>be captain america
>global symbol of freedom and democracy
>become international criminal fighting for these beliefs
>now live in unelected king's palace in a country where starvation is a thing
>get angry at ironman for comprising
Be captain america
The reason that image looks so ridiculous is that what you imagine to be his back or shoulder blade is actually just the Tricep of his arm. It doesn't help that his deltoid is bigger than his rib cage though.
Cap looks both obese and ripped in that picture
His chest looks like it juts out a good foot and a half away from his face. He would be so top heavy. How could he even stand up?
>unelected king
That's how kings work you moron.
Thanks for reminding me Rob Liefeld is still out there, drawing these horrific pictures
The problem is the front of him not the back part
It couldn't also possible be because we are looking directly at his right side and yet can see all of his left pectoral. Or the fact that he is roughly 5 feet wide back to front.
It's shit.
>I didn't go to art school, I went to OMG LOOKIT HOW BIG I DREW CABLES FUKKIN BICEPS U GUEYZZZZ!!!
Oh it shows, Rob. It shows.
He's obviously too wide in both directions, I'm just explaining the logic or lack thereof of the artist.
>directly at his right side and yet can see all of his left pectoral.
It's a slight 3/4 view
>Or the fact that he is roughly 5 feet wide back to front.
Typical Capeshit proportions
>It's shit.
>It's a slight 3/4 view
The bicep, shield, and neck disagree.
What I don't understand is how Rob can have some understanding of anatomy as he clearly does while still being so shit at drawing. He understands form and the overlap of muscles. How does he still manage to make such bad art?
Because it's his "style". And unfortunately it worked well enough for the time period because a lot of comics were super edgy and so gross muscles like that were in.
Also he doesn't know what a foot us.
>How could he even stand up?
>the characters of Rob Liefeld
its a trace of a famous swartzenegger pic, retards
Could be worse.
Shut up nerd
I looked at his face and I immediately heard him say, "YU HAFF STRUCKED HYERKYOOLEEZ"
It's not a trace though it's inspired by. And he got it mad wrong.
What's going on here?
he did nothing wrong
Liefeld is great, shut up.
That really is horribly drawn.
How to fix Civil War's ending:
>"Tony, I know that I was wrong most of the time but, after losing Peggy, I couldn't live with the fact that everyone from my time was dead, thats the reason I tried to protect Bucky, because now he was the only connection I had with my era"
Well that wasn't his only motivation.
But Its better than "HE'S MY FRIEND"
I didn't like the new literally insane Iron Man.
Why does he have scales?
>letting your best friend die because another friend is throwing a self-righteous hissy fit
rob pls
He's evolving.
>curving gun
He could put his dinner plate on his chest and eat off of it
Wow, he must of spent hours gathering photo-reference for that rifle.
He's gotten better
Why is captain america wearing uggs?
It's like a touch-up of a little kid's drawing. Really cool when you think of it that way.
user, that comic is 20 years old.
How come the movie Crossbones couldn't look like this?
I guess he really is Captain Burgerland.
>thats the reason I tried to protect Bucky
How about the fact that he is LITERALLY innocent of any wrongdoing?
wtf is going on in this pic
It's so he can shoot around corners pleb
You just got ROBBED!
... what?
Rob Liefled being a shitty artist.
He's rich from his drawings.
The original.
Because of the brainwashing?
Ok, cool. Glad we set that precident. So, we're done blaming Tony for Ultron, then?
>starvation is a thing
Nigga Wakanda ain't like the other nigga's. Them Wakanda niggas got their shit down. No starvation, just shunning the rest of Africa, hating being on that shit continent.
Tony willingly created Ultron.
>those clavicles
ya dorkly talked about this already...
>Speaking of drugs and the 90s, Marvel's Heroes Reborn initiative gave Cap the muscles our baseball idols could only dream of. This unnecessary reboot not only gave Steve Rogers the body shape of Hulk's thigh, but it replaced the A on his forehead with an eagle emblem. You know, just in case the flag uniform, stars on his chest/shield, wings on his helmet and the capital A for AMERICA on his face were too subtle. You can thank artist and internet punching bag Rob Liefield for that.
I wish Prezi would show up more often.
Tony gets shown a vision, that's it. He doesn't get mind-controlled into making Ultron.
hahaha what the fuck
And in winter soldier we see alexander peirce convincing bucky to fight in the big climax, he did it willingly as well. Again, brainwashed like tony
Wait, I missed the scene where Tony was literally brainwashed like Bucky and not just 'convinced".
all in all, a disappointment
but i think i would've liked it more had i watched it saturday morning
leave you fucking infant
>/fit/'s ideal physique
I don't remember that, but Bucky is wrestling with his programming all the way into fucking Civil War. It's not the same.
I mean pic related is real. But no exactly the most practical build with athleticism and combat in mind.
>that picture
that's not how muscle works
Liefeld animated series when?
he doesnt live with black panther and wakanda is one of the most advanced nations in the marvel universe you racist
He isn't completely innocent, and even he knows that
>"I still did it"
It's still less of a choice to him than Tony.
Because he learned to draw by copying people who did understand those things.
from what I've seen, he just seems lazy, like he made some slight misalignment in the initial layout sketch of the character and their pose and then started the final copy immediately. as the misalignment becomes more prominent he just says "eh, fuck it" instead of erasing and correcting his mistakes