You are given control over 10,000 rats

You are given control over 10,000 rats

What do you do?

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Had a wonderful pet rat named Reggie. Miss the little bastard every day...keep them as companions

Do the rats have any special powers?

launch them into the ultimate Sup Forums space program into ISIS territory, watch havoc ensue. hopefully a plague, who knows

administer LSD to every single one of them then let them all loose in times square

भखोरभोगखभरगौRelease Meतयझयोकडयोिर

i never want to leave this place

Command them to eat every last soul in Dunwall

Legally change my name to Willard, teach them to obey me, and go and have them fuck shit up.

Get sued

But a restaurant and have them all as chefs


Now if you mean like full control over the rats, I'd start an extermination business specializing in rats and just tell my thrall rats to hang out in places and just wait for the calls to pour in.

Genetically modify them to have a t
Ted Cruz face.. oh wait

I'd become the fucking rat king and have them carry me around everywhere I go, and have them devour my enemies.
I would also use them to capture kawaii nekos and vigorously fuck them while the rats hold her hostage.

In the ass btw

Tell them to breed and create more rats for the rat army

Send them back to Syria

bubonic plague 2.0

have them help me find a new femboy bf

revive dramaalert

Use them to build a wall

the only sensible answer in this thread

Since I have only 10,000, I make them breed until I get 6,000,000 while raiding warehouses with them at the same time. After I have a large enough army, I will recruit all rats, mice, voles, and other rodents into my league. By this time, will have enough of a force to destroy nations, since I have a hivemind of small creatures which are feared by most people because most people are cucks. I would take over the government and become emperor. I would then create another black plague strain, release it into my rodent population, and into the human population like it did in medieval times. I would send them all across the world and extinct the human race.

And make them pay for it


Oy Vey! The six million!

corvo didnt have 10000 rats
nigga you know what

Shove them one by one up OPs ass

Give bubonic, let loose upon population, profit.

I would feed them black people to grow stronger and breed. Then one I had enough and the blacks were gone I'd d-con them. Rats are gross.

you stole my rat army idea you stupid nigger

Get tons of dump trucks and fill them with the rats. I would pay the drivers to then drive to the White House

What this guy but in a big city of the the US or Europe

Perform tests to determine the limits of their precognition.


Turn them into falafal that I then sell to the mudslimes.

amass a legion of rats just imagine puny governments set up defenses like walls just to see a legion of rats over run and destroy theyer puny existence
easily conquer all lands and using those captured as slaves for our new rat overlords
step one is to get them to organize in groups of around 50 to single out alone humans and exterminate
step two is to get them to eat all organic commertial farmlands because they dont have pesticides step 3 is to get them to shit in the watter supply and chew all major electrical viers running through the city.
then we openly attack and destroy all in our path and with a debilitated economy the world soon falls to me
pic related

forgot pic

control only 999 rats.

>Take 5,000 as personal assassin rats. Little shits can get anywhere.
>Keep other 5,000 at home with me, use them as breeding stock to replace fallen assassin rats and keep those unfit for assassination duties for housekeeping and companionship.
>Build rat army.
>Topple nations.
>Become God of Rat and Man.


me an bubajean done gun eat gud tonite

Feed them bread.

Get them to breed. Make them an intelligent hive mind. Get them to take resources I need to build a space ship capable of warp speed. Have rats build me stasis chamber plus other shit. Build essentially a space ark. Take many other smart useful people. Get off earth. Find new planet. Take it over. Give rats different planet. Rats think of me as a god and build me new bodies every year. ???? Profit.