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Back when Disney wasn't afraid to drop the bombs and get real for even a 5 minute scene to establish stakes.
>Ravaged town
>Implied death of children
>Marching on in face of highly outnumbered odds

By all accounts this is the most 'pro-feminist' movie Disney has ever or will ever make-- still based as fuck because all the characters are pretty enjoyable + battle scenes without any "tuff grrrrllll" bullshit.

Even though I was 7, I was still pissed that Eddie Murphy got the finishing blow

This is more than a "pro feminist" movie to me. It's main lesson is amazing. "Everyone can be a man" even a woman or fat pacifist, or a guy that looks like a rat, or a fucking cricket. You can be it if you work for it.

My favorite Disney movie. Best and only respectable "princess".

But did you know there are MORE male lines than female lines in Mulan? What does that say about SOCIETY?

t. tomlbrlr

not to mention the armor and clothing isn't gender neutral either aaayyyy

how many men does it take to deliver a message?

>"Everyone can be a man"
>it's an user has to defend his masculinity at all costs, even from a fictional animated movie episode

1. Mulan
2. Jasmine
3. The one from Hunchback
4. Belle
5. Pocahontas

If they were just more accepting of the mongol refugees they wouldn't be trying to destroy their kingdom

Disney sure did know how to tastefully handle murder back in the day.

Jasmine doesn't come close to anyone else on that list.

Unless you also include the tiger.

>mfw Trump's wall will fail



legit can't wait to have a daughter so i can watch this movie with her and hear "daddy i want to be like mulan"

Mulan is a great example of how to NOT look like a shittily written Mary Sue

She has flaws, makes mistakes, is disliked, etc but overcomes them through character development

will you purchase hormones and support his transition to becoming a male?

Best Disney movie. I still think Nimh was the best animated film from my childhood though.

>daddy i want to be like mulan
>then retrieve the fucking arrow from the post

NIMH and Watership Down disturbed the shit out of me as a kid.

she's led to me making me fundamental changes about myself, but it might be too late to apologize

i dun goofed


yeah NIMH was goat

>yfw she does
I'd be so proud.

Sup Forums standing by


Funny thing too, the movie did "strong woman" right. Wasnt some dyke who dont need no man who beats up all the boys with martial arts moves whilest throwing out quips, she was a loving mother who was scared as shit, but STILL gets shit done because it needs done and became mouse jesus, I mean, what the fuck

Fucking brilliant!

What would a live action remake by Disney look like in 2016?

Mulan would be black.

Do you think any of them were pissed off that their musical number was interrupted?

>Ivanka will shoot El Chapo with an eagle shaped Rocket launcher


>yfw this scene right after the fun, silly "girl worth fighting for" song
>yfw Mulan's "girl worth fighting for" was the little girl whose doll mulan found in the ruined village.

>mounted imperial army
>defeated by Mongolian nomads

Not personality-wise maybe, but she's a 10/10 looks-wise. Dem hips.

Who the fuck are all these people? I only recognize mulan and belle. Also jane if it's tarzan's one.

stop being a casual


Stop saying dumb shit.


This kind of shit is why I was getting so mad at tumblrinas pulling their fucking tits off in excitement over Frozen
What, Mulan doesn't count because she's Asian?

You walk into the club and this SMUG CUNT destroys your entire army wat do?

Mongols were quite organised irl. You don't get success like that with a bunch of savages, no matter how big it is.

>yfw you find out it happened in real life too

Laugh at him for having a shitty man bun. What sort of faggot bothers growing their hair out that long just to put it up in a feminine hairstyle instead of letting it flow freely? He even sort of looks like a girl!

ask this friendly looking old guy to burn down her village and build a tower out of the skulls of her family and friends

How come Disney got away with giving mongolian the devil eyes?

Isn't that kinda racially incensetive

i know it's feminist but mulan is legitimately one of my favorite disney movie

am i a degenerate?

Mongolians are not a significant or even a notable moviegoing demographic.

the movie's message is not feminist. It says that no matter who you might be you can do great things. Feminism is not about that. Feminism implies that by your gender you are already X,Y or Z.

Just like all the times it happened in real life.

Because they're the villains, and disney villains always need to have a black color palette and an evil looking face

You realise the Mongols won a series of wars all over Asia and Europe and ruled the largest empire ever known right?

He hasn't seen this piece of kwality kino

This is the best of the classic 2D Disney movies. Prove me wrong lads.

they are different types steppe niggers
huns used to hang around modern ukraine and no one is even sure what language they spoke since it was a mix of indo-european/altaic-turkic unrelated to mongolian

also, mongolians aren't like you western weaklings whom take' the arab/african cock up your asses daily with white guilt and have no problem to be painted as "muh bad guys" by the chinese or any other group that got to taste tengri's will

they make sick rap videos about their exploits


Eurabian nights was sung surprisingly well

best gut punch in all Disney movies

That moment puts this song in top five disney songs for me senpai

That rap video is pretty based. One minute they're full khan mode on horseback then they're rapping in heaven dressed like Dragon Ball Z characters.

>tfw working on remix involving Trump and the election
>tfw untalented

Prince of Egypt has literal God-tier songs

Thanks, these are great.

Best Disney film.

>evil horses because "that" group are wrong and our team are full of nice people
China pandering shite

I always wanted that obnoxious skinny dude to jump out and finish with "FOOOOOOOOOR!" then have his face immediately cut to shock and disgust.

>liking a disgusting gypsy cockroach

man, this flick was pretty based

It's a film you plebeian.

>yfw plot-ready swords and rockets will be deployed on every tower of the wall

>without tuff grrill bs

Yeah, Mulan doesn't just overpower the Hun leader. She just barely holds him off long enough to blow him up with fireworks. Same with the army and the avalanche, using brain rather than this false sense that a top tier physical woman can beat a top tier man.

It was the 1990's and the hyperbolic anti-racism of 2016 AD had not yet developed. Back the, you were still allowed to make jokes about minorities and such. As such they got away with making the villains in the movie a race of yellow-eyed barbarians with grey skin and sharp teeth However, they made sure to avoid accusations of racism by referring to them as Huns, a race which was never clearly defined and no longer exist. They didn't call these guys Mongols or any other currently existing ethnic group, although if they resemble anyone it's probably the Mongols or one of the other Northern tribes that constantly invaded China through history.

How close to home does this hit Sup Forums?

Mulan outsmarted the hun by having the courage of a man and the intuition of a woman she uses a sword and a fan she fights as well as infiltraits the camp using her makeup disguise skills

Kinda funny that their group of 20 men was expected to kill hundreds of horse archers.

Yfw LotR stole the you bow to no one scene from Mulan

Samurai Jack?

>largest empire ever known
It was the largest continuous land empire, not the largest


>People that think Mongolians and the Huns were the same thing.

You're right, that's the USA.
We own the entire world.

It really doesn't get enough love

>late 90s
>classic Disney

Then why don't you own the Middle East yet?


>What, Mulan doesn't count because she's Asian?

Pretty much

Imagine how much money Mulan would make if it came out today. It would break so many Chinese box office records that we'd be getting sequels for a decade

reminder that if this movie came out today Sup Forums would be shit-talking it for putting forward the "we wuz" perspective

But the Chinese literally wuz emperors and shiet, up until the point they became a republic.

talking about prince of egypt desu

Why? It didn't show anything inaccurate, most of the Pharaohs were tan (not too different from modern egyptians). The black ones and white ones were both part of foreign dynasties (Nubian and Ptolemaic)

I think he's talking about the whole Jewish slave thing.

>somebody believes in Sup Forums so strongly that they actually believe this stuff



they were 20 good men

they were huns

>group of 20 men was expected to kill hundreds of horse archers

They were expected to join up with the rest of the army, it just got wiped out before they showed up


How did the Huns get all the way to China?

Ask Disney, but just read into the lyrics

>Let's get down to business
>to defeat the Huns

>someone in Sup Forums actually believes in this shit

The autism is real, although I'd give to them that their singing is somewhat decent.

Mulan, Aladdin, and The Lion King are the disney invincible trio of their 2d works. The three best by far. Fight me.