What was his problem?
What was his problem?
no clothes.
White trash from the deep South
That's it. You got it.
he had autism
Messy hair.
Disappointing final bosses general?
He was at the best mildly retarded from generations of inbreeding, and brought up to be a sociopath. As a child his patriarchal figures subjected him to wanton acts of sex and violence, and he grew up believing in occult bullshit.
So did this guy actually kill the girl in the first murder they came across? He didn't seem capable of anything like that. The preparation of the body and the ritualistic stuff seemed beyond his mental capabilities.
He was ascending to a higher plane. Slipping the disc.
Rust was the last tribute he needed to sacrifice to solidify the portal you see at the end.
He wanted to break away from the eternal cycle of life. That's what I understood in the finale. He wanted to get out of the cycle of life and death and transcends that illusion of life. That's why rust understood him perfectly.
He was the King in Yellow's vessel. When you kill the vessel you become the vessel. Rust said he shouldn't be here. Meaning he should have died like he did countless times before, but this time he broke the cycle.
das deep maine
Project bluebird.
he was a False Detective
He was emulating the ritual sacrifices performed by the cult his family was a part of.
>The preparation of the body and the ritualistic stuff seemed beyond his mental capabilities.
So you didn't hear any of his monologues when he was using a mid-atlantic accent? He wasn't retarded, he just fell back on his backwoods dialect when it was appropriate to.
His sister-wife may have been retarded, but that's a guess made from the same assumptions.
>final bosses
Proof that only Sup Forumsermin plebs hate True Detective.
Bet you dislike S02 as well, faggot
he was at the very least involved in it. as far as inbred retards go he wasn't totally incapable of something like that. by the end rust even admits they didn't get everyone involved but they got their man so that's as good as it gets
Dude what are you talking about. He literally is shown to have a genius level IQ with the ability to adapt to his surroundings incredibly well as well as adopt a separate fully thought out personality in a instant. Plus he built that fucking tree maze. Guy was smart and artistic.
The three involved in the first murder were all killed. They went rogue from the main cult and it was implied it was just them.
He was a degenerate aristocrat.
gets it. His family has 'been here a long, long time'. His family were probably British slave-owning patrician colonists who degenerated through generations of inbreeding and isolation.
Look at his house and the amount of books in it. His family are clearly descended from patrician stock, yet degenerated over time.
This is actually a pretty common theme of Gothic literature, Southern Gothic in particular.
what three?
Reggie Ladoux, green ears and who?
nigga he was like the second level's boss
The one that got blown up by a grenade and dealt with the biker gang. I forget his name.
Duall the fat man with Reggie
I never got that at all. Ladoux was clearly batshit but the fat guy seemed like he was just a meth dealer who wouldn't be interested in occult murder
he was crazy as fuck and one of the only people to unnerve Rust, when he met him and Ginger in that bar
Who /wants to make flowers/ here?
I wish we had gotten more scenes with this guy.
I remember someone in the live thread for episode 3 or 4 where Rust and Marty check out the high school and we see pic related for the first time saying how he was the killer.
No one listened.
many people agreed.
imdb spoiled that shit, had him listed for the later episodes
it was heavily implied that he was extremely intelligent
Imagine waking up with your hands and legs cuffed to a sturdy bed and finding that dude looking at you.
>Look at his house and the amount of books in it. His family are clearly descended from patrician stock, yet degenerated over time.
are you saying he just inherited the books? I don't think so, it was mainly to show he placed more value on knowledge and mental pursuits over, for example, not living like a pig. he was pretty much a Thomas Ligotti character. an ambiguously insane/enlightened aesthete with darkly mystical motives for his killings. having him live in a shithole house was to separate him from your more refined serial killers like Hannibal Lector who do value material things. this guy was beyond that
memes aside, whoever that is really is a big guy
>but S2 was absolute fucking trash compared to S1
It's just that we were giving something really quite good and then handed the reddit equivalent with forced "muh stronk woman" themes and "muh vince vaughn can act". It was just a fucking shit show and might have passed for adequate had not a superb first season superseded it.