Why nobody is talking about this great film?

Why nobody is talking about this great film?

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Pretty limited screening and no good quality pirate up.

It's literally too much for most people. only for the hardcore

I tried but everytime I did I got called a shill by people who hadn't even seen the movie. Everyone I know that's seen it loves it, though. Easily the best non-capeshit action film of the 2016 so far, and it looks like Bourne is the only thing this year that might top it.

Also EZ

online marketer pls go

I fucking loved it. Jimmy was best bro. Ending was just right.

Haven't seen it. But it looks like it would make for a 10/10 5 minute youtube movie. But a full length film? bad idea

Honestly most fun I had in cinema in years. It was funny, it was gory, it had great action sequences, it didn't care about story. Felt like an 80s action movie but with POV camera.


>great film
it's just a mediocre flick aimed to the Sup Forums audience


Same director and gimmick. But the full movie works really well, you should at least check it out, user.


It's already out of theaters where I live.

It's also legit one of the best movies of 2016

The BTS music video is pretty fucking baller as well.


>Pretty limited screening
didn't it get a pretty wide release, 3000+ theatres or smth like that?

>The BTS music video is pretty fucking baller as well.
Yeah, I've been a huge fan of their music for a few years so it's nice to see them getting some exposure. And for a behind-the-scenes shoot, there were some incredible shots.

I'm not from the US so I can only speak from my experiences, and that was only a couple of cinemas who had it available 3 times max each.


It was wide release at first, but got yanked from theaters like a week after due to low ticket sales

at least they still made their budget back. Will probably be more successful with home media release

That rig for the car chase stunts is pretty awesome. I was impressed with all the cool shit they pulled off in the movie, but I would like to see it done with higher quality cameras and maybe a little bit of stabilization on the head movements. I did get a headache and naseau by the end unfortunately.

OK, when I hear the terms limited screening I thought that meant it was only released to a small amount of theaters

Also, looked up the movie on Boxofficemojo and it has the 5th worst opening for a 3000+ theater release, and the 2nd biggest theater drop, ouch.

Pretty cool



This is totally kino.
