The Wheel of Time

WoT is getting a TV series, confirmed. What network or streaming service would be best? Who should be cast? What should be cut? How should channeling be depicted?

Syfy have been churning out some decent shows recently.

Nigga are you shitting me

Let's just resign the show to cheap shit now then.

World of Tanks is getting a show?

I thought it already did?

They're the only one who would care to pick it up. Every other network would find it too boring to want to invest in.

it would only work in a massive budget, which there is no way it's getting. It will look like legend of the seeker or any of the other terrible 'fantasy' shows.

No, Wheel of Time is. Check the subject field, it says The Wheel of Time! You can't just make a pretending to be retarded post when the subject field has been filled out even if an acronym is in the text field, buddy.

A Memory of Light supposedly sold 30-40 million+ in America alone, so I guess there is a large potential audience even if only a fraction watches.

Still, I have no hope for it either. The adaptation rights for this series have never been handled sanely.

Kill yourself

You think it's boring?

I think most of the stuff addericts complain about wouldn't be an issue in a TV/film adaptation. A paragraph describing clothing and objects in detail doesn't translate to extra screen time, it just makes work for set designers and costumers.

No, you. If the subject field were empty, your lame """joke""" would have been supremely dumb still, but justifiable.

As it stands, you've no leg to stand on, friend. The subject field in OP says "The Wheel of Time" which permits no confusion about the term WoT in the text field. Too bad for you!

Holy fuck you are a faggot.

HBO or BBC would do best

>BBC adaptation of WoT
I never knew I wanted this until now.


i wonder if they'll make the accents the way i imagine them to be.

>seanchan are texan
>domani are west country
>Aiel are irish

>seanchan are texan
>domani are west country
>Aiel are irish

Illian = Dutch, Two Rivers - Irish/English, Tear = Spanish, Saldaea = Durkadurka Mohammed Jihad

Childhood's End wasn't bad

Too bad for you!

Childhood's End was pretty good

Will they keep all the fetishes?
>Pillow friends
>Graendals sex harem
>Semirhages sadism
>Numerous female on female spankings
>Mat being the boytoy to some milf queen
>The entire Seanchan society
Cant wait

>Elayne v. Age of Legends sex toy ter'angreal
>Birgitte/Elayne linked during orgasms
>Rahvin Cosby v. Morgase
>Maidens Kiss

Childhood's End was okay

What did you guys think about Childhood's End?

Holy crap, an active wheel of time thread on Sup Forums with multiple participants energetically discussing prospects for the new television series? That's #2 on the list of things I didn't expect to encounter here.

By the light, it's real

holy crap it's totally real also childhoods end was fairly entertaining

loooool fucking kek

The ending kinda sucked and was anti-climatic

OP's pic looks like a motherfucking Pretzel

It would only work as an anime series. You know I'm right.

You arent right

The books where trash. Srsly cant wait to read all the shitposting when you realise how stupid the female only magic society works. Femnazi is, for the first time, a fitting description of half the cast.