ITT: Post strong female characters done right

ITT: Post strong female characters done right

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I dont want a Dredd sequel, I want a Psi Devision story about Anderson maturing.


Monique in Precious. She was a real live human monster. Just like all women.

based mother







>omitting the source

>No T2 Sarah Conner

Probably the absolute best example of a movie badass female done correctly. Cameron made sure that despite all of the shit happening, she was still human. She wasn't just "muh strong womyn," she was a mother who became what she had to to protect her son.


Claire Underwood

Marie Schrader

Kim Wexler

John Dorian

Juliet Burke

She actually was pumping that shotgun single handed. pretty badass.

Yeah she was pretty bad ass and very human. Actually she was probably the best written character in the series. Fuck that movie was a master piece.

Somebody is sure to post Ripley so I'll just post Vasquez

Jesus, I never noticed how huge her tits are


>"Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?"
>"No, have you?"


Fucking awful movie and she was the worst.

She stole the show in that movie. Every scene with her was perfect. Linda Hamilton was fucking amazing in the role.

>That scene where that orderly licks her face


>rookie will never mind-rape you until you are completely broken

Kimmy schmidt


She ruined the film

I remember the first time I saw that film I was with a group of black people. They legit went full ape when that line came out.


>also Nikita



I really don't see why she's so praised but Charlize in Mad Max was so triggering.

I like both btw


>ywn fuck the bunny


>emily blunt will NEVER step on your balls
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)

>still haven't seen Fargo.

did you know she was the Stepmother in Terminator 2?

She was great. Strong but human.

this. only one.

Oh shit! That's right!

The character uses an exo suit that does all the work but was still willing to get fit af for the role. Now compare her body to gadot.



>wide child bearing hips

>not liking child bearing hips
As expected of a dumb frog.

That is an ugly person. Like objectively. "Lipstick on a pig" and all that.

She's not even remotely attractive but after seeing Burn After Reading I am so turned on by her

Being a rabbit would be awesome. Just fuck all day and never worry about finding food.

She basically symbolizes the end of the Judge society.
PSI people are obviously on both sides and will just bring on a new era of evolution while bridging the gap between the Judges and the masses.



R-selected faggot detected

She and Pentecost were the best things about that movie (besides the kanji and jaegers


watch Blood Simple

these arent even female, having a vagina doesn't make you magically female


TFW 9/11 was actually a universe split and everyone who died are actually in a paradise parallel universe.
Everything is now backwards and retarded in this universe.

the best ever IMO

Can we have some evil ones as well?



none better

NO NO NO NO fuck off Emlia you fat cunt


She's an average looking woman given an unflattering hairstyle, ugly lipstick color, and glasses to make her glaringly LOLNERDY

literally just saw this
>tfw no qt punk gf



Feminists criticized the movie because she sought help from a man instead of showing grrl power against a whole gang on her own

>tfw I liked her back when she was just a beaten wife
>now she's a badass and everyone loves her

I kinda feel like a hipster

> she will never stab you with a box cutter

JDIMSA in my sleep already

>comic book fantasy level


What are you trying to say


I want everyone whining about Ghost in the shell whitewashing to remember this whore and all the other bland asian actresses the bring into scifi films


dfsfsd fgfdgf awsdfrgdyh