The real hero of Civil War

The real hero of Civil War

did Cap finally tap that?

>betrayed the country for the D of the 80 years old superhuman who fucked her aunt
Yeah no.

>that scene when she attacks Bucky
What was she thinking? Dude is tough enough to kick Caps's ass. Just becausr BW can asspull shit like that doesn't mean she can too.

Agent May vs Winter Solder who wins?
Daisy vs Winter Solder who wins?

Peggy would have expected no less of her.

See above.

>All these people waifuing the fuck out of Scarlet Witch
>Literal aryan goddess slips by unnoticed

Is this board full of niggers or something?

Her role and acting were pathetic

Call me an autist, but their forced "CAPTAIN AMERICA IS NOT GAY" kiss scene was hilariously unconvincing and I laughed in the theater when it happened

She's ugly

There were people who thought he was gay?

It was weird she kept getting away with massive security violations.



>they actually used this speech

true capekino

Probably chads who think anyone not fucking chicks every weekend was gay.
It was nice having a superhero not defined by his oneitis. It gave all of us forever alone virgins someone to look up too. Oh well it was fun while it lasted I guess


Agreed, that chick's been a dime since Revenge, which was a shit show and only worth watching for Emily. Glad she's finally getting some recognition

>tfw she gives the "No you move" speech instead of Cap

Shit caught me off guard.

>who fucked her aunt
>a kiss is fucking

why she looks like a finn

>Cap changed Peggy for this


Also, what kind of metal is WS arm?

>what kind of metal is WS arm?

>lol I got all your gear without a single person catching me and stopping me
> good luck guys!

>Vision x Wanda
>Not Cap x Wanda

I know this happens in the comics, but the chemistry between them is superb.

cap is more like a dad to her with tony being the dirtbag uncle

>Cap not being Sharon's grandpa

You had one job Disney

>that scene were Cap cries while lifting Peggy's Coffin

More depth than BvS

12 months from now, which will be more of a meme, Civil War, or BvS?

she's literally a feminazi, and worst part of everwood.

He was.

May would eventually get fucked but if the choreography is anything to go by she is on BW teir or above.

Diasy would fuck him straight up, with powers when she isnt fucking around she is OP

Fucking this. Emily is goat.

she's past her prime desu.
I remember thinking she was literally perfect back in 2005 or so

The most generic, bland, whitebread looking woman I have ever seen in my entire life. She's a budget Laura Linney which is the worst thing to be in Hollywood.

What did Cap mean by this?


>sigh.. okay, here i go
>ugh... well, i just kissed a woman.. thanks hollywood, thanks marvel. Are we done?

I have no qualms with her.


>so.. you're gay right?
>okay bye

>yeah... i knew it (as black guy nods)
>shit.. i thought it would work (thinks metal arm man)

>Falcon and Bucky just looking on like "get it in bruh get it in"
>Cap's clearly not even closed to used to this
Cap is an icon of virginity.

haha upvoted!

is virginity a code for gay?

she's gorgeous
but i'm not moved by her

face is ruined by plastic surgery

... still out of my league tho

>those tits
>those eyes
Holy sweet fuck.