Regarding Wakanda

>Comes from a country that's basically composed of advanced niggers due to supposed technological advances exclusive just to their country for centuries
>Said country of advanced niggers are closed off to the entire world and apparently have poor relations to other nigger nations despite how "connected" the world is right now

Geez and you wonder why? We may or may not be as aware of nigger continent problems as opposed to sandnigger problems in our post 9/11 world but those guys had their own shitty problems to deal with such as blood diamonds, civil wars, child soldiers, etc.

Obviously the MCU parallels the real world of today so what the fuck were these advanced niggers doing when their less advanced brethren were suffering? After watching Civil War, I felt the problems that the continent has withstood (and I still enduring today) could have at least been staved off had they chose to play nice and actually become a part of it and not be act cool kids and exclude everybody from their SEKRET KLUB. No wonder the rest of continent hated their ass. At least based on this movie, it seemed like they /finally/ decided to join the rest of the world (But only because the Avengers had a hand in it)

I just hope that based Black Panther's solo movie will at least explain what went down in like the past century or so regarding their country and its relation with the rest of the world for it to be like this.

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Sup Forums pls go

>nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
just too much nigger man

So Wakanda is basically like Marvel's rip-off of Gorilla City, right?

Because of all the intelligent apes with advanced technology?

>not realizing that all other boards are Sup Forums colonies

polonies, if you will

Man you Sup Forums faggots try way too hard to be politically incorrect.

Good posts but lets watch those n bombs guys

sounds like Latveria.


You made your opinion completely worthless with your edgy 12 year old racist shit. Try again and this time talk like a regular person, fuckface


T b h and f a m get censored but this shit is just tolerated? Can't wait until we get a report button back for this retarded shit so we can have discussions about films and TV instead of tryhard Sup Forums shit again. Keep hiding behind your anonymity pussy or go post this shit to Facebook or your blog so you can get BTFO by someone with half a brain cell

Ironic (or unironic?) shit posting racism that reeks of trying too hard to fit in aside, I kind of see his angle?

There should be no reason why MCU Africa had to endure many of the problems it suffered (and are still suffering) when there's an advanced nation inside it that could have helped out.


I want Tumblr to leave.

Fuck I hate Black Panther. He's the least believable superhero ever created by either Marvel or DC.

I can believe radioactive Spider bites, cosmic alien races, super soldiers, wizards, magic, mutants and advanced suit technology but I can't for the life of me believe that niggers live in some super secret advanced country in Africa. It's completely illogical, it goes against everything we understand about evolution and biology. The negro race is incompetent and savage and that's displayed through their history and the fact they never contributed anything to the world or never actually built anything which is technically defined as a civilisation without foreign influence. There have been gorillas which have shown more emotional range that the average sub saharan negro and even higher IQs. And Marvel honestly expects me to sit there and believe niggers live in some technologically advanced super city. Fuck off

Isolated cultures usually stagnate and barely advance at all.

New Guinea is still in the stone age in some areas.

Even Japan with its isolation still had interactions with China and nearby islands.

What bothers me about Wakanda is the bullshit advancements when it's clear that history shows you need cultures to interact for advancements to happen.

Medieval Yurop itself benefited a great deal from the Arab, Ottoman and Chinese exchanges/discoveries.


Like whats your problem?

Reminder that DOOM conquers Latveria and gets the Pantherforce.

What's going on here? We being raided? Sup Forums always has and always will be racist. Niggers.

This thread is gonna be a hit. I can feel it.

Vibranium came from crashed alien ship with super advanced tech

They reverse engineered it senpai

How is this not as seen as ultimate racism?

"We know your continent is a shithole with Albinos getting carved up to be used in sorcery, so we invented this "Coming to America" type place with a Super Hero named after an animal from the new world.

So much Reddit ITT that it hurts

He'll be a symbol for them to strive for

How to spot a nigger.

Who taught you coons how to use a computer? lmao

Go back to Africa, Obungo, you black fuck. Stop leeching off white civilisation you molasses jackasses. Your mongrel subhuman race never contributing a single thing to the advancement of humanity.

Black Panther was the best part of Civil War. I'm more interested in seeing his solo flick than Infinity War or Dr. Strange.

Why so triggered, friendo?


Will you be taking your wife's son with you?

>actually took the time to write this

Boy there are some ASSBLASTED Sup Forumstards today

Jesus christ its been summer one fucking day.


Go back to the jungle you worthless sack of shit


Absolutely disgusting.

>What bothers me about Wakanda is the bullshit advancements when it's clear that history shows you need cultures to interact for advancements to happen.

Isn't Wakanda a "special case" in that regard then? It is my understanding that their entire culture and economy revolves mainly around Vibranium, a highly advanced metal so perhaps they didn't find the need to communicate with other cultures?

But then again, I find it hard to believe that despite having this nearly unlimited amounts of the advanced metal in their possession, they were able to develop a technologically advanced nation in the first place if they're so exclusive and ideas aren't flowing in and out of the country. I can only assume that Wakanda has been gifted with some genius engineers and scientists or something for their country to make the most out of the metal and be ahead of nearly every country in the world.

Marvel also made a black cripple super hero kek

Might as well make him gay too and have the most progressive hero ever.

fuck off to

>implying I'm white

>nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
>look how edgy and #unPC I am
It just feels forced at this point.


>so what the fuck were these advanced niggers doing when their less advanced brethren were suffering?

Contrary to popular belief, Africa is a big place with a lot of different people who hate each other or at least don't feel obliged to go out of their way to solve someone else's problems.

>they reverse engineered Vibranium
How did they know how to do that? Does it give the Wakanda citizens super intelligence? I just don't understand how an isolated nation is so advanced to the rest of the world because they have a lot of alien metal.


But they're niggers, that's the point. In real life they can't even figure out how to build a fucking car let alone a helicopter and you honestly expect me to believe fucking NIGGERS of all people reverse engineered super advanced alien technology.

Literally less believable than the Hulk actually existing
Also >ITT niggers



>people bitching about the word nigger
>posting on Sup Forums

Sup Forums isn't your safespace, user. We're here to stay.


I say it a hundred times before I get out of bed in the morning; it makes my teeth whiter.

You guys do realize this is trolling overflow from the colossal normie raidfest that is Sup Forums right now, right?

>Anything I don't like with and disagree with is Sup Forums
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
>People surely can't actually hate niggers outside of le containment board meme and certainly not in real life

ebin meme you down syndromed nigger but it's time you fuck off back to your safespace circlejerk hugbox


You know, if niggers actually got their shit together, stopped raping and committing crimes at statistically disproportionate rates while only constituting as 12% of the country's demographic, presented their communities well, aren't the primary race to live off welfare, aren't the primary race to account for single mothers and homicide and jail sentences then maybe people wouldn't despise them so much. You need to get out of your safespace and realise these are issues and ideologies found in the real world, faggot. But the truth is that's never going to happen because they simply never evolved to the level of Europeans, or any race for that matter, and are simply still stone age barbaric savages whose greatest invention was the mud hut. They're going to stay chimps and the only way to deal with them is eradication or deportation, otherwise white countries are doomed to suffer regression at the hand of the negro.

Are you triggered?

Regressive leftist truly believe treating others as pets is "equality"

t. cuck

Not your safe space either nigger. Go suck dicks.

Eh, that's because these all have an outside catalyst, a tool that grants the characters power and allows us to suspend our disbelief. But for Wakanda, we're supposed to believe something like this could just happen on it's own, assuming the MCU's world is historically and socially parallel to our own. If Hydra had a hand in Wakanda's advances, or tied in some alternate history to explain some secret society of Wakandans that was able to aid their country, but acting like in today's day and age, that a third world country could have naturalized technology that rivals our own is unfathomable. We've practically started wars over nuclear power that Middle Eastern countries tried to cover up. That's why this doesn't work. We have no point of reference to radioactive arachnids, or a Norse Pagan dimension, or even some ass-pull of a miniaturized energy generator, but having an African country be more advanced than the combined first world when in reality only a handful of countries there can even maintain themselves for a decade without revolution or civil war, or general anarchy, is just too much of a stretch. It sounds dangerously close to those tumblr theories about how whites stumbled upon an intelligent civilization in Africa, and then suppressed the knowledge of such a civilization and their advancements, before enslaving them. I'll wait for the Black Panther movie before I pass full judgement, but Wakanda as a whole seems too utopian for our world, that's to say nothing of Africa itself.

are you being ironic?

>OP is obvious falseflagging
>defend Sup Forums since it's being raided, just this once
>get attacked by Sup Forumstards too stupid to understand I'm defending them
Fool me once.

Sup Forums is the other way

Funny you bring up the parallels between the marvel cinematic universe and our own world. It is literally the same reason why America and other 1st world countries struggle to help other's achieve the same status. IT IS SIMPLY TOO HARD.

The advances in technology and the creation of strong companies come from hard work and resources. If it was as simple as "let's just help other people become great" they would have done it.

For example we have the problem of migration across the whole world. Nobody thinks "Well if they aren't from here, they don't deserve a good life!", it actually is more like "Why should we waste money, resources, and time, on people who cannot even run their own country...We would take care of them if we could, but our own well being comes first."

Wakanda is literally the result of a country who decided to be selfish and use their own resources, vibranium, for themselves. Without doing so, they would have not had reached their potential.

Go back to Sup Forums.

>What's going on here?