There is literally no point in siding with tony stark/iron man, he even admits he was wrong the whole time

there is literally no point in siding with tony stark/iron man, he even admits he was wrong the whole time

captain america is altruistic and the greatest ally you could ever have in your corner. he may not be perfect, but his ideals are because theyre based in judeo christian philosophy. "i can keep doing this all day"

Altruism only takes you so far. Tony wants to work towards a utopia where people dont have to ignore questionable means to justify the moral end, which i think is a respectable opinion to have.

>Ironman wrong

Only in the movie. At the end of the day most of the avengers are american. So america will be held responsible for their actions anyway. If captain America decided to go in let's say North Korea and Kill Kim Jong-un It could start a war.

>redditors actually spend their time thinking about this shit
Get some hobbies you losers

people arent naturally good, a utopia could never exist. tony stark is a megalomanic

No but we can learn to be good. The goal is to live in a world where resources are available to everyone without fear of exploitation and for people to spend their lives however they want without the weight of trying to survive. Think star trek.

we know how to be good but we choose to be evil, its not rocket science

>theyre based in judeo christian philosophy
No it's based on common sense and the proper way to rule you autistic fuck
Christianity is actually complete bass ackwards when it comes to morality or ruling people which is why it took a group full of deists and non-denominationals to found the only nation in history to do the right thing.

We choose to be evil for particular reasons. Elimate the reasons to be evil and i'm sure the majority of issues that would have existed would be gone. Anything outside of reason(insanity, extreme narcissism, ect) would be taken care of through a competent rehabilitation system. A majority of crime on this planet, like 90%, are petty crimes like stealing. If everyone didnt have to worry about resources then crime in that area would be non existent and youve already done most of it.

>A majority of crime on this planet, like 90%, are petty crimes like stealing

Stark wants the oversight on the Avengers because he's pretty much the Batman of the Marvel universe
Unlike Batman he isn't good enough to defeat everyone on his own and keep them under control so he needs the help of governments to keep them all from wrecking shit.
The only reason Cap is even remotely right is because governments hardly ever tend to abstain from being motivated by self interests

No source, sorry im at work. I dont think it'd be exactly 90 but something close to it seeing as the world as a whole has a pretty inequal distribuation of wealth. I think if you make 34k a year youre at the top 1% of this planet? Not surprising when the majority of people on this planet are poor chinese, indian, and african workers.

>putting THIS much thought into one of the most reddit tier franchises of all time

just get the fuck out already, the movie was complete shit and tries way to hard to be serious

>the movie was complete shit and tries way to hard to be serious

We're not talking about BvS.

I think too serious is the last thing people complain about in a marvel movie.

no shit but that doesn't make this turd smell any better

Pivot Trilby or whatever

>Christianity is actually complete bass ackwards when it comes to morality
um, no its not

>Greatest Ally
Oy vey!

This is some fine capekino

BvS was a legit turd. This was more like vomit.

Wow, when I think about what a post written by someone who has been brainwashed would look like, its pretty much this. Buzzword laden, totally devoid of content and filled with talking point. Just, wow.