Hey, Sup Forums, are there any 3DPD girls out there who are even half as screenshottable as anime girls?

Hey, Sup Forums, are there any 3DPD girls out there who are even half as screenshottable as anime girls?

It's one of my problems with life action stuff. I like taking screenshots, but 90% of the time when I pause to take a screenshot of a cute girl, I have to pass because she actually looks awful in the freeze frame.

Here's your bump, fuckface.


damn she was cute. I hope this isn't an example because if it is, it only helps to prove your mental issues, which i think you have nonetheless.



no, she's an example of a girl who is pretty screenshottable. I like her a lot.

I'm talking about, like, Elaine for example. I would plow her without a doubt, but look at her in this shot. She should look great, but she looks weird and almost like a guy. If this was anime, there wouldn't be a frame in this shot that looked off.

Most of the Seinfeld girls don't look good in screenshots.

maybe because real people aren't drawn frame by frame and people only look good from certain angles and under certain light conditions?

You understand the difference between something simbolic made by lines and something real, right? it's easy for a dot representing a ball in a cartoon looking perfectly round and smooth, in contrast with a real black smooth round ball made of plastic bouncing on a real "white box" room, recorded with a camera with a certain framerate, and compressed further for your online viewing.

Obviously that's the rule. That's why I made this thread. I am looking for exceptions.

Here's a Seinfeld girl that I liked. I thought she was cute.

Caprica was underrated as fuck.

No it was really quite bad. It's okay if you want to fuck Tortellini but don't get carried away and say things you don't mean.


sarah hyland has animuu~ eyes


These girls are all clearly posing for photos. OP is asking for girls who look good when they aren't specifically trying to look good for a still photo.

Just watch stuff with girls who look like real anime girls like ScarJo, The Fanning Sisters, Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, the list could go on..

real life isn't anime you poor deranged autist

i want you to post all your examples now.
keep it going. Hot who look ugly. Surprisingly good looking in screenshot homely girls, anything, but keep posting

Wow, do people on Sup Forums actually recognize this girl?. I just thought she was just some extra on Grounded for Life 10 years ago. Is she known for something else?

Anyway, she's not all sunshine. I love her face despite her crosseye, but honestly her legs are fucked up.

She's cute. Innocent in a slutty kind of way.

Contradictory but that's what she looks like to me.

Yeah dude, she did a Battlestar Galactica(?) spinoff called Caprica some years back.

>he wasn't around for when Sup Forums bullied her so hard she came into the thread to defend herself


just lol


Oooh, she got in with the Battlestar fanbase. I should probably check out that show one day. It's old, and I've heard good things about it.

No, but there's gotta be at least a couple girls who can get halfway to anime screenshottability. I wanna know who they are.

Homely?! Sure, she could pass for a dude in this shot, but she's not homely.

what a qt.

standard cute models look in around 1 out of 100 frames. spectacularly cute girls, maybe in 1 out of 10 frames. just ask someone at

Yeah, that's her.

Nah. Like I said, she was an extra in a 10 year old episode of Grounded for Life that I saw. I thought she was top 3 in screenshottability in that show, but that's all I knew about her.

why bully this?

>those pics

Man what the fuck is wrong with her?

what went wrong?


Sup Forums pls go

IMAGINE being a Japanese businessman in that house...


Weeb plz go