Worth watching?

Worth watching?

Yes. It's better than Frozen.

Yes. It's a good movie with fun characters. Gets kinda dark with the mother though.

Shit yes.

Hell yes.

I have two copies

Big Hero 6 is better.

See if you had said "Wreck-it Ralph" instead of BH6 you might have had a legit argument.


Sure, why not?


She is very close to perfect.

As long as you're watching it with a lady, yeah.

O-Of course
The same chick I watched Frozen with HAHA


ur worth watching

Worth it? Shit, I bet $20 you ain't gonna end up falling in love with Rapunzel by the end

What I don't like about Tangled was how unlike all the other Disney movies villian was not that evil and mostly just selfish, but in the end they murder her and it's treated like 100 % happy ending, for most of the movie, I've expected for witch to make heroic sacrifice and redeem herself in the end, this was just brutal

Better than Frozen and the best thing post-Renaissance Disney has put out.

Short-haired brunette Punzie > Long-haired blonde Punzie

My nigga

how the fuck do both her eyes and brain fit into her skull

It was surprisingly good

Except that's wrong. She wasn't murdered and Punz even reaches to try and save her.
>replying to bait.