Okay Chris in this shot we need you to flex those fucking biceps. Flex them HARD. FLEX THEM YOU FUCKER. FLEEEEXXXX

>Okay Chris in this shot we need you to flex those fucking biceps. Flex them HARD. FLEX THEM YOU FUCKER. FLEEEEXXXX

Other urls found in this thread:


that actually is working the forearms and lats

Gonna start lifting tonight. Using this as my goal physique.

It was actually a really amazing movie.

I had no idea who black panther was so when he took off his mask i was like "holy shieeet its that son!"

they had the helicopter prop on a crane and the first time around it was too easy to hold on to and it didnt look real. so chris told them to actually pull it so it looked like he was struggling. so they did, too much. thats him actually straining very hard to hold that shit down. actually injured his arm

How can Jennifer "Snackathon" Lawrence compete?

Couldn't afford a ticket?

>You know Chris if you don't Flex harder we'll replace you, you're a 100 year old man flexing it's not hard. Kirk Douglas is on stand by, call our bluff motherfucker.

she cant. the only woman i can think of who actually worked out for a role was biel. i dont know if i should count the mma fighters who've done parts in movies since their job is to be fit anyway

other way around baby
>"cut! great shot chri-what? you want it to look more realistic? n-no please, dont fuck my wife. i'll get the grips right on it"


Damn pham that nigga is committed to the character, he might not have the acting skills of DDL but that's truly beyond being only a muscled hunk, him and Cavill should do a buddy cop movie or something.

>you'll never be as busty as steve
Help me with these feels /fit/

>swn choke you out then draw a dick on your forehead while you're passed out


how about emily blunt ? she wasn't bulk mode, but she was pretty fit and strong in edge of tomorrow

Like women, your bust size all comes down to genetics. Chris Evans has been blessed with nice, full, anatomically perfect bosoms.

You can see the Jesus symbolism in this pic. Cap is like Jesus, extending his hand to the common Sinner (Bucky), trying to prevent him from escaping. Cap could die in the process, but he does it anyway, because of how much he trusts his friendship.

The position of the arms is not a coincidence. This is literally one of the best Jesus symbolisms in a movie after the train stopping scene in Spiderman 2

wat a sexc fuccn hunk holy shit no homo


>Youll never get 95% of the women on earth wet from a pic of ypurself

Hurts to live

>This is literally one of the best Jesus symbolisms in a movie after the train stopping scene in Spiderman 2

Practically every gay man on earth also wants dat Evans. Hell, even some straight men.

>you will never be lusted over by literally everyone

>even some straight men.
Can confirm. Too be honest though, at his level of attractiveness, I don't even see it as being gay to want a piece.

He did a lot of his own stunts and fighting in Winter Soldier too.

Thanks for reminding me of this scene. That bullshit grip-reverse where physics just stopped working for a second really pissed me off.

Not to mention that Bucky had to have intentionally let off the throttle for Cap to get out there to get leverage in the first place. Either that, or Cap weighs somewhere in excess of 3,000 lbs.


Truly a 10/10 bro tier. I bet he's the kind of guy that will not only tell you , that you could get the girl... he would actually make the girl go to you and it wouldn't mean a drop of water on his bucket.

>he will never penetrate you for the first time
>he will never sensually massage your prostate with his penis
>he will never whisper "together we stand, divided we fall" in your ear before thrusting with all his strength

I prefer Hemsworth.


>>he will never whisper "together we stand, divided we fall" in your ear before thrusting with all his strength

Wait, is that really Evans?

Meme magic is getting real again


Better hop on some roids user, you won't get there natty

how can any men even compete with all the Chris's in the MCU , Chris Evans, Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, you can juice yourself with all the HGH in the world but that height, those facial features (plus the fame, the money), personality and intelligence don't mean crap when it comes to compete against physical feature no girl in the world would take a regular smart/funny guy over those godly creatures. We haven't cured aids, or cancers, we don't even go to space anymore, each and everyday I start to believe the gay ass of hitler was onto something all you need to know is how the basic of agriculture to harvest fruit and vegetables, and how to hunt.. I would be one of the first to go the day these perfect creatures find out they don't need us , or the fat girls...


If this didn't make you gay then you were already a fag

Fucking loser

>chris pratt
stopped reading there

Fuck everything


so how can i integrate 'preventing a helicopter from taking off' into my routine?

I'm a loser for being realistic? Evans is obviously roiding, it doesn't take a genius to see that. Unless you have god-like genetics, there's literally no way you're gonna look like that without being on gear

Are you or have you been affiliated with any secret Russian assassins?

>each and everyday I start to believe the gay ass of hitler was onto something

Be sure to try to pull off that grip reverse while the engine's still throttled up. Tell me how it works out.

Evans has to get on his tippy-toes to hug Hemsworth.

>all you need to know is how the basic of agriculture to harvest fruit and vegetables, and how to hunt..

If you're a pleb with no higher value of himself than a base animal, then sure


Also Hemsworth's tits don't compare to Evans'.

I want him to ride my dick so I can squeeze his ass and watch his titties bounce at the same time.

what else do you need besides food , shelter and punany? your nintendo? . Anyway it's not like that guy Elon Musk is going anywhere he would be one of the few to survive the purge he's actually kind of handsome , rich and smart. Meanwhile you .. well you told me everything I need to know about yourself the moment you pressed this key >

A Chris for ants.

progressive overload, start with birds and work from there

big titty cow

hemsworth career is pathetic tho, outside from marvel he's pretty much JUST

jew detected

evans face is better you just picked a bad pic of him also hemsworth can't act

it's called foreshadowing, if didn't know Cap was yolked out you would have never bought he could punch a hole into Iron Man at the end of the film.

Does he really need anything outside of Marvel though. Unless he can't into money dude is set.

First you need to learn the technique of gravity. The only way you'll prevent that thing from taking off is by making yourself heavier than what it can lift. That's where the "gains" come in. Then you'll need to know the sternum stretch. You can emulate this by grabbing the bumpers if two passing cars going the opposite direction. It's a little painful to begin, but it's worth it in the end.

>when he switches he left arm to the other grip just so he can flex his bicep bigger

so fucking stupid so pathetic so obvious

so this is badass but batman doing cross fit is stupid

well its a better grip. more natural and easier to maintain

lucky for him the helicopter stopped trying to fly away as he switched his grip so he could maintain his grip more easily

yes, because everyone can do cross fit

it didnt even take half a second to switch his grip. did you not see how fast he did it? its not like he let go, scratched his nose, and then grabbed the railing again

chopper had plenty of time to takeoff by the distance of one fucking inch so that capn faggot couldn't reach the railing anymore


holy shit you niggers that was awesome. he crashed that helicopter

I liked how they led us into that scene

_____________H E L I P A D______________

It was so subtle.

If evans roids it's because of the demands of his schedule. If you have a healthy lifestyle and lift 3/4 times a week for 1 hour then you can easily achieve his physique in 1/2 years if you are in your 20s

The guy has a family and isn't caught up in the souless american materialism drug fest. He is literally making shit loads of money doing a job he likes.

what's this from a funny or die vid?

I was calling Hemsworth a butterface, ya doof.

tfw u will never kiss the hot blonde in front of ur superhero bros



Evans has looked like that since Not Another Teen Movie.

Believe it or not, but people have been doing awesome natural physiques since forever.

just say that you are a girl and you want him to fuck you

he doesnt need to say hes a girl if he wants to get fucked by evans. would YOU honestly reject his advances?

I'd suck it.

>hwn grind on you

>you will never squeeze and suck his titties

why live

>having a tatoo

sign of the true pleb

>I don't try because I've convinced myself that no one ever looks like anything other than a partially unstuffed beanbag without steroids
>damn it mom, where are my chicken tendies

another fag pleb

>being this much of a fucking idiot

wow his glutes are looking TIGHT

That bothered me. But then again, enhanced reflexes/speed??

Shit, replied to the wrong person, was meant for

Kill yourself.

But she does pilates everyday. She works out a lot. Her body isn't. "Normal."

His gf has a bland face and is less attractive than him.

Cap = Peggy >>>>>> Sharon

what are you talking about. chris evans physique was aided by roids but you can acheive this with 2 years of working out which isnt much

dont give up. just lift those weights

>Her body isn't. "Normal."
youre right. its fat

God, this looks so bad.

Elizabeth Olsen confirmed for dyke.

How fat will she have to get for them to recast?


the guy is so bro i'm almost getting a gay4him exception here

>implying theyll ever let her go no matter how fat she gets or how badly she acts