>when he has a folder full of movies instead of using netflix
When he has a folder full of movies instead of using netflix
>netflix mentioned in her tinder profile
>when he's on pass the popcorn
[dripping wet vagina.avi]
every time
>Well I can just set my computer to download stuff I want without even being at my computer.
>Were you at your computer, though?
>when he has a folder full of pure kino
>not having physical media
>he streams
>he's seen Fight Club more than once by choice
>when he says the new Ghostbusters movie is "oppressing" him (somehow)
>when he says the new Ghostbusters movie is giving him "depression"
>when he mixes his porn and movies in the same folder
>he was forced to see Fight Club like the little beta he is
Probably talking about you
>not taking screenshots
it's like you don't have two for every second so you can just hold right in an image viewer and relive the movie at like a tenth of the size
>actually literally unironically owning evangelion
give me your address so I can kick your ass
>he thinks the discs have an infinite lifespan even if it gets no scratches
nice investment m8
Every chick I've dated for like the last 5 years has torrented movies/tv.
Every chick I've fuckbuddied/one-night-stand-ed has had only netflix.
Am I seeing a trend, Sup Forums?
I actually, unironically, want to see that.
>tfw I like Melissa McCarthy and she makes me laugh
>He uses Netflix instead of Amazon Prime.
>he pays the stream jew
Netflix has a pathetic selection of movies though
Indeed it does. Prime has something like 4 times as much movies.
Plus you end up paying less, and you get other things with a membership as well like 2 day shipping.
>he pays for Plebflix instead of just using Kodi
you better be sharing those shelves with your 13 year old daughter, otherwise i don't know how you justify some of that shit
>try to Netflix and chill
>spend 20 minutes going through all the movies before deciding that netflix's movie selection is awful and politely ask her to leave
please dont tell these faggots about that. we already lost genesis because of faggotry.
enjoy it while it lasts you disgusting thieves
Genesis still works, the movie search is just broken. The dev made a new one anyway, Exodus.
I'll be dead by then.
Can we talk about how Netflix has become the entire world to normies?
Try talking to a normie or a qt about a movie and the first thing they'll say is "Is it on Netflix?" and then when you say no they instantly lose interest.
Kodi has quality worse than Yify
It is weird how much of their life it seems to be now. I'm a fucking loser and I've got more than netflix going on in my life.
Kodi doesn't "have" anything. They just link to it, moron.
this its fucking shit
the links are garbage quality, that's what I meant.
Yeah I liked Bridesmaids and Spy, and I think Paul Feig makes legitimately funny shit. Freaks & Geeks and Other Space are probably both in my top 20 comedy series of all time. I think it'll be a strong 5 to a light 6.
>FBI after streamfags
>he has hulu plus
>but no tv
who the fuck does this?
Lol@ those tabs
(If I haven't seen it, it's new to me!)
>he doesn't delete his movies after watching them one time
Good goy.
TFW only having Netflix's selection instead of 1080p rips of every decent movie ever in a tiny box by your TV
Nice try, shill.
hiking is at least a good hobby
i wish girls here did that
here its even worse
He pays the internet jew
>he doesn't have enough HD space to hoard movies
>he calls it HD and not HDD
>he wastes Ds
literal meme tastes
I'll waste your D
>he didn't make a Ds nuts joke
I do this
embrace nofap m8. It's the cure for the depression you clearly have.
You's guys better stop getting so meta this was supposed to be a simple thread
Embrace the placebo m8 it'll make your gains better it'll make you happy it'll make you study hard it'll make you a better aryan
Every board I go to I hear the same shit get your hand off my dick
>being proud of using netflix
But it's true. Adversity is the spice of life. Idle hands something something. We're not designed to have everything. Humanity does not die with a bang, but with a BangBros.
Father stretch my hands I've got enough adversity and sometimes I deserve a nut
And we all wonder why we're worried that robots will eventually just kill us all.
its a solid state you faggot fuck, there are no disks in my hard drive
>he downloads and keeps porn
>He risks losing his favorite videos to a 404.
You do you. I'm actually not even a nofapsman, I've just stopped looking at hardcore porn and it's like I'm dying at a less overwhelming rate. I don't feel sullied when I interact with people. I'm driven to be creative and productive. I'm interested in women as people again. P in V porn dulls your edge. Makes you docile. Castrates you. Literally removes your humanity. We're supposed to be horny and slightly frustrated. We're not supposed to be able to sate every desire on command.
It's how they win.
>he fell for the Netflix may may
>Being this lonely
>favoriting porn videos
>tfw married and banging my wife 2-3 times a week with that porn collection
>he doesn't have a home media server with Plex as the front end so normies understand. Try harder autists.
Netflix can't revoke my hard drive.
>5.2T of Blacked
>implying netflix has a good range of movies
Nowadays even amazon is better,netflix is for tv shows
>Wall-E eating the pavement in that second test