This was realy underwhelming.
Other urls found in this thread:
WAY better than expected. solid 6.5/10
I was underwhelmed and pleasantly surprised at the same time.
Colossus was the most interesting thing in the entire runtime.
why the fuck didnt they go with Daniel Cudmore instead of this mentally challenged memerussian? fuck.
Much like your sex life OP
Just watched it again on the 1080p release after the first screening, I really like it.
Action scenes really make other "super hero" movies really meh.
it was good for what it was.
learn to manage your expectations: if you watch 2001 expecting Starship troopers, you'll be equally underwhelmed.
Ryan Reynolds was having a ball. I liked Colossus as the straight man. And the buff girl that played Angel Dust was cool.
Untrue, Deadpool the movie exists.
This. I was prepared for it to be more Reddit than it was but nor was it really memorable.
>tfw female bodybuilder fetish now
Movie could've been amazing if they hadn't scrapped all the good ideas for budget reasons
Deadpool said it himself about only having 2 x-men characters, duh
This. It was literally in the movie's dialogue. But Sup Forums can't follow words, whether spoken or in print.
Honestly, the only thing I liked or laughed were the 4th wall break jokes.
The rest somewhat meh.
Not to mention the whole 'losing the big bag of guns' for the finale which was the filmmaker saying that they had to completely cut the budget of the finale.
Like the other user said, it's a solid 6.5, but I'm willing to bet that the next one could be even better. Hell, it even managed to change several studios' minds about the dreaded R rating.
It would be one thing if it were people whose first or second language wasn't English, but clearly you can see that these posters have a grasp of the English language but they still can't have things spoken to them and then also understand it.
It felt like a low budget afterthought and it was... which is a shame because I saw a lot of potential (as far as marvel movies go).
i hated those, cheap as fuck
the only thing i remember is "happy lent"
felt like an almost b movie. yeah, you like it, whatever. i don't understand where all the praise comes from
it actually came to my attention that kickass was actually a similar kind of movie that was actually way funnier
I just expected a laugh or two.
It's not like it's hard to make me laugh either, it's just that shitty.
I thought it was pretty decent. I mean all comic book movies are shit but this one actually kept me interested.
Being a financially successful R rated movie is noteworthy in of itself, I guess (which is a shame).
I know what will make you laugh. Bazinga.
>It felt like a low budget afterthought and it was... which is a shame because I saw a lot of potential (as far as marvel movies go).
That wasn't the movie's fault. They had their budget slashed last minute. If you had any sense, you'd realize it's a testament to the creator's tenacity and commitment. Fuck, just because of this comment I'm raising my initial score to a 7.5.
I feel you. The jokes were really meh. Only the 4th wall breaks got me chuckling.
>dat whole scene giving descriptions of how ugly deadpool now looks
So cringy and 'reddit' it was terrible.
kickass sucked. It's watchable if being nice
kickass 2 was an incredibly bad movie.
are you seriously implying that Deadpool is above TBBT humor ? Are you seriously implying that ?
Holy shit, the delusion.
literally pride in vulgarity
No, I'm implying that your taste in jokes is dogshit. But then I really should have spelled that out for you.
The constant quips and straitforward story were tiring at the end, but seeing actual blood and gore in a superhero movie kinda redeemed the whole project. In X-men, I never understood why you never see Wolverine cut baddies in half with his claws.
as long as you don't tell me that deadpool is the better movie
not that guy but you're not defending the humor in deadpool are you?
is this out on bluray now? Time to download
>Mfw watching this """comedy"""
If you reached that conclusion because I said it's not hard to make me laugh, I guess I'll let it pass.
If the reason was because I found Deadpool unfunny, well then I pity you.
You went to see a movie for preteens you manchild, what did you expect? Yes I know it's rated R but you know it's mostly directed to teens.
Calling him stupid isn't defending anything except for not being stupid. Are there really two of you, or are you just the same guy pretending?
Also on the initial credits
>Produced by Asshats
>Written by The real heroes here
That's about the low budget and how the writters managed to make the film work with that.
>You went to see a movie
Holy shit, imagine if I actually did that.
Deadpool is a FAR better movie. It is a top 3 capeshit film, and by that I mean all superhero films. It's #1 for me edging out TDK.
Please. We can watch a movie where James Bond gets his balls smacked and think it's kino, but we can't watch a flick where some guy gets shot in the asshole and be mildly amused? Fuck you, buddy.
>Debates to himself about killing a woman
>camera cuts before the headshot.
Interesting question raised, would've liked to have seen the shot.
fuck you it was good
I mean goddamn they got stan in a strip club that's 10/10 right there.
Congratulations, you're autistic. I bet that's the same face you make when watching your mom fuck your brother.
I make that face when watching his mom fuck his brother.
You seem to have the wrong idea. I didn't care for Deadpool, I'm merely making observations.
that's not what i said at all but i'll take your boipussy
me too, people are thinking i hate the movie but i'm just saying it does not deserve the praise
it's just funny to me that the movie itself goes out of it's way to tell you "hehe aren't we vulgar" and that this is somehow an achievement. i'm not bashing the thing
Shut up, retard. If you honestly think the vulgarity in Deadpool was gratuitous or otherwise wasted then you're a moron. I pointed out that scene from Casino Royale because it was gratuitous. The problem with Bond flicks is that they try to treat that shit like high art instead of the pandering "character is superhuman because of extreme pain" horseshit it is.
well, i don't, all i'm saying is that it's not an achievement
hell, you could take that comment on bond and flip it around on deadpool
>you could take that comment on bond and flip it around on deadpool
No you couldn't. Deadpool is specifically about superhumans, and to top that off it's a skewering of all those tropes. The bullet to the asshole scene especially. Bond would never get shot in the asshole.
How are meta joke cheap?
it doesn't skew off tropes at all really, does it tell us it's playing with certain expectations? (that the movie knows we don't have by the way) yes
there is no inversion or subversion of any idea really, it's a revenge/love story with the easiest jokes possible thrown to the viewer
and despite the r rating which actually was pandered to us nothing in it is really very graphic or otherwise offensive
it's actually kind of funny how the movie plays with the vibe and softens up any moment that can get too intense
the only tropes it actually lampooned was story/narrative tropes too "go talk to that guy, that'll move the plot forward"
and the bullet to the ass scene was just that, a bullet to the ass
Enjoyed it the first time i saw it.
Was bored the 2nd time
you can place them anywhere you want and say whatever you want
deadpool went for the easiest jokes, as evident by the praise of it for just having those kinds of jokes
Not funny at all, I even regret torrenting it.
cocking the pistol hit the comedic beat though
>nothing in it is really very graphic or otherwise offensive
Stop. That number 1 bullet shows more gore than the last 4 Marvel flicks combined.
I was satisfied but it failed to do any justice to Deadpool the comic character. You have a character that can break the fourth wall and all you do is make him the narrator? Nothing meta? Nothing that challenges the film format? Nothing that pointed out the tropes and boy were there fucking tropes. It was a disappointment and I was glad that what did happen was allowed to happen and is getting a better budget sequal where some of what I feel is missing from the first one might happen.
You haven't really explained how meta jokes are cheap other than they can be used anywhere, which, really, is Deadpool's stick. Meta jokes are funny because you don't expect them and when you get the reference.
It was a lot better than basically every other joke in the movie.
low hanging fruit
it's like this guy said, having things in a movie doesn't mean the movie did a stand out job with those elements
everything was generic, and i'm surprised more people haven't caught on to how generic it is
also, i think i can express my disdain for the vulgarity in a way that i can communicate
louis ck, jim jefferies, jimmy carr, and others have said things that are way more offensive than anything in the movie while not being as vulgar.
point being that vulgarity on it's own is not worth merit, the point of a movie such as this should be to make the audience uncomfortable, then release that tension.
the movie actually tip toes around anything that could actually be offensive all while presenting vulgarity as a "see, this movie is rated r"
well that's the thing, every meta joke in deadpool is expected, even before the movie, people expect fourth wall jokes to be in there
the only one that actually got me was when tj miller told wade to talk to the guy to move the plot forward
funnily enough, the meta thing to do would be to play with that expectation of fourth wall jokes
Fastest selling Fox movie, and that was just digitally. This is the year of deadpool.
But it's a AAA anti-SJW movie. We are so completely starved for things that aren't politically correct that many of us will look past any flaws that this movie has.
and the funniest post itt goes to:
>the movie actually tip toes around anything that could actually be offensive all while presenting vulgarity as a "see, this movie is rated r"
Your're right, that pegging scene felt so hollow.
no, this is my face when I'm watching my mom fuck my brother
Horrible re-watch value, enjoyed it in the theater, hated it on my 65 inch ultra hd television
It was ok for me if it wasnt for the horrible script.
They could have used more than the same 5 joke over and over.
We get it Pool Boy wants to repeat himself.
I get the feeling that they totally missed the character intended from the comic which made the movie hard to watch especially in the first half..
this guy looks like he came straight outta that puppet burger show
The studio had little faith in it.
>imma charing muh lazor meme
I'm looking forward to the sequel because the flashback stuff was kinda lame. I know they have to have an origin and it wasn't bad, I also liked the girl. But the movie was half over by the time Deadpool got to do things and the way it interrupted the opening made it seem more drawn out.
>not buying it in blu-ray like a true patrician