be banned from ever making a movie again. He should just take up photography. Framing things is all he's good at.

>wahh marvel isnt gridmark
>look how edgy dc is !!1

Serious =/= Smart

>shallow character motivations
>entire family killed by avengers heroics, wants revenge but knows he can't fight them, tries to destroy internally
>cap anti-sign because of the near genocide in winter soldier due to corruption
>tony pro-sign because of guilt over thousands of innocent deaths in avengers 1/2
>tony snaps when realises bucky murdered his parents to steal technology
>wanda conflicted over directly causing a dozen deaths while trying to help
>despite nearly killing each other, cap is ultimately the epitome of truth and justice over greed or personal agenda, leaves tony with a means of contacting him

>this is somehow less shallow than 'gotham is full of criminals i must become a ninja'

Nice spoiler tag.

TDK was a lucky casting and script for one character with decent pacing.

Snyder's director cut will be good.

It will make a ton because it's an overhyped film that people will see because they'll watch literally anything.
>ad hominem

Kill yourself.

He really needs a heavy-handed Producer and editing team.

>It will make a ton because it's an overhyped film that people will see because they'll watch literally anything.

Like Batman v Superman.

Guys I think Captcha's trying to tell me something...

If not for BvS meme hate, this would average a 7/10

The problem is trying to make a batman flick "epic" when batman should be a fundamentally understated character

nah, his visuals are shit too. He should coach football, idk why but he has a face for it

I really liked this guy. He was probably one of the best part of the movie.

>I don't think we'll get a superhero film on par with The Dark Knight ever again
No shit Sherlock
1)DC never does something a second time which is why The Dark KnightRises was shit and didn't mirror TKD
2)Marvel are a bunch of hacks and faggots so they could never write a good script
3)Marvel does not know how to pick directors
4)Marvel characters are more of a campy super hero group which is why Ant Man and Deadpool were so good(also because they were done by fox who know how to make a good movie)
5) You will never see Werner Herzog direct an adaptation of The Question

It confused the fuck out of me. I knew I recognized him. I kept trying to picture him in Captain America 1 or 2, just to see where I know him from. One scene made it obvious that he was from Inglorious Basterds.

>DC never does something a second time which is why The Dark KnightRises was shit and didn't mirror TKD
B-but Batman Returns


>>parents killed by dangerous criminal , wants revenge but knows he can't fight him because he already got killed by someone else
>>have everything money can buy, but your parents are still dead and your childhood lover is pissed at you for wanting to take revenge
>on top of that, the city is full of criminals just like the one that killed your parents
>>leave the city to try and find a purpose for yourself
>>eventually get recruited by a weird ninja guy, but whatever, not like you have anything else to do, plus he promises to teach you how to beat up bad guys
>>realize the guy is a lunatic
>>basically burn down his house and kill his master and his comrades, on accident of course
>>return to gotham to clean up the city with your new skills and maybe reconcile with your childhood love

>'gotham is full of criminals i must become a ninja'

this still sounds like shit the way you put it

Dubs confirm.

BvS is way better that The Dark Knight


Zack Snyder can't because the only thing he can do is film-school tier cinematography.
He can't into story, he can't into comic books, or into characters.

>4)Marvel characters are more of a campy super hero group which is why Ant Man and Deadpool were so good(also because they were done by fox who know how to make a good movie)
Ant Man was Disney/Marvel
And Deadpool is a huge deviation from the rest of what Fox does.

hahahhahahahaha yeah the screenwriters are letting zack down BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

He does have a point,I genuinely feel that if Ledger hadn't died people wouldn't have praised it as much as they did,especially if he was shoehorned into The Dark Knight Rises.

Superhero movies are doomed to mediocrity. Hack Snyder has nearly killed the DCEU and as a result Warner Bros. are now going to treat their directors like shit, Disney has all of their directors follow a strict formula, Fox treats their directors like shit unless they're Bryan Singer or are working with a small budget. It looks like we'll never get another Raimi or Nolan.

>4)Marvel characters are more of a campy super hero group which is why Ant Man and Deadpool were so good

those two movies were soooooo bad

Horrible taste

He was a badass honestly

> did I lose?

Do you mean Batman Begins? TDK is good but Civil War is better.

Captain America: "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." I can do those things, because I'm not a hero. I don't deserve this shield.

Iron Man: No, you can't! You're not!

Cap: I'm whatever the Accords needs me to be. Call it in.

Tony: They'll hunt you.

Cap: You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me, because it's what needs to happen. Because sometimes the truth isn't good enough, sometimes people deserve more.. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.

Peter Parker: Cap? Cap! Why is he running, Mr. Stark?

Tony: Because we have to chase him.

Parker: He didn't do anything wrong.

Tony: Because, he's the hero the Avengers deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we'll hunt him, because he can take it.

Because he's not our hero. He's a proud patriot. A watchful protector.

The First Avenger.

Without the Joker, TDK is an average capeshit film

Ledger really made this movie great

Super Heroes are stupid.

At least Marvel tries to ground them in reality and be entertaining.

I dont need or want snyder-verse jesus symbolism, and nolan was a one-time thing. deal with it.

>Damage Control shill still pretending DC's movies have any redeemable qualities and complaining every piece of shit marvel churns out is substantially better than even the DC glory days, let alone Zack Snyder's two most recent abortions

Eh I have the same complaints with CW and BvS. Bad concept, heroes could have easily talked to eachother, story being muddled by subplots, trying to hard to be serious, heroes not acting like themselves in general. That being said they were both still watchable and enjoyable in their own ways but I won't pretend either were actually fucking good. Shit this is Sup Forums after all not Sup Forums

You're right.

DK was the only oscar level Cape movie so far.

Zack has visuals down but his idea men (Goyer/Nolan) should be put out to pasture. Good including Terrio and Affleck but those two need way more control IMO. Disney movies are entertaining but to me they are all 5-6/10 b comedy action movies. They never really try to be more. Like them but I won't pretend they are actually good.

Though it's hard not to compare the two franchises I feel like DCs second movie is fine not great but pretty similar to Iron Man 1 and Iron Man 2s opening the MCU. Didn't really like the Iron Man trilogy but it had to happen to get to the rest of the fun stuff if that makes sense.

Either way, I'm glad these movies exist but I can't help but think that superhero stuff works so much better as tv shows and cartoons.

Wasted opportunity. Could have used alot more Zemo.

casual detected.

Superheroes can be intelligent. Alot of great commentary to be had. Marvel is more self deprecating, skipping out on plots/villains to make jokes. Snyder is the opposite is trying so hard to be serious he's forgetting in some of the innate fun of the characters. Both approaches are shitty to me.