Why did she get so upset by this?
Why did she get so upset by this?
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Is she not allowed?
cause it wasn't his dick
If someone you just met and don't even know grabbed your hand, how would you feel?
Because they are both awkward lonely dorks
daddy issues ofc
Because she's not used to be touch by anyone.
Not only is Rey autistic, but also a clueless virgin who didn't figure out that Finn just wanted to pork her throughout the whole movie. The Force Awakens could also be a metaphor of sexual awaking.
She hadn't felt the Bern yet.
Because this is a shit movie designed to cater to idiots.
So wait you wouldn't get upset if a random person tried to hold your hand?
look at her fingers, he's crushing her fucking hand like a true alpha male
Shoop or did this happen in this Jew Propaganda piece?
It is a cosplaying couple.
looking at the prestigious and prosperous record of Disney's perversion, occult, and subliminal symbolism, you are probably right.
dont let that get past you either.
not if it's a qt 3.14
Well, at least they have stable treatments for AIDS now. Supporting Bernie for national healthcare would reduce the out of pocket cost.
What did she mean by this?
I'd finally have some human contact, so would likely pre-cum.
Why did they cast that British baboon when Hassan Johnson would have played Finn better.
Brits have taken over Hollywood, bro. We lost.
>sexual awaking
Then who exactly is responsible for that?
You mean:
A cute!
Her cousin.
>implying she was not raped/sexually abused by multiple aliens and scavengers throughout the years
Don't you ever talk about her like that again.
It's pretty self explanatory
trust issues
clearly on edge at the time
just met him
better question is why is Sup Forums so upset by this
There are better looking black men that can actually act yet they got this ugly dude. The power of nostalgia is too great making people blind.
It's all about forcing SJW propaganda now.
As Kasdan said in an interview, he and JJ asked themselves what it would be like if the Nazis had gone to Argentina and regrouped after WWII.
From birth, Jews are raised with this idea that homogeneous white societies will inevitably result in goose-stepping, ethnic cleansing, and warmongering. And I could understand that outlook if history had begun in 1930. But the truth is, whites are the most egalitarian and least barbaric group in human history.
That's what frustrates many of us when jewish SJW Hollywood sensibilities become accepted norms. They're slanted, prejudiced and their bias goes unchallenged by everyone.
The First Order was a Jewish take on ultimate evil. And because modern Jews are obsessed with The Shoah and WWII everything magically relates to MUH SIX MILLION.
It has gotten boring. It's stale. I wish we could get a more nuanced view of evil, but that won't happen because show-biz Jews always find a way of politicizing everything.
Like, recently I saw a movie set in 1920s London. There were several shots of a black man and a white woman holding hands in the street. It was there to sell us something. It was out of place and revisionist. It's tacky and it's condescending.
The objective is to shape public opinion with the assumption that everyone needs "educating" and are too dumb to pick up on the flagrant advertising of their agenda. In this case, it was a short throwaway scene and it still took me out of the movie. The message is basically, "You're too dumb to find the right opinions by yourself, so we're going to give you direction by placing propaganda in the media you consume."
SJW placement just seems dishonest and manipulative. Flagrant product placement annoys me whether it's a product I like or not. It takes me out of the ride that it should be, pauses everything to remind me what I'm supposed to think, and then expects me to jump back in with full enthusiasm.
especially a negro
She is stronk and inderpendunt
She don't need no man.
I can't wait until all the whites are bred out of existence.
Do any of you fags have a webm of Daisy's new working out video?
>minorities breeding with the majority will make the majority go away
dumb nigger
That's not how genes and birthrates work