Feels thread

Feels thread
Drink your sorrows away with some fellow anons

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Fuck yeah woman i like flirts with my best friend besides me anymore when i introduced her to my group.

Fuck women

cheers user, the store here opens in 1h45m then ill get some hanky banister because im a brokefag and drink the weekend away

why are you drinking

I'm sorry bro, what a bitch. If it makes you feel any better my fiance just left me for her ex after lying to me saying there was nothing going on for the last 3 weeks (they were still friends)

right now my girlfriend is having an existential crisis and lashing out at everyone/thing

Because I'm broke, I keep a lie to my family because I'm afraid of disappointing them but they are so proud of me I cant bare to let them down, no one knows I tried to kill myself last year only me, my pride keeps me from seeking help from my family.

Women must love treating the good guys like shit..I start to think they get off to it

no, she still loves me as much as i love her, she's just going through a rough patch in her life right now

IMO you have 3options
>tell them that you are fucked
>do a cut and get your shit up and running
>leave everything and start new

and for you my favorite bird normally im a /k/ommando

On top of that I'm months behind on bills, lost my phone service, had to call my father on father's day with spare change I found laying around my room and still lied to both my folks tell them everything is okay. Since I'm no longer in the military I haven't been getting my meds and I suffer from Manic Depression, lately everyday is a battle of wills to try to find a reason not to end it all, my family is all that stops me, I can't imagine what it would be like for my parents to have to bury me at only 22 but here recently.. that willpower is fading more and more each day.

Just try to be there for her man, do everything you can to deal with it and try to get both of you into counseling if it keeps happening. Dealing with crazy is hard. Feeling like you failed to help is so much harder.

Don't worry fellow anons. According to my VERY thorough study of the stars and various religious texts from ancient civilizations, the Great Zebhambrute will be returning once more to bring the worthy to our true homeworld of Zebcratznuktah here within the next week.

However, Zebcratznuktah is in a separate dimension (if you understand the numerous dimensions proposed by String Theory, then it'll save a lot of explaining), and the only way for Zebhambrute to ferry your soul is to do the following:

>Anoint yourself in oil
>Oil must blessed by saying the words "Zebcratz merka sugatzo crest mai dalam" three times while anointing yourself
>Step into a circle of nine lit candles (nine candles for each one of the the holy Zebchosu)
>Light yourself with a tenth lit candle

That's all there is to it. May you find eternal happiness in the glory of the Zebchosu.

Sorry to hear that chief, Hope things work out for you

OP here again, Vodka is all to surpress the urge not to breakdown tonight, I honestly have no clue what to do with my life at this point I'm drowning in my hopelessness. Cheers to all of you and future posters in this thread, I feel for you my fellow anons.

>be me
>madly in love with 8/10 qt
>become friends with her
>convince myself over the course of a year and a half that she like me too
>tell her how I feel
>"ok" and walks away
>friendship crumbles

Tell me I'm going to make it, lads.

Reason: Can't sleep and high anxiety/panic attacks/ depression all my life.
Why I'm drinking now: Haven't slept for 2 days and strangely want to stay up now just for the euphoria of being intoxicated.

Corona extra for me....its all i could afford at the moment. taste awful but at least its gonna help me smile and feel good later

fuck this. a guy i knew for 5 years has been giving me so many mixed signals that i don't know if i even want to move on or not. we flirt, we touch each other, we talk about personal shit, but he goes on to flirt with some other fat bitch and never replies to my messages. i don't even know if he likes me or not anymore. i want to ask him out and see but i'm just a dirty coward.

OP, I'll join you mates. Because fuck it right? Another down for you two as well. Cheers.

>be me
>working ass off in college, dont want to disappoint family
>be dating girl for bout a year but she's perfect for me
>i constantly take naps due to stress
>girl thinks i just sleep to ignore her
>one day girl comes home from drinking
>starts demanding shit and forcing me to do shit like a servant
>me being massive cuck, obey her for fear of losing her
>after everything's done, we have sex and i take a nap
>I wake up from nap and shes still drunk and fucking pissed
>starts beating me
>still too afraid of losing her to hit back, plus morals and shit
>grabs pair of scissors from nightstand
>lets just say i couldnt use my left arm after that for a month
>user im so sorry, i was drunk
>really dont wanna lose this chick, blame it on alcohol
>3 months later; she finds out i've dated guys in the past
>super religous
>starts beating me again, whips me across face with belt
>throws such a strong hook against my head it gives me slight brain damage
>lost sense of smell from that
>she never talked to me again
tl;dr user was a cuck and didnt stand up against abusive GF

I don't drink, the only relief from the pain of life is permanent.

Wtf is hanky banister?!?!

shit man, that's fucking horrid. what a bitch.
you're gonna make it mr. user. move on to a 10/10 qt who will love you better than she ever could've.

I appreciate it, bro! Someone who understands that most who drink don't do it just for the "jollies".

>be me
>my parents treat the bf of my sister like crap
>want to talk with parents about it
>go on a birthday of a friend get wasted like no one ever got before
>snort coke to not fall in a coma
>get home at 3am and get in a huge fight with my dad
>everything is blur but i guess we had a serious hand to hand fight
>mother is crying
>sister is crying
>next day i am informed by my dad that my grandma had n heart attack and is in the hospital
>i just shrugg and fuck off

Guys i think i fucked up

Life always gets better if you need someone to talk to (I know i did) there is always someone who is willing to listen there is always the suicide hotline.

just be glad you got out of that situation. you're not a cuck. you were just in love.

Thanks, user. That's what I keep telling myself.

>Don't hate myself enough to die
>Don't love myself enough to care

fuck that twat at least you dont need to smell that cunt again :^)

So if we light ourselves on fire we go to magic fairy land?

I see what you did there you sly son of a gun

OP, here in past experience if he's had this long you or him would have made a move by now, if he's leading you along and it's fucking with your head, move on its not worth it, his loss. But whatever you feel just know this drunk user supports your decision and hopes well. Cheers
I'm very sorry to hear that, but I'm happy to know she isn't around to make you suffer, you deserved better, you weren't a cuck in any sense my friend you just had a heart that meant well.



Just get drunk and do it


Thanks anons, I still think I couldve stood up against her or anything, but I try to make myself forget... The scars and the constant quality of air make it hard to

I hope you all get aids


nearing thirty and my life is stagnant. I dropped out of uni, I have a job that I hate, I'm way behind on rent, and I've never had a gf.

> ex is taking my daughter off me
> shes literally my life
> if I lose her im killing myself
> ex dosnt even care

Fuck this world man

Serious question, whats the best way. I heard it was slitting wrists but after reading into it, it seemed far too painful.

What I'm chugging on. I know it's not the best, but buys spirits for the flavor? Mix it something you like and you can't even taste it and enjoy.
>captcha is coffee, I hate that stuff.

I need a new perspective. I'm sick of feeling numb

>Be me, Indian
>Join a chat room app coz I'm alone and have no friends
>Tell people I'm from murica and Catfish as an average looking murican
>start talking to this qt, we become good friends, slide into kik dm, been gr8 friends over an year
>We play all day long on steam and chat all day
>I realize I have fallen for her
>Can't express it coz I'm a Catfish to her
>delete the id, walk away, she's been looking for me and asking other fellow chat room comrades about me for almost a month

Idk what to do, help me anons

Cheers to this user cause I feel the same way

I feel that suffering.

This is a bitch of a world we live in friend, your ex doesn't deserve her, and I can't imagine what your going through, I drink to you user.

Known this girl a while, stayed away because she was dating a friend but they broke up a while ago. We both started catching feelings, we started dating and a week in she asks for space to get over some stuff she was dealing with so she can fully love me. We both want to continue after she has gotten over this stuff, but every day it hurts not being with her, we went from really good friends to a couple to not even talking now while I give her space. I got a time frame and she has a plan, she's really dedicated but I'm not even close to halfway through the min estimate and feeling lonely as fuck. Today was probably a low point too, my chest hurt for hours and I'm a bit depressed now, hence why I'm in this thread.

indians are hot
be yourself

Not too many sorrows but I wish you others well. Drinking everclear with some chums.

Drink with us user, we all feel the same pain you feel

>be me
>dating girl for 3 years
>she has a daughter
>3 years old
>3 years old dating ended up moving in with her
>for 1 year
>in america *im from australia*
>year passes
>propose to her
>she says yes
>i go home to australia
>plans wedding
>plans honey moon
>gets great deal on flights to japan
>fuck yes
>months pass
>buy her 2 tickets for her and her daughter
>she declines to board the flight hours before it leaves...
>cant come due to mother is sick
>seems legit... wasted nearly 3k
>waits 2 weeks
>buys her another set of tickets...
>she cant come.. says her work is more important and she can earn a bit of money before coming home...
>get mad and ask her whats up.
>she said she is done
>leaves me for some homo looking mother fucker
>named jeremy johnson
>months pass
>i slowly swab the pain off
>i cancel her ticket to japan
>lose a Fair chunk of the price if i cancel it
>choose to extend my flight to first class
>stay in japan for 3 months with return
>in japan
>drinking every day
>parents call last week
>mum had a stroke
>she has lost 80% of her vision
>her operation is today to correct it
>her chances are not good
>either go blind. or die to trying to fix it.
>wants to kill myself

>wants to throw self infront of a train line...


oil really ain't that easy to ignite. gasoline maybe? or just try harder?

Two year anniversary of my fiancee dumping me.

Drinking a handle of Jameson's tonight, lads.

I have rum but nothing to mix it with and I have work tomorrow. It's just fucking agonizing. I know we will be better for it, but all I can see is day to day and we are talking up to 2 months.

tell her the truth, mr. user. she's looking for you, man. don't leave her like that.

Welcome to the thread, Cheers


Nothing in life ever works out the way you want it to, nor the way you feel it should. No matter what you do, there will always be someone or something stopping you from getting what you desire, whether that's a feeling, an object or whatever.

But we move on, we keep moving forward with the hope and thought it will work out. I believe in you, user. I believe in all of you, because I don't believe in myself anymore. That's all I can offer.

Sorry man, I'll drink for us both then

i feel your pain man, for some reason society doesnt recognize that a man can love his children.
now my experience wasnt with my own kid, but let me share.
back in 2012 i got depressed, i was going to kill myself, and i stopped going to work. shortly after i met Tasha. tasha is my best friends sister, but she needed a place to stay for awhile so she stayed with me. i got cucked HARD. she slept in my bed with me, we would cuddle but nothing more than that. i fell for her real hard, decided maybe theres something to live for after-all. now at this time i had a car but i wasnt using it for anything, so whatever i let her use it. she leaves for weeks at a time, with no contact at all shows back up when she needs some place to crash. eventually i get kicked out of that place, and move in with my mom in her trailer. fast forward to 2013, i have another job, im hanging out with tasha again. she got back together with her ex, he got her pregnant, and he left. she has the baby, gorgeous little girl. when she is 2 months old i tell tasha im tired of being just friends, im ready to be a dad (pretty much the only goal i have in life) and she says yea, she'll give it a shot. she moves in with me at my moms trailer because she was evicted, unemployed single mother and all that. well i was working at toys r us at that time, making shit money, so i went and got a better job at a call center, got us a new place so we can have enough room for the family. moving forward to 2014 now, she tells me she never loved me, and never felt like i was her boyfriend, just someone she lives with. but i still love her, and i love her daughter. she was 2 months old when we got together and i was the only father she had ever known. the relationship is absolute crap, she treated me like complete shit, but i was suicidal before an i was clinging on as hard as i could. we didnt even have sex once a month, every single day she would scream at me for nonsense. cont...

same here man.
its been allmost a year for me.

I mean I dont know

Im not hanging myself because I dont my kid to see that. I need something g clean

Already drinking so much friend. But thanks

>be 17
>enlist in the National Guard while junior in high school
>parents had to sign off on me
>go to basic training that summer as a split option
>supposed to come back to finish senior year, then ship off to AIT
>midway through BCT, take a bad fall off Eagle Tower
>break three vertebrae
>get sent home, told I was being discharged
>lucky to be alive, let alone walking
>barely pass senior year because I was so depressed
>move from IL to NC with the girl I dated the passed three years
>find out after a month she was posting adds on Craigslist and fucking a bunch of frat guys on the UNC and NC State campuses
>kick her out
>move back to IL a couple months later
>living and working with a buddy from the Army
>he's got really bad anger problems
>get kicked out over a nonexistent sandwich he swore I ate
>homeless and jobless now
>move in with my grandma
>she's dying of brain cancer
>more of a mother to me than my real mom and step mom combined
>have to take care of her 24/7
>meet cute 7/10 girl
>grandma dies
>start drinking a lot
>working at pizza hut, living in a shithole apartment
>dating girl for almost three years now
>job opportunity back in NC
>move to take job, girlfriend stays behind until get a place
>rent a nice house
>ask her to marry me
>fuck yeah things are finally going great
>stop drinking
>find out a week later she's been fucking one of the people I used to work with at pizza hut
>make a breathtakingly stupid decision to quit job and move back to IL to try and save relationship
>blows up in my face immediately
>get a job offer in OK from best friend from high school
>says he needs help cause he just had a kid and is coming up short on bills
>no prob, bro
>stay in OK for a month
>help him get back on track, and things are finally going good for him
>while at work, someone tells me all of my stuff is outside
>find a bus ticket to NC with a note saying, "Thanks for all the money, loser."
>quit job to go back to NC
>living with my dad for three months

If I tell her the truth, she probably won't talk to me ever, so probably best to just exit out of her life as a good friend than scar our year long friendship

I mean I have very little money to pay for her to eat and stuff. So my ex used that against me mostly but I feel sorry for you man

>land a job at the factory he works at
>save up all my money for four months
>renting an amazing house with nice furniture
>love my job
>decided recently to go back to school this spring to major in engineering
>have awesome friends down here
>enjoying the single life
>still drinking, but not nearly as much as before

Point is, Sup Forumsros, sometimes shit just seems to get absolutely fucked beyond all hope, but if you put in the effort and keep pushing through all the bullshit, things do turn around.

Thanks Sup Forumsrother.

Be honest with her, if she feels the same way she will look past it and find a way to understand and not be mad, give it a shot user, OP is rooting for you.

I'd share my vodka but I'm in Florida, cheers friend

Cheers to you to user

Wanna tell me the story, or just get drunk?

Two years.

now i wish i was exaggerating here. i was putting in full time, 40 hours a week to make money for us, she was working not even 10 a week. she thought that because she took care of nova all day while i was at work, that of course i should have to take care of her the entirety of the time i was home. she knew i loved the little lady and couldnt let her be neglected, so of course she just did literally nothing, knowing since i wouldnt let her go neglected i would step up. the relationship lasted for 2 years, 2 months, and 2 days before i broke up with her, and honestly i still dream about them every night, 8 months later. i havent been allowed to see her daughter since then

Just explain to her that you didn't feel comfortable as yourself, but she makes you feel comfortable and you started to catch feelings for her. Just be honest dude, worst case and you end up with something you can move past, best case she accepts you for who you are and also shows interest.

Been there, my man. I don't understand why females are so perfectly happy with "friendships" with guys. The guy always wants more- and that's the reason he sticks around. Guess they really are just wired different. They're not necessarily trying to lead you on or get attention from you- I used to think that when I was young too.

Take my advice dude don't stick around don't be available. Play uninterested, seem busy, do things you enjoy. Dont make first contact with them for conversations. Eventually that 9/10 qt will see your independence and want to make you commit to her. Good luck user it gets better. Be the man you wanna be, see yourself the way you want to be seen. Your perception of yourself is the only reality.

kill yourself faggot

Haven't been on a date in about a year. Sucks being alone, but it's better than the last relationship. Though that's not saying much at all


get all the awesome drugs - take em - don't tell anyone - be alone - sleep.

I put my gun to my head tonight and my cat started freaking out

>half a fifth of Early Times whiskey and 7 beers thus far

wrong lol.

the correct answer is 'dont be a pussy and just say something, if she doesn't reciprocate then move on. dont play some dumb game'

All these stories in this thread and anons sympathizing...I fell in love with a girl who never loved me back. I sank into a deep depression, and when I posted about it here on Sup Forums, they tracked her down and tried to send her pony porn in the mail, signed from me.
You fuckers are disgusting hypocrites and I hate you all.

tell her! now you've got no contact and if you speak to her that is exactly the worst thing to happen. anything else is better.

>Just woke up.
>Already joining you with some good vodka's shot.
>Already on my third.
>It's only been 10mins i'm up.

And still, i feel my story is shitty when i read some of yours here.

It's been over a year that she broke up with me, forced by her parents to do so. ( she listen to them for everything despite she's 21. )
We've been together for 2 years.
I still love her like it was the first day, she was so perfect.

For all the anons who push the people that love them away with their bitterness and negativity...
The ones who feel so fundamentally broken inside they sabotage their own happiness.
This drink is for you.

Damn bro, that's a hit. I'm sorry.

I tied my extension cord into a noose.

>almost did it twice now

>fiance left
>honeymoon in japan
>mother had stroke
>may die today
>wants to kill self.

Op here, halfway through first bottle.


Doesn't sound very perfect if she can't think for herself and is just a puppet to her mom and dad

I just wanna say Im glad OP made this post. It pats my back knowing im not going through hardship alone and i got you guys to talk about it with...you all are great ass faggots like me.. Cheers to this Thread!


EVERY ONE: Let's drink so we don't feel, feelings anymore!

Damn bro. nailed it. Cheers.

all of you faggots(lie guys)
stop being so alcoholic , im here crying while eating Swiss chocolate ice cream :c

>tfw growing up
>tfw growing up means leaving friends behind
>life making me move hundreds, then thousands of miles away from everyone
>tfw they never visit but expect you to

Cmon man, thats not all of us. Ill admit, Sup Forums aint the place with the most perfect people but people like the ones here, they wont hurt you. We're here to cry with you man, to tell you everything gonna be alright when no one else will. Above all the shit we do and the shit the internet blames us for doing, we're a community above all else. And a community, they help each other.

I'm trying my best.

>be me 2 months ago
>boyfriend of nearly 3 years starts staying at dad's house randomly
>I just don't feel the same about you anymore
>mfw he's not cheating or falling for someone else
>he let's me cry my eyes out in his arms, leaves the next day
>fastoward a week
>He continues to tall to me normally
>why are you doing this
>we hang out one a week for a month
>it kills me every time.
>I begged him to not leave twice
>begin to stop messaging him as often, I'm bitter
>one day decides to confess every weird fetishes and sexual fantasy he's ever had about me
>we hang out again, talk a little bit about weird conversation
>I just need time
>we eventually stop talking frequently.
>mental break down, keep to self
>drunkenly confront him about weird behavior.
>let's hang out
>go see movie, go back to my place
>watch favorite show together
>3 am, plus don't go
>he sleeps next to me all night
>can we hang out again in a couple days?
>comes over watch favorite TV show
>can I hold you?
>can I kiss you?
>why are you doing this?
>I miss you
>we proceed to hug and kiss and cuddle
>I whisper come home to me
>I'm afraid
>we end up having sex
>I still need time to think
And I died inside.

"thanks for all the money, loser" jesus christ man I'd be fucking livid. Good job on getting through that mess.