Are you ready for the dawn of dogkino, Sup Forums?

Are you ready for the dawn of dogkino, Sup Forums?

this has been shilled on a near daily basis for months

Every time I see it, it reminds me of my old golden retriever.

My heart breaks every time

Saw this one already, it's just pretentious bullshit.

are they married or brother and sister lmao


Saw an advanced screening. I don't think they should have included a beheading scene.

That's actually a pretty solid trailer, although it basically gives away the entire movie. Looks like a decent if not generic feel-good Hallmark/Lifetime type movie. Had me going "aww" and having a smarmy smile in my face at the end besides myself.

Personally I think a more interesting movie, although a lot harder to make and sell, would be more of a thriller/horror type where the dog and/or human soldier had troubles integrating in civilian life, resulting in dark horrible incidents. Like a mashup between Man's Best Friend, and The Guest.

Admittedly that'd be a hard sell though.

cute :3

>ywn be part of their family
Why live bros?

I liked this movie, but I question whether they should have included the scene where army dog brutally rapes and murders an African tribeswoman before setting fire to the entire village while the children are still inside the huts. The screams were pretty piercing.


But if that scene is cut half of the dog's arc doesn't make any sense. You need that scene to establish his inner turmoil and the corruption on his soul that he needs to overcome to trust again. Also without it there wouldn't be the tension of the scene with the dog and the female soccer rival of the daughter.

Whoa. I was aware of not seeing Johnny Rico in other movies, but I had no idea things were this bad. JUST

>without it there wouldn't be the tension of the scene with the dog and the female soccer rival of the daughter.
I think there's enough tension already when the dog hurls racist abuse at her for a full five minutes

The Director's Cut was an intense 4 and a half hours.

>the scene where connor lights up the entire village with the flamethrower
Holy fuck man, nothing prepared me for that.

What uh... what exactly goes on in their house?

>Casper is 47
damn son


>post yfw the white pawsphorus scene

>dog roars

based as fuck


the scene where the dog bites the vietnamese guy's balls off is pretty fucked up

The themes of psychological warfare in this film were way more disturbing than those in Apocalypse Now

>Army Dog retrieves lost limbs and returns them to shell-shocked troops

sorry user Goldies are the best.

Can I watch this with my 10 y/o sister?

I dunno Casper looks like his shit may be getting fucked, do you think he's so scrawny looking because his ex wife is draining out his money tube?

Did he die in the war?