I want to be a national socialist,
but can't find compelling evidence why I should be one.
>ITT: Nazi Propaganda , documentary, facts , anything
I want to be a national socialist
Why would you want to be one? Even if their bullshit was correct society has already decided that they are pretty much the "most evil" people on Earth.
The reality is stormfags mostly just have shitty lives and scapegoat the Jews so they can have someone to blame besides themselves or bad circumstances.
Snazzy dressers though.
you might just find yourself in your euroroots.
pride, in between the pop love everyonoe socialist BS propaganda?
It sounds true and compelling
where your fam from?
seems kinda faggy, suck a couple of brown cocks to me.
You a neo-pagan or whatever?
try just being unapologetically white. one doesnt have to be a tool of a ridulously understaffed flag to dk this, but it does require sacrifice and strength. it would be easier to meet like minded individuals though if the only ones willing to self identify didnt do so with swastika tats
before the US, dummy. Irish, scandi, brit, wtf mate?
it doesnt matter. as a jew i can inform you that you all fucked up already and its too late. the people are too divided by dumb shit to fix anything.
Socialism only works out if the leaders aren't corrupt assholes
newp this is my national heritage. Not American.
This is a tough one for me. I know better than to feel the way I do, but as an ethnic German that hates blacks I find myself being pulled toward these feelings every day. I'm no stormfag. Jews don't bother me, nor do asians. Just blacks and Mexicans. but damn, I am kind of a Nazi.
I am whiter (almost blueish) than the snow falling on the mountaintop behind my house. And no again, I am not American.
kinda broad tho. Irish, brit, welsh, scot?
My heritage is danish/german. Both my parents were born in u.s but their grandparents migrated here. I really wish i could be a nazi but i have to fake hating them in order to stay cool with my family.
britfag family was Brits since 1700s
indeed, white pride and nazism, are not one and the same.
So basically "I wanna be a Nazi cause its cool!"
I want to see if its a viable option, using b to find anything to learn more about it
Nice get, so how come you want to be a nazi? How does that make sense?
Looking for facts? The Nazis lost. I'm not saying what they did was good or bad, but empirically, they lost. Bad history, bad juju, don't be it. You can live their ideals, you can be conservative, but do not associate with Nazis. People will look down upon you because they hear "Nazi" and the stigma come out. Fact is, they were the ones who lost and are responsible for the deaths of millions. If you wanna proclaim yourself as a Nazi, also be a Brony, get a waifu pillow with built in fleshlight, jerk off to cartoons in public, cuckhold yourself, chastise yourself, and wear panties because you might as well.
I want to see if its something I can believe in and form beliefs in
wtf, read between the lines. Neo pagan, what kinda newage bullshit is that?
If you want to do it, do it. That's reason enough, fam.
>I want to be a national socialist,
>don't know why I should be one.
Doesn't make much sense to me.
>Even if their bullshit was correct society has already decided that they are pretty much the "most evil" people on Earth.
That's like saying to Rousseau: "Even if your bs is correct, society allready decided freethought is bs"
> stormfags
To be a supporter of NS doesn't implict to shave your head and wear boots. It's a mindset not a subcuture. You can still live a completely ordinary life.
Ok, first of all, before this nazi BS, find pride in your roots. Nothing wrong in that. Still, does not make you a nazi.
Just because you're english doesn't mean you can't want a national socialist government.
national socialism isn't about Nazi's.
It's about securing your nation for your people.
It's about contributing to your people.
It's about continuing the lineage of your people.
It's about brother hood.
When you have no community, you have no community to service. You have no people. You have no drive. You have no values.
Multiculturalism is a scam.
not a brit.
been watching old speeches about national socialism seems good
>OP here
but can't tell if media portrays as they are or if chose path
Some people are trying to bring back the belief in the Norse religion. I have questions for them i'd like to ask so I was curious if he was one of them but he is just proud of his heritage.
You could read Mein Kampf. There the complete theory of NS is explained. But I have to warn you: It's has about 900 pages and the first half is an autobiography of Hitler. It will take some time and effort to read it but it's completely worth it (besonders, wenn man es in der Originalsprache lesen kann).
It doesn't matter.
The world would be a better place if all cultures, countries, and ethnicity cared more about their brothers and sisters.
National Socialism has nothing to do with a specific race.
It has to do with the race of the people practicing it.
What I am trying to say is, you can be a nationalist, you can have pride in your heritage. White pride, deos not in any way mean nazism.
Jesus, JIDF is really having at it tonight.
In it's simplest terms, National Socialism = Socialist economy with a nationalist mindset. You don't need to memorize every single page of Mein Kampf, but it helps to be familiar with the general things it says.
Also, if you'd like, familiarize yourself with the general programmes of modern NatSoc programs and arrive at your own conclusion.
Here's a good start: en.metapedia.org
t. National Socialist
>can't find any compelling evidence
That's because there is none
>national socialism isn't about Nazi's.
kek, I think you don't understand the definition of "nazi"
Everybody listen to this man. He speaks the truth.
Ok, buddy, I am actually Norwegian, so ask away. And no, this is not some newage pagan BS, I was born into this.
He means not the ones of old that many people associate the idea with.
You could also argue "communism isn't about the Bolsheviks"
You're going to confuse people because they think of socialism as a leftist values not a right wing one.
The thing about National Socialism is the socialism is mostly decentralized, and genuine and natural.
When you belong to a group, that group helps its people.
Well you believe in the Norse mythologies?
If you are german, ok. But I would rather preach my racial pride, not some old outdated politicaltype stance.
Of course, I probably should've mentioned that.
But yeah, we see this nowadays in relatively homogeneous societies such as Iceland. It could be described as "socialist" but it's a "nationalist" socialism as its spurred largely by a strong bond to culture and people.
I hate when that happens. You try to fix your hair and you accidentally push up your normie mask and everyone sees that you're literally Hitler.
My family, where never christian in any way, and in Norway, our version of christmas, is more along the lines of midtvintersblot, a midwinter celebration, where we stuff ourselves with meat and fodd till we almost puke. Not all chritian, now is it.
Pretentious fuck
Hvad laver en fjældabe her? Anders kunne ikke engang gøre arbejdet færdigt.
Cause the doggo spoken!
No better reason than that
fladlandsabe. Drowning victim.
Do you actually believe in things like Valhalla and Odin and whatnot?
Trust the doggo of dubbs
In many ways yes, I do not fear death, and I in no way believe in christianity heaven or hell BS. I will most likely join my enemies, and friends somewhere else. Valhall, maybe.
doggo dubs has spoken
Alright, so you believe in Valhalla, meaning basically heaven for warriors...you realize that's still heaven, right? (no, not same guy as )
Hitlerdubs, this user speaks truth.
Prøv igen. Hvad har I ellers bidraget med sidst, siden Anders (som kun var en halv sejr)?
Depends tho, not in any way the christan type heaven, like most normies refer to it, this is something very different.
vad har i bidraget med danebror? Do tell.
Danecuck likes to cuck.
There is only the Right wing and the Wrong wing old boy. Read Evola.
>wants to be a socialist
>socialist BS propaganda
so do you really want to be a socialist?
Well what is your occupation? Because from what I've read the only way for people to get into Valhalla is to die a warriors death. Are you in the military? Are you going to end your life in battle?
I mean I don't see the importance of this. Heaven and hell are often terms associated with the Abrahamic religions. He apparently believes in Valhalla and Hel I am assuming.
Daner har stor munn, men bringer inget til bordet.
Seriously bro Kek has it covered and there is plenty of hate already.
Af de vigtigere ting, som I får gavn af, er blandt andet de "midlertidige" grænsebomme, så hverken jer eller os får alt for meget menneskeligt affald herop.
(Ellers var I nok endt som Sverige, din faggot)
How come you are asking me? I am trying to steer said user towards pride in his roots, not nazism.
I started boxing at 6-7yo, and have done most every martial art I could find in my hometown up north, so kinda ended up on MMA.
hashtag sacramento
lol. fucking bitchass dumbfuck
GARBAGE. Norske grenser er stengt, så om migranter kommer via dere, får de bli hos dere. Men dog, takk om dere holder tilbake egne ytre grenser. Scandipride, bro. Det er jo oss mot dem.
Blacks can also be National Socialists, Tyrone.
And if vikings did not die in actual battle, they asked their brother, or freind to hack them up to shreads, just so they might make it into valhalla.
Still here Danebro?
Sweet get.
Det er rigtig nok, men jeg har ondt af Sverige. Det har været et godt land, men de har nu skabt deres egen undergang. Danmark og Norge er de sidste sande Skandinaviske lande tilbage.
Neither of them are, but Indian power is racist.
Danebror har sår rumpe, stakkars.
Faktisk. Det er kun oss igjen nå. Og vi må nå gå til kamp mot EU, og deres skjitne lakeier.
Sverige tvinger nå dritten sin på Finland, så vet faktisk ikke helt hvor dette ender. Swedecucks bør fikse sin egen dritt.
Hitler's in the midground to the left taking pics of himself.
Det var klogt at Norge ikke blev medlem af EU, men jeg vil nu sige, at vi også har en god ordning med EU. Vi får stemmeret dernede, vi beholder den danske krone, og vi har andre forbehold.