What does Sup Forums think of this? Personally I loved it. Pure Television kino

What does Sup Forums think of this? Personally I loved it. Pure Television kino.

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lol meme word, nice one

Nah man I really liked it. Meme word cause this is a Mogadishu Pirate's Rum Party

Please notice this thread

Final Bump : I fucking hate capeshit edition

I saw it OP. It was good. Too good to be discussed on this board if im being completely honest with you.

Finally someone who saw it. How did the last 10 minutes of the finale make you feel?

Holy shit, its a River thread.

>one of BBC's few worthwhile intellectual properties
Why didn't BBC America pick it up for distribution?

thanks for the heads up OP

missed this one, and I watch everything he's in

new to this board redpill me on kino

It literally means cinema in German. Now its a meme word for anything good. Its the next 'based'

don't involve yourself with the stupid shit that goes on here

Kino IS the redpill

Dump your River memes now!

I actually felt the show took a drop in the final episodes

I thought it was a pretty satisfying ending desu. Kind of a tear jerker but eh.

It didn't have Bennydick Cumbersnatch and memes

oh man, this guy who went to my highschool is trying to make it as a rap / hip hop artist and his stage name is John River so this is just about the funniest thing I've come across this week.

real shit: youtube.com/watch?v=r3Cjqv4Z4qE

show looks cool, would watch. not sure if I could take it seriously with the guys name being John River though

They don't call him John River much. Just River, if that helps.

Also do watch it, okay mystery and a person losing his mind trying to solve it. Bretty good.

BBC is all about that good low key shit. And Then There Were None, War & Peace and Strange & Norrell recently. Shadow Line and Honorable Woman a little earlier. Bleak House and Little Dorrit are both great adaptations of Dickens.

Makes me want to pay that TV licence

I thought it was very good. Certainly very well filmed. The quality of these Netflix / British series like River, Luther and Happy Valley are high.

Oddly enough, I'm not sure the whole "I see people" thing was even necessary.

River is fucked in the head. That's that. And I liked the fact that the story was not all 'We need to fix this guy' BS. They played it very straight. And it worked.