Is this problematic? Interesting article...
Is this problematic? Interesting article...
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Check 'em
Going through your list once, Steve Jobs and John Lasseter aren't Jewish
they aren't even on the list
they've been doing a pretty good job, tbqh
good job, jews. here's to another hundred years of you guys running hollywood
>it's a Sup Forums doesn't even try to be subtle anymore episode
jesus you retards shill more than anyone on this site
There are more ethnic jewish journalists than christian ones
Hollywood was started and ran by jews in the beginning. Now it's owned by shareholders
Steve Jobs widow and George Cuckas have more control over Disney than Bob Iger.
Jews are one of the only races to get upset when you mention a good stereotype for them.
>Say blacks tend to be athletic, have big dongs, etc. and they're cool with that.
>Tell a German they are good engineers. Ja.
>Call a Frenchman a natural cook. No problem
>Asian good at math? They'll agree.
>Tell a Jew they are good with money or that they run Hollywood? You're fucking Hitler!
Good bait. Almost answered seriously.
Based Jews
Jews work and own a lot in Hollywood but no there is no SPOOKY ZIONIST CONTROL OF DA MEDIA like you tinfoils think
Hollywood doesn't control the world, Hollywood just profits and absorbs information about the current world.
Sup Forums likes a 80s Hollywood movies, even though those movies were acted by jews, directed by jews, and written by young jewish writers.
hershlag is so godman fuckable
>hollywood is an unadulterated reflection of spontaneous developments within culture
>there is zero agenda whatsoever besides attracting profit by reflecting the cinematic equivalent of observational commentary
lol bro come on.
Delete this.
Yes. I'm sure they wouldn't use their domination of media to push any agendas. That's tinfoil talk!
You have to be really fucking stupid to be swayed by some imaginary Jewish conspiracy/agenda while stuffing your face with popcorn at the movies.
what exactly has you upset? that a basic reality was pointed out? why is that triggering to you? i'm legitimately curious
>I have no answer to this
>what exactly has you upset?
he is probably jewish, we have a lot of jews posting on Sup Forums
Hershlag must be completely wet here
>we have a lot of jews posting on Sup Forums
How do you know that, Jew?
This is now a Druish princess thread.
So you're saying that when movies and TV are consumed... and things are portrayed in XYZ way... it has no influence on the populace? Do you really believe that?
>tfw no nagging jew gf to bitch at me until I get my shit together
But it's right, you've never noticed that Jews always plays the quiet, unassuming characters who sometimes provide comic relief? I don't think I've seen a single film made after the '30s that's ever had a Jew villain, even if the source material originally was that for whatever reason. Source material is unimportant though, right, goy?
Hershlag so tiny :3
its an evolutionary adaptation 2 hidng frum nazi ;-DDD
thread reported for racism
You mean movies that weren't trying to push agendas were more well received than the reverse? Wow, I sure wish there was a conspiracy, especially with all the facts pointing that way, but you said there isn't one and only dumb tinfoilers would ever think there was right?
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with quotes by dumb failures who destroyed their own country?
I do.
You're welcome to provide sources on how much and in what ways television and movies influence people. I'm not immortal, though, so I suggest you start doing some studies right now.
mohel pls dont snibbeti snab on benis D: D: D:
I already praised your bait, thirsty fag. Don't push it.
So you're saying that because it would be ineffectual (in your opinion) therefore there is no such thing as an agenda in a hollywood movie?
Not even JIDF would bother with bait this low-effort. You must be doing it for free
>I still have no answer
If movies with no agendas are more successful why do you care?
If movies with no agendas are not successful why are they dangerous?
Isn't this what cultural marxism is all about? I've heard faggots like you complain about it.
seen Miller's Crossing?
Lucky Number Slevin?
oh fug ;-DD
>So you're saying that because it would be ineffectual (in your opinion) therefore there is no such thing as an agenda in a hollywood movie?
I'm saying that if there are these magical Jewish agendas behind every movie, I'd suggest you start showing me just how likely it is that I'm influenced by one of them.
Or better yet, show me those studies that link violence to video games. I'm sure those will help your point, Sup Forums.
that chubby on the left is a qt senpai
I don't usually answer to crazy hobos either. You're not that special.
Why is the necessary? The question is "are there agendas present in hollywood movies' not are 'are they effective at accomplishing their goals.'
It's actually pretty on topic.
>I still have no answer
>The question is "are there agendas present in hollywood movies'
Well, shit, if you wanted to defeat your own argument that fucking bad, just show me these agendas. Show me proof that a Jewish council is sitting every week discussing how they're going to use subtle mind controlling techniques (in fucking Marvel movies, mind you) to convince people... To do what exactly?
>Sup Forums went from a group of people who ironically pretended to be pedo's,footfags, stalkers and Sup Forumslite to SJW and normalfriends.
What happened?
Drive (funny because Refn is a Jew himself)
I am challenging your contention that hollywood does not ever reflect an agenda of any kind and is a perfect reflection of cultural externalities, so get on the same page or stop replying.
Here's your sauce:
>The question is "are there agendas present in hollywood movies'
Yes. Cunnilingus have been pushed for a few years. Before this, it was dyke sex, before this it was BJs, before this is was threesome.
>she will NEVER castrate you with her teeth
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)
What's wrong with any of those?
Refresh my memory, user: what kind of Hollywood movies has this CIA studio made?
Like clockwork
>CIA 'studio'
wew lad, bad guess. Read the article.
>oral sex is a sign of infidelity
missionary position sole purpose of recreation etc.
>Operation Mockingbird was a secret campaign by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to influence media.
Don't try to play the retard with me, user. This is quite literally the first line of the article.
Again, what movies has this CIA studio produced through the years? Because this seems like a different entity injecting itself and its agendas into Hollywood, not the other way around.
>Again, what movies has this CIA studio produced through the years?
Thought you were referring to the pic not the text.
Reread the sentence, try to isolate which part of it refers to a specific studio as being 'the CIA one' in your mind.
He's goalpost moving and trolling you. Asking to prove that movies and television are vessels of propaganda is like asking to prove that water is wet.
That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard.
It was the biggest since the silent era, after all. No wonder JFK had to give a little brainmatter to make it happen.
But I'm still waiting on you to explain to me how an operation planned and executed (terribly, I might add) by the CIA is at all related with Hollywood.
If I walk into your home and start spouting shit about multiculturalism, are you just as guilty for spreading that agenda?
>is like asking to prove that water is wet
I'm glad you guys are starting to realize how stupid it is to make claims you can't even prove.
Obviously, there is social engineering/propaganda embedded throughout much of our television and film entertainment media. This is not news.
Serious question... why is it such a taboo topic here and in mainstream discussion in general? This is a huge issue.
Regardless of your political affiliation (or lack thereof)... propaganda (regardless of what it's propagandizing) is a bad thing, right?
Also domestic propaganda was legalized in 2012.
Jews demonize whites for ethnocentricity, meanwhile jews are perhaps the most militantly ethnocentric group on earth.
Israel doesn't even grant citizenship without familial confirmation and DNA tests. They also sterilize North African refugees. Google it.
Odd how they push multiculturalism onto rest of the world, huh?
Jews aren't an ethnicity.
You can get on Israel's path to citizenship 'right of return' program with virtually no evidence to back up your professed judaism.
>Jews aren't an ethnicity.
Why do you keep linking me to non-Hollywood related stuff, user?
Redwood invited all his pleb tumblr friends and they invited theirs at the same time Swaglord invited all his pleb leddit friends and they invited theirs.
Our cultural and intellectual decay mirrors the Frankfurt School's agenda.
The Frankfurt School were a group of Marxist Jewish intellectuals at Frankfurt University in the 1920-1930's. They emigrated to NYC after fleeing Germany when Hitler came to power. They included Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse & Erich Fromm, and were responsible for e.g. "New Left" and feminism etc. SJWs trace their roots to this movement.
Financed by Jewish millionaire Felix Weill, they were instrumental in the degradation of Western society according to the long-term plan.
Basically, the agenda of the Frankfurt School was to undermine the Western Christian legacy. They called for the most negative destructive criticism possible (see "critical theory") of every sphere of life to destabilize society and destroy what they saw as the "oppressive" order.
They hoped their policies would spread like a virus... "continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means" as they wrote.
To further the advance of their "quiet" cultural revolution... but giving us no idea about their plans for the future... the School recommended (among other things):
1. The creation of racism offences
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity
6. The promotion of excessive drinking and drug use
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Creating dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family
When you hear the term "Cultural Marxism" this is what it's referring to... this movement. It's quite interesting if you take the time to look into it.
Ashkenazi Jews are something like 70-80% of the global Jewish population.
Ashkenazis are very genetically similar to the next largest Jewish ethnic group, the Sepharics.
And your contention that's it's possible to become an Israeli citizen with zero proof of Jewishness is absolute nonsense.
Unless you're talking about relation to Judaism, which is irrelevant, as it's widely known that ancestry, not religious affiliation, is what's important to becoming an Israeli. Atheist Jews are welcome.
Ashkenazi are most genetically similar to their gentile regional cohorts.
I literally know jews who went and got ISRAELI'D, and they have explained in detail how casually the Israeli government will accept almost any form of 'proof' of judaism. Good example: I know of a 'ultster israelite' who was able to get Israeli citizenship.
They are the scottish equivalent of those niggas in New York who stand on the street corner screeming about africans being the true israelites.
Nope, read the nytimes article.
>muh anecdotes
>read this article in the Jew York Times
>believe it over your first hand experiences of people who have actually undergone the process
>In a thread about the non-existence of zionist propaganda in the media
How many levels of irony you on senpai?
>I literally know jews
hearsay and NOT AN ARGUMENT
lol, I hope you're trolling.
If not you're a fucking idiot, and likely a butthurt fucking idiot.
Jews are a race, Israel views Jews as a race, deal with it.
There's a reason why the stereotypical Jew has distinct biological features.
>Jews are a race, Israel views Jews as a race, deal with it.
Lol as if the second statement proves the first.
I'm not arguing, i'm telling. Who are you trying to convince here bruv?
The links I already provided proves my statements to be correct.
Deal with it fuckboi.
>user thinks his anecdotes trumps empirical data
How sad.
jews make up about 1% of the US population yet wholly dominate its entertainment and news media... that can't be a good thing
Goodest goy I've ever seen tbqh familiar
>1. The creation of racism offences
>2. Continual change to create confusion
>3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
>4. The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority
>5. Huge immigration to destroy identity
>6. The promotion of excessive drinking and drug use
>7. Emptying of churches
>8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
>9. Creating dependency on the state or state benefits
>10. Control and dumbing down of media
>11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family
oh my word ITS HAPPENING
Nothing to see here, goy.
Move along.
bahahahahaha :^)
Who is this?
Daphne Zuniga from Space Balls