Just finished watching S1 of this and It's prolly one of the best tv shows I've watched

Just finished watching S1 of this and It's prolly one of the best tv shows I've watched.
>woody fucking all the girls and funny
>matthew with a god tier character
Is season 2 worth my time I've heard mixed things about???

Other urls found in this thread:


If season 1 is 10/10 season 2 is like a 7/10 apart from the last episode which is a 9/10. I'd say watch it, but it's definitely not as good.


S2 is good for:
>McAdams faps
>BASED RAY (best character in both seasons desu, also the greatest tragedy)

Other than that it's irredeemebly shit, irredeemebly.

Season 1 is a great flick.
Season 2 is a mediocre kino.

>BASED RAY (best character in both seasons desu, also the greatest tragedy)
>m-muh fat pussy

He was ok in a the crash is coming and you can't look away kind of way. Vince was the GOAT tough, apart from the shitty wife scenes, Christ they were dull

Season 1 fell apart halfway through, but at least the characters were still enjoyable to watch.

Season 2 was just garbage. Bad plot and bad characters.

I would say season two is not worth watching, but it was fun as an experience watching it alongside Sup Forums when it aired.

I´m exactly like rust, so since my point of view season 2 was alright if a little disappointing sometimes.

Yes it's worth watching at least once. It's not really anything like S1 besides some minor reoccurring themes. I personally really loved it and felt the characters were more interesting than Rust and Marty

Vince was a terrible character, Vince is a terrible actor.
Ray was the most realistic and enjoyable character, even moreseo than Rusty Sue.

You'll enjoy it if you don't expect it to be as good as S1, also its an entirely different feel, none of that buddy cop stuff

For me, one thing fucked up everything - i was expecting occultism/dark themes like in 1st one, i got just a glimpse into New Age. Sure i liked Ray dream sequence but i was expecting whole season around these themes, not just typical cop show.

S104 is probably some of the finest piece of television ever made.

i am a fan of Rachel
Also anyone know who the girl is that woody is screwing and she tells him she wants him to have anal with her?? Girl was smoking

rust cohle is so cliche.

Horrible opinion. Frank was a great character and had the best dialogue. It's probably Vince's best character performance ever (for what that's worth)

That scene in the redwoods in the last episode. It's preceded by the best freakout ever after he realizes they tracked his car with the most obvious tracking device ever. Why the fuck would you need a giant red LED?

It was all worth it for that run through the woods as he is slowly hunted. Then, dying, knowing he is seconds away from not existing and after dictating a final message to his son and hitting send...


Better than anything in the first season.

are you morons putting your comments through google translate or something?

Vinceposting was short lived gold

Name a character from any other TV show or film that's like him.

You sound extremely stupid, Vince was so terrible he immediately turned into a meme, he is a parody of a character with depth.
None of his actions made any sense and his dialogue felt like it was written by a 15 year old who just took psychology 101 and has Pulp Fiction posters hanging in his room.

Ray was just a hyper-realistic character portrayed by a very capable actor, unlike any other character in TD except for maybe Marty.

Ray's arch was the best.

Any ''cool'' anime character.
Not the same guy.

Ray is like what every edgy teen has ever dreamt of being at some point.

>Le edgy fedora tipper who is a misanthrope

House was like him. The only difference was that Rust became a christian at the end.

Ray was such a piece of shit.

When they teased the season with the "locked inside a holy war" song and you see the bad guy wearing a balaclava putting his finger up to his lips and going "shhhh".

The reveal that's fucking Ray about to rough up a journalist for the mob? Priceless.

>became a Christian
You are retarded

You can't trust Sup Forums to have an objective opinion on it because it had a gay character. Watch it and make up your own mind. It's not the greatest but it's better than 75% of the shit on TV. I'd much rather watch it again than the last season of Game of Thrones

>no one likes me
>my fat, ginger kid is a fucking loser piece of shit
>my only friend is a scumbag mafia middle manager

Yeah, Ray was fucking awesome.

I meant to say Rust, not Ray.

That's why he's the GOAT

Not nearly enough qts in S2 desu

I disagree with you so im stupid? Get fucked. This is why you can't have a decent discussion on Sup Forums anymore. All the dialogue in S1 and S2 is just as cheesy and rediculous, that's why I like it. Sorry it wasn't Shakespeare

>Ray was such a piece of shit
Yes and no. Sure he's no saint but most of shit comes from the fact that he wants to earn money for his son + he's indebted to Frank. It's not like he wants to work all that stuff but sees that there's no escape from it.

They should've had Alexandra Dadarrio show her tits again in season 2, then people would like it more.

>You are retarded

He did though.

You are one of those atheists who got buttblasted when Rust converted, aren't you?

Nothing Frank ever said or did was poignant or interesting at all, it all felt very forced and vapid.
He immediately turned into a meme, it felt like TD2 was TD fan-fiction and someone tried to replace Rust who seemed to actually make coherent edgy statements with a new Rust, but he accidentally wrote a Rust that survived two semi-fatal car accidents that severely impaired his cognitive abilities which resulted in the retard that is Frank.

I guess it really boils down to taste, but Frank was weak man.
Ray actually encaptured real emotion.

Also: Sup Forums was always shit breh

No, just skip S2. Unless you you're a masochist.

He dropped pessimism for optimism, it had nothing to do with theism/antitheism.
Pizza got accused of ripping-off Ligotti, but in reality he formulated a counter-argument to Ligotti with Rust, who goes from Schopenhauer's pessimism to Nietzsche's optimism.

Rust was the only reason to watch the show. It's a shame they don't make more characters like him, sometimes it feels good to relate to someone.

Imagine Rust and Ray in one car.

Basically Rust and Marty, except Ray would zone-out more often thinkgen bout fat pussy and alimony.
I want to see Rust and Frank together.

>He dropped pessimism for optimism, it had nothing to do with theism/antitheism.

Yes, it did.

He had a near death experience and saw/felt his dead daughter in heaven. You are retarded.

Season 2 is a let down but at least admire they tried to do something different

Problem with season 2 is that there were too many main characters and the stiff acting by all of them except for Colin Ferrell.

listen to this guy

S1 of TD might be one of the finest pieces of television ever produced. Its such a shame that it dropped off so hard in S2.

It's kept extremely vague, but nothing that is related to religion has ever been brought up in the final episode, at all.
The only thing there is is that there was some ham-fisted Jesus imagery glued on Rust.

Rust says "Mang when I was dying I felt the warmth of my family it was like they were with me", nothing at all indicates that he turned religious or anything retarded like that, give the show a bit more credit than that, it's not -completely- brain-dead.

The dialogue in the end is Rust and Marty acknowledging that the world is fucked up and dark, and that they won't succeed at defeating evil, but that Rust now believes that purpose and happiness can be found on this earth, especially after remembering the love he felt for his family.

>time is a flat circle

what did he mean by this?

>It's kept extremely vague, but nothing that is related to religion has ever been brought up in the final episode, at all.

>The only thing there is is that there was some ham-fisted Jesus imagery glued on Rust.

>Jesus imagery glued on Rust.

You are retarded.

The plot resolution and the "villain" was completely underwhelming, but seeing Rust turning into a christian and seeing the butthurt and denial coming from fedora tippers like you made it worth it.

You sound much more butthurt about this theism thing than I am, it's simply an invalid reading of the final episode.
Nothing -at all- suggests that Rust has turned Christian.

There is a scene in which he lays in bed in which he vaguely looks like Jesus Christ, that's it ---literally--- it.

How do you know he hasn't turned Muslim or Jew?

S2 is probably better if you can sit down and watch it in two sittings rather than waiting week to week for mediocre television.

>How do you know he hasn't turned Muslim or Jew?

>Jesus imagery

>Muslim or Jew

Also the creator of the series is a catholic if i'm not mistaken.

>Jesus imagery
A guy laying in bed having long blonde hair and a blonde beard.
Also Jesus is a prophet in Islam and in certain Hindu traditions is considered an avatar of Krishna.

How is he not possibly Muslim or Hindu because he stopped being a pessimist?
There is nothing that is related to religion in the final episode.
You are ignorant and stupid.


I asked Pizzolatto if he was religious.
“I’m not religious,” he said, “but I was raised in a heavily religious household. The kind that believed the Apocalypse was going to happen before 1990, and that believed in visions of the Virgin Mary and Medjugorje. My parents believed the Virgin Mary was appearing to children in Yugoslavia and warning us of the secret end times. I grew up Catholic. I was an altar boy. There were years of my life when I had to go to Mass every day because my parents were really on this end of the world kick. It’s strange how these things seem to work along economic lines. None of the rich people I know have ever had any experience like this.”


Seriously. No its not as good, but it's still great. Just a different beast. More of a hard boiled, almost old school story...but less coherent. If they had stepped up more classic noir elements it would have been 2-points-better/10

>Nothing Frank ever said or did was poignant or interesting at all, it all felt very forced and vapid.

Why does it have to be poignant? Can you even list any lines that you have grievance with? Frank is very interesting, torn between going legit and going back to his gangster ways.

>He immediately turned into a meme

Because people latch onto things to feel part of something. Couple that with people already writing Vaughn off before they even saw the show.

>I guess it really boils down to taste, but Frank was weak man.

Disagree, he stole the show during the latter half of the season along with Ray.

Hahaha S2 apologists playing the “noir” card. The second season was trash; a rambling incoherent mess that telegraphed its plots way in advance and was generally a massive piece of shit.

Vince cant act for shit and is a walking meme generator. McAdams was edgegirl, so obviously diddled as a kid (cliche as fuck btw). Kitsch was completely unnecessary, edgegay as a theme isnt even relevant anymore. Only Ray fit the TD flavor, problem was that nothing else did. Stop defending this shit season and rationalising away bad writing. Pizza goofed, face the music.

>Vince cant act for shit

He was fantastic in episodes 6, 7, and 8.

>McAdams was edgegirl

So you didn't understand her character why are you talking about the show.

>so obviously diddled as a kid (cliche as fuck btw)

The cliche is subverted when it is revealed she WANTED it, and then somehow had the gall to have a grudge against most men. She learns to trust them in Ray jesus christ.

>Kitsch was completely unnecessary

Yeah he really was, the show would've lost nothing without him. For what he was it was pretty damn good though.

>people didn't know pizzaman is a butthurt atheist

The only thing that saved the show was Harrelson, Maghounahey and Fukunaga.

Oh and Daddario's tits.

>The only thing that saved the show was Harrelson, Maghounahey and Fukunaga.

add Kodak motion picture film to that list.

>people don't like s2 because there was a gay character
lol no

you just listed 3 redeeming features. learn better english.

Vince was not terrible.

Last episode isn't a fucking 9/10. The season isn't a fucking 7/10. The mystery is retardedly convoluted and boring, the entire mystery is resolved in one boring hotel room scene, and the main characters are tryhard edgy and stupid as fuck.

It's like nicki pizza saw how popular Rust was so he tried turning all 4 of the main characters into versions of him. There are some great sequences in the show, but as a whole the thing is bad, even if it wasn't following one of the GOAT seasons of tv ever.

Throw more buzzwords in your posts and you can post on 9gag

The ironic thing is that accusing people of using buzzwords has itself, become a buzzword.

People will tell you S2 is even better. I'd tell you to ignore them, but you'll realize in about 2 or 3 episodes that's not the case.

No, S2 is entirely skippable, as much as I wanted to like it, it's so bad it almost ruins the first season because you start to notice shittiness present in both seasons that you were too distracted by the tour de force of Woody and Matty's talent and chemistry to notice in S1

Couldn't even get passed the first episode of season 2, but season 1 was great

S2 is good. S2 is also different.

not people, Sup Forumspol/

The only people who complained about gaycop on Sup Forums were the tumblr goons who already hated pizzaman from season one.