This is the average JUSTposter
This is the average JUSTposter
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What are you hoping to gain from this, OP? Do you wanna start a circlejerk where other anons bash this random dude? Does that make you feel big? Nah, I'll just call you a faggot, instead.
I feel like a model compared to some of people that i've see post selfies of themselves here
Hey InstantCrush95
no sympathy for board cancer
yeah the pretty anons go on /soc/... or the passable ones at least.
90% of Sup Forums users are most likely ugly fat nerds, barely better looking than the fedora meme.
i'm on the 10%
these are the people who bitch about /film/
I'm ugly, but at least I'm not fat
Average Sup Forums shit poster
his hair needs work
me too. I'm one of the 10%.
>am i ugly?
yes, and it seems you're also a 12 year old girl for asking that...
His everything needs work.
but that's from /r/amiugly
You realize that meme started on twitter with this image, right? If he had written 'JUST' or something I would have related it to Sup Forums but that it way more broad than a Sup Forums meme
I'm easily top 3% percent.
I could be the attractiveness Summa Cum Lade of Sup Forums.
Holy fuck this dude is ultimate JUST tier.
still, why get there if you KNOW you are ugly, and you're a 18ish year old guy.
What would you gain from that? get called a fat ugly piece of shit? get people's pity? get haircut suggestions?
i honestly don't understand. I'd ask someone if they think im ugly if im using some sort of fucked up technique to get pity laid or something, but not on a damn forum on the internet.
post nudes or stop lying
not a fag but you think you're hot shit so prove it bitch
Yeah, "JUST" as one word is more of a Brendan thing
have you ever been to /soc/? some people are curious due to lack of social interaction and a lot of people know they look good so they use it as an ego boost.
i'd understand the "lack of social interaction" one.
I didn't know i wasn't ugly until i was out of highschool and missed on getting superlaid. I needed a haircut tho. And being more bold with girls. But still. I thought i was ugly and it was pointless.
just fuck my shit up senpai xD
The guy has autism. Fuck off.
>this guy have been browsing Sup Forums longer than most people here today
who is that homo? i have been browsing since before 2010 so fuck off anyways
Why do these morons not use a different account if they post their faces?
clean the shitstain on the mirror first, pajeet.
some dudes don't talk to women at all
I haven't talked to one in 7 years at the least.
I still remember that that comment was on a reddit thread (are they call threads?) about the "Somerset was the real killer" dailypasta that I helped force
I'd fuck him ngl
same senpai
meanwhile, superior autism posters
Making fun of autistic people because of a meme.
Definitely decent human beings right there.
Why is it always Mexicans?
Shirtless guy is a major qt desu
how do you live?
i literally mean it. How can you go on living without interacting with females? are you NEETs? if you had a job or a career in college or something, there has to be females you can talk to. Maybe being ugly makes it much harder, but you can always be friendzoned or the "probably gay" friend
Dibs i mean dubs
I think the point is they DON'T know, or they know but are in denial about it and are clinging onto some hope that the answer will be 'no'
>shilling this hard
Fuck off chavcunts