Happy Birthday to the Queen of /got/ edition

Happy Birthday to the Queen of /got/ edition

Which character is that? I don't recognise her.

>tfw you've fallen in love with a muslim woman

Rana of house Normies

Look at those titties. that ain't no muslim

>not /got/ general

Make a new thread.

>this is creature is considered extremely attractive in the United Kaliphate

You can still find it in the catalog

>starting a /got/ general with a generic pic of some nobody.


this slut lebanese? dirtiest sluts ever. They LOVE doggie anal

Game of Thrones (TV Series)
Howland reed
- Oathbreaker (2016) ... Howland Reed

For the blind Arya

>there are actually still people posting in /got/ who think any of the Baratheon brothers are dead

OP is a fag edition

most autistic webm ever made

fucking reprobate faggot

She's Jordanian

>actually caring about people who make reaction videos and caring about their lives
>actually starting a general thread with this bullshit that has nothing to do with the show

why is /got/ so autistic?

>/got/ in the name and not subject
>random retard in the OP
>random retard edition

>forgot to remove /got/ from his name after his first post like a retard

That's what happen when showfag retards invade /got/

Take your retarded attention whore with you back to youtube, no one gives a fuck about some dumb cunt cheering at meme lines on her youtube channel.

1st for starting a thread with a random meaningless pic... oh, wait.

PROPER /got/ general THREAD

Is that a new enemy from the new Witcher expansion?

>he thinks two of the three baratheon brothers were alive under some rock for like 4 seasons
deal with it man..

It's some dumb faggot posting this normie shit everywhere for those sweet youtube bux

is the real thread

>Game of Thrones reaction videos
>nothing to do with the show

it's not /got/, it's just the showfag invasion now that they don't fear spoilers.

He should rejoin Blink 182, I don't have faith in Matt Skiba anymore

>Implying Bobby "Big Guy" Baratheon isn't hiding in the crypt, Renly isn't chilling in Highgarden or Stormsend, and Stannis isn't camping out in the forest

top pleb


Can't wait for the mods to ban the generals again

Fuck off, this one was created first. Go with it

watching people watching their television has nothing to do with the show, no.

Fuck off faggot. Your attempt to shill your shitty youtube blew up in your face. The other thread already has more replies.

Deal with it.

I'm not OP. fuck this gay thred desu