Wtf is going on?

Other urls found in this thread: everyone

kanye is being kanye again

probably pussied out over a few death threats because of the trump thing and now thinks he's gonna get dimebagged

a meme artist did something in keeping with his lack of intelligence and general impulse control of a 7 year old child

who cares?

And here marks Kanye's decline into insanity.

We'll miss you, Yeezy.

Source? Have tickets to Dallas show.

Same here.

I got mine from stubhub, hope we don't get fucked.

He's overdosed on redpills

Only source right now is one LA Times reporter, no one else has confirmed anything so take it with a grain of salt. If it's actually cancelled, you'll get a refund even if you got them from StubHub.

wouldnt be surprised if he just leaves the spotlight all together and just raises his family and shit now, we never get any new kanye music again :(

its like how chappelle stopped doing comedy at the height of his career :(

Kim will probably leave him soon

Definitely not gonna happen, he's already working on a new album, plus there's no way his ego would let him just stop.
He might take a self imposed exile like with mbdtf for a new album and go out of the public eye for a few years.

good he's passed his prime anyway

The establishment is trying to shut him down. Fuck radio.

gotta love silencing people for their opinions.

MBDTF 2.0 confirmed boiiiiiiiiiis

who fucking cares

listen to actual good music.

The only good nigger is a dead nigger.

I mean, it's 2016 people!

like what faggot

Kanye is obsessed with being the centre of attention. That's why he says all this retarded shit all the time.

He'd never voluntarily leave the public eye.

yeah dude why would you post a thread about an artist on a music board????

what are you talking about? he voluntarily left after the taylor swift thing and went to paris for years.

did you guys forget he did the same exact thing we're talking about six years ago? It really hasn't been that long


Yeezy overdosed on red pills.

why do we care ?

I just watched the video and I literally don't understand what he was trying to say.

Am I retarded?

I don't see any Justin Beiber threads on Sup Forums and Kanye is about as musically talented as him.

that was before he turned into a total dipshit

kanye makes some of the best beats and songs of all time. bieber just sings what people tell him to.

this isn't even good bait

He's taking a position in Trump's administration. Something completely irrelevant like ambassador of Japan or our representative in the UN

No, some rambling nigger spouting incoherent bullshit isn't very easy to understand.

Putting his music aside though, his ranting was dumb and aimless too.

>Kid Cudi is fucking mental
>Kanye is having fun making new music and working with fashion

>Kid Cudi is through rehab and making good music
>Kanye is fucking mental

what the fuck happened, Sup Forums?

Yeezy is a Trump plant

He'll run as an independent in 2020 and steal black votes from the Dems, ensuring a Trump reelection

>there are people so dumb they cant even understand kanyes "wild and crazy" rants

lul holy shit you guys are seriously retarded. must have the attention span of a goldfish if you cant understand what hes saying

>Cudi is making good music


>Kanye =/= music
You imbeciles should know it by now.


>lack of intelligence
The only people who think Kanye West is dumb are:
a) Hyper-geniuses, which is redundant because to them 99.999% of the human population is dumb
b) Idiots who literally cannot comprehend how intelligent he is (i.e. does a dog understand how smart a human is ?)

Guess which category you fall into.

>December 18th

Pick one

I know what category you fall into.

My filters.

I bought tickets for December 27th from ticketmaster, am I fucked?

Is this a ruse to get cheap tickets from panic sellers?

lmao you sure got him nice trips bro

Oh fuck off. Social media comments & news articles are just words. He can still do whatever the fuck he wants. Stop victimizing your agenda.


There was tons of beibposting last year

>here marks Kanye's decline into insanity.

>he thinks kanye has just started being insane

I don't think that was supposed to be an argument.

What are you even talking about? He has a new album coming out.

I realized that the picture is overly specific after I posted it, but I just Bing searched "non sequitur" and posted the first image that wasn't a comic strip. A non sequitur doesn't necessarily have to be an argument.

For example: If I post two categories that are branches of "people who think Kanye is dumb," it does not logically follow that I fit into either of those categories- both because I never stated my opinion of Kanye and because it's unlikely that I would posture myself as a hyper-genius or call myself an idiot.

Is that better ?

That hug with Cudi honestly gave me goosebumps. That was some genuine shit. Kanye was crying, and after the initial hug Cud saw Ye was crying and went back in for another. I hope they work on some shit again. Jay and Ye were overrated. Kanyes best stuff has been with Cudi imo

you lost
the meme always wins

please tell me more man, I'm excited to hear your wisdom

o fuck off by one


I think he was just trying to pull a quick one on you m8

calm down

Can you fucking fucks get on JewBook and defend this glorious man.
Every comment on every story is just hating for no reason what so ever.

Not everyone who uses complete sentences is upset, friends.

>No reason

sad kanyes just tryna make the world a better place, but but lacks the communication skills to explain it, and no one wants to hear it. crowd just boos like idiots telling him to shutup and shit.

I was on r/hiphopheads and they are bashing him. I can't take it.

Every one isn't one word dipshit

The dude just wants to use his influence to help people but all they care about are loud beats and shit. They don't care. They follow the media and the trends. Its fucking trendy to hate trump because that's how the media paints it.
It's fucked. I just hope that more Cudi and Kanye collabs come from it tho

... everyone



I thought reddit was Trump headquarters. They should love him right now.

Oh jesus fucking christ, did you mail him your balls? What the fuck is this wimpy sad for kanye shit?

You're scared of MAGA.


Who the fuck would sell? You're gonna get a refund anyways.

hes crying on stage. its sad m8. he saw trump get elected in a racist world his children have to grow up in.

I don't want a refund. I want muh Ye.

Yeah, me too, man. It's been shit year for me. It's funny; I went to the psychiatrist for the first time thks year and got prescribed.... Lexapro.

This was supposed to be my night, man. Something to lift my spirits. I was supposed to see one of the only artists I've been consistently listening to for over a decade for the first time; one of my musical idols suspended on a stage in the air above me.

Nope. Even this situation ended up like shit. I understand he's struggling, but I've been let down so hard.

We'll find out once whoever runs Ticketmaster wakes up.

Same for me. It was the one thing I was looking forward to no matter what else happened. I've been so excited, and now I'm just sad.

How did you get yourself to go to the psych? I'm terrified. I feel so fragile like I'm one breath away from being shattered into a billion pieces. I tried telling my mom once, but my throat just closed up. I don't want to be weak in front of her or my dad. I don't want to disappoint them.

Everyone that's not a Het White Christian Male should be.
[spoiler]in b4 someone's triggered[/spoiler]

Sorry I haven't responded to this earlier. I'm happy to talk about this, but it's probably best not to do it on a public forum, especially not one as insensitive as Sup Forums.

Shoot me an e-mail at: [email protected]

The gist is :

Depression is not weakness. Thinking that it'll make them disappointed in you is like thinking they'd be disappointed in you if you came down with cancer. You did NOT choose to feel this way. It's not your fault.

Of course you choke up trying to talk about it. It's hard. You don't even accept it yourself for a long while; you feel like you're just faking it, or whining to make excuses for yourself. That's all fucking bullshit, man. You have to push through that. You have to bite the bullet, realize that you are legitimately sick, and talk to your parents about it.

You need help. Take it from me : the longer you wait, the worse it'll get. Substance abuse, lost friendships, suicide attempts. Build a professional support network before you regret it.

I hope to hear from you. Good luck, man.

Thanks for the support. I don't think I'm up to it right now, but I will try to send you something soon.

>delusions for grendeur: the stage
I love Kanye, he's a funny little autist
I don't understand how you idiots take him seriously though
