Implying this isn't the best cape character ever

>implying this isn't the best cape character ever

>implying this isn't the best cape character ever

>x-men: wolverine
>x-men 2: wolverine's back
>x-men 3: wolverine whatever
>x-men origins: wolverine
>the wolverine: wolverine
>x-men days of future past: wolverine's time travel adventures

cut me a fucking break.

>wearing a cape

>>x-men: wolverine
>>x-men 2: wolverine's back
>>x-men 3: wolverine whatever
>>x-men origins: wolverine
>>the wolverine: wolverine
>>x-men days of future past: wolverine's time travel adventures

>being this triggered

Isn't there another one coming out named Wolverine?

> implying

No almost all of his movies suck, and the ones that are good he is not a compelling character in. There are actual good Wolverine comics that make him a good character that could have been used and were instead shit on in favor of generic shit movies. They clearly dont give a fuck about his character because they were handed gold and somehow still made shit. That is absolutely inexcusable.

>muh snikt
>muh bub

Sniktbub is a shitty character but that's one of the best movie portrayals of a character.

>Being this much of an inconsequential memeing retard

You got him XD

I hope the MCU NEVER touches X-Men. I feel the X-Men are the only safe franchise from the normies. At least their movies aren't for 9 year olds like the Avengers.

The X-Men comics may have had shitty writers for the last 3 years but at least their normie proof comics

Inb4 "muh source material"

I agree with you. It's unbelievable how much theyve managed to fuck up Wolverine and the rest of the X-Men when they have storyboards with great stories available to them.

>muh struggle between man and beast
>psychopath with a heart of gold
That's literally as far as he goes. He was my favorite character throughout all my childhood but he wears thin after a while.
I think he only works in the context of the X-men, on his own he's not worth reading.
Also he's a megamanlet.

Yeah, Wolverine 3 next year.

he works well as part of a team, like in xmen 1 and 2. too bad singer turned most of the xmen into morons, like cyclops and storm.
on his own he's just not very interesting.

And that is more compelling and, hate to say it, deep, than anything presented in the five movies he has starred in. They barely toy with the idea but he is never fleshed out into a proper character and maybe that would be ok if we still just had one or two X-Men movies but he has been the fucking protagonist in five so I have no more patience or lenience with how badly he's been mishandled.

He wasn't even a part of the team really, those movies were still about him. He is used as an outlet to view the X-Men from an outsiders perspective. I disagree that he cant be good on his own because he already has been in his own runs.

Dont worry, Apocalypse will save capeshit.

Those movies focused on Xavier and Magneto, who are much more compelling than sniktbub could ever hope to be.

As someone who's only watched the movies and never read the comics, he's ok. But after X2 it gets tired.

The Last Stand
X-Men Origins Wolverine
The Wolverine
these are all about him

Who is this? Those are some nice lovely thick thighs.