Daily reminder this will always be true no matter how much you shill for Hack Synder

Daily reminder this will always be true no matter how much you shill for Hack Synder.

Daily reminder in 100 years time people will look back at these Marvel movies as classic iconic pieces that pioneered the film universe idea.

Daily reminder no one will even remember DC uck flicks.

Other urls found in this thread:



>is a marvel fan
How bads your autism?

Memes were a mistake

this is true


You're memeing a little to hard there buddy.

wow this is really fucking accurate, what the fuck has happened to my brain?

garbage: the post

>Man of steel Above Dark Knight II
>Spider man II not mentioned
We hipster now

you mixed up the pictures lmao


as always: fpbp

>versus LITERALLY 2deep v 4U

You are trash, phoneposter.

They're both capeshit garbage. The only difference is BvS thinks it isn't.

>How bads your autism?
Better than your spelling ;^)

>Marvelbabies so delusional they actually believe this shit

>getting this triggered over a missing apostrophe
looks like your autism is pretty bad there faggot


You..you couldn't be more wrong. Summer block busters are always candy bullshit, this isn't art, one way or the other. Study film, for like, a day.

You all bananas

>using a meme from a literal retard nigger

Just got out of CW it was fucking awesome

Daily reminder that autists should stop arguing over movies where adults dress up in weird costumes and beat up criminals

The irony that you just demonstrated an actual, typical demonstrated sign of autism by flustering over something as pedantic and minuscule as a mere missing contraction in someone's text on Sup Forums.

>They still think BvS was bad



Wow, when I think about what a post written by someone who has been brainwashed would look like, its pretty much this. Buzzword laden, totally devoid of content and filled with talking point. Just, wow.

adults who dress up in weird costumes don't come from outside space and they can't fly or shoot laser beams out of their eyes or be indestructible or as awesome as superman is
checkmate faggot

>being a retard

You're bananas

All capeshit is trash

>literally a n-no y-you response
typical retarded nigger

>my autism is better than your spelling.
Your are'nt an autist, you're a retarded.

I know, but I couldn't resist the (You)s

You're still retarded

>a retard tries calling someone else retarded
at least you figured out how to post a message on this image board, good for you


You sound like you need to eat a banana

here's another one fa᠎m

more (You)s please

Hello plebbit. Hows your day?

>Off by one

I got those 99s here

I liked Civil War. But a solid 1hr of it was pretty boring. Batman V Superman was much less safe and lets be real is basically DC's Iron Man 2 that being said there is a solid 30 minutes that needs to be cut from the film. I enjoyed both but I don't really want to watch either again.

Last one


A reading from St. Cap's Letters to the Avengers

>16 And so God loved the world that he sent capekino to the masses in the form of the one true Franchise

>17 As for all the masses have received the Cape kino from God, they suddenly talk in quip language now and lo! All of them became so joyful and laughing.

>18 And so at that day The Evan apostres was born, and all the non believer will be turned into DCuck and be damned to be thrown into the deep darkness.

>19 as the Dcucks became the heretic, there's only Doomsday await for them.

>20 the Doomsday will come in the form of a beast that wrecked all of their world, at that time not even their cry for their fake god "Snyder" or st. Martha could save them.

fucking kill yourself nigger faggot
>stealing yet another DC thing
marvelfags will never change

>>But a solid 1hr of it was pretty boring

Shit was going on for most of the movie. If you actually found 1hr of the movie you either didn't see it, or have serious problems. I suspect the latter

>> Batman V Superman was much less safe

Safe =/= good

>>is basically DC's Iron Man 2


Both Civil War and BvS set it up as to A-lister superheroes disagreeing each other over something and fighting it out. Civil War did it better because it had 12 movies of backstory, while BvS was literally trying o rush the Justice League, with blatant advertising of its future movies. Where Disney would do it subtly with a teaser, DC shoved it down our throats so hard that I don't care about their future movies. Esp. suicide squad.

>>improving yet another DC thing


Nice to give you more (you)s

there's a subreddit for everything probably
how about you go from a neutral source?

>>neutral source

Thats like saying Sup Forums and Sup Forums are neutral sources

>Where Disney would do it subtly
almost got your shilling down

I really want to fucking hate you right now, but that's a real fucking nice thing he did.

>i cant so im going to change subject

I saw the movie man. It's enjoyable but I found the first half pretty boring. If your on Sup Forums you DO have serious problems. Don't forget where you are.

Iron Man 1 (MOS)
Iron Man 2 (BvS)

I don't like any of the above movies but it's pretty easy to see the comparison. Lets not pretend Disney Marvel hasn't made like 20 moves. Ofcourse DC wouldn't be at the same level starting out. It would be a little weird if they were.

>Disney would do it subtly with a teaser

Hahaha I actually stopped reading almost got me


Marvelfag here. I'd rather compare Man of Steel to Thor. Not even joking. I did like Man of STeel And even by that logic, BvS is nothing like Thor the Dark World. Or Iron Man 2.

Its literally like a jump from Thor, to Civil, war, with Thor having a beef with Iron Man, and Red Skull using midichlorians to create a super-Loki by mixing his DNA with Loki (and super-Loki being named Surtur), and super-Loki killing Thor because muh Jesus symbolism. Except Thor doesn't die cos rising dirt. Oh and there's teasers to Captain Marvel, Dethlok and Namor, with Scarlet Witch getting an email from Iron Man

By the way I'm really not joking. Man of Steel was a good movie. But not BvS. BvS brings shame to what MoS tried to do

>Iron Man 2 (BvS)
u w0t m8? MCU's second movie was the Hulk

Ok op u hav gone way too far.

Civil war = fun flick
BvS = kino

I enjoyed both movies but no doubt BvS IS kino

literally the first marvelbro I've seen on this board

This is entry level capeshit mock kino

Uh no that was the first

iron man was the first movie in the MCU, retard

speaking of reddit..

go FUCK yourself, Batman Begins was the best of the trilogy.....fight me

>he thinks anyone will remember any capeshit as 'iconic'
>he hasn't graduated middle school yet

Sorry but shitty pop culture movies don't get remembered, you actually have to produce something of quality like Lawrence of Arabia or Casablanca to be remembered.

In twenty years, we'll be looking back in embarrassment that we watched these movies at all.

Nah kids need movies, the fact that its adults that are chasing these things is whats the problem. They are clearly not the target audience.

You are a huge, joyless, autistic cunt OP.

Just thought you should know

Thats some projecting there

Yeah, and I take my kids to these movies. Hell, I watched it today with them. But they won't hold up. In twenty years they'll be horribly dated.

I'm new here. I don't get the ranking in the slightest. Of those movies, only TDK was good.
TDK > TDKR > Guardians > The rest are shit and unwatchable and have no redeeming qualities.

every superhero movie is utter shit

I don't get it, are you guys trying to elevate yourself as cultured "sophisticated" individuals by attaching those terms to your superhero movies? Pic most certainly related.

>Iron Man 2
>The Amazing Spider-Man 2
>Avengers: Age Of Ultron
>The Incredible Hulk
>Batman Begins
Fuck you

>>still thinks BvS is kino

>Its literally like a jump from Thor, to Civil, war, with Thor having a beef with Iron Man, and Red Skull using midichlorians to create a super-Loki by mixing his DNA with Loki (and super-Loki being named Surtur), and super-Loki killing Thor because muh Jesus symbolism. Except Thor doesn't die cos rising dirt. Oh and there's teasers to Captain Marvel, Dethlok and Namor, with Scarlet Witch getting an email from Iron Man

this exactly was what DC tried to do

>stealing yet another DC thing
Oh yeah I forgot DC perfected the expanded cinematic universe concept and told a World War flashback origin story first.

>he thinks his precious kiddie book films are kino

>autism: the post

>he still hasn't realized that kino is just an embarrasing meme used exclusively by kiddies


Literally marvel shill the post. Look at that accounts comments on leddit and its all civil war cock sucking.

Faggot: The Post.

*Looks like your autism is pretty bad there, faggot.

Fucking retard.