Is he right, Sup Forums?
Is he right, Sup Forums?
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yeah, autists that gravitate to this stuff tend to have bad manners
Hey that's no exaggeration look what geek cultures did too poor George
The women that praise this movie created the geek culture movement, congrats
If geek culture contains Sup Forums then yes
Yes. Paul Feig is a tremendous asshole
Of course he is. Doesn't mean the new trailer wasn't trash.
It was a shitty trailer regardless of the gender of the actors. Guy made a movie that most likely sucks. He has no right to complain that people don't like his shitty movie.
He's right. Sup Forums literally shit their pants over this guy's movie.
That being said he probably be saying to the only people expected to watch this movie.
feig went the least interesting way with it: the women are just Fionna & Cake versions of the original Ghostbusters
it should have been a sequel set in the same universe as the originals.
Ghostbusting is now a shit job, like delivering pizzas. Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Ernie Hudson run the company, but low level employees would never see them. They could, however, be seen in a TV commercial early on.
The women aren't passionate about their jobs. Their group doesn't have to have the same dynamic as the original ghostbusters. Their car doesn't have to be like the original ghostbuster ambulance, but it could be something similarly quirky. I'd say Pontiac Aztec, but Breaking Bad already "owns" that car so to speak.
When the apocalyptic disaster happens, it happens in a place where the 4 women are the only ones who can get there in time. It's on an island, or the disaster destroys the roads or something like that.
The women are NOT the most qualified team, but at this point Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Ernie Hudson get in contact with them over the phone or walkie talkies. In addition to some instructions on how to defeat whatever supernatural monster is threatening mankind, you can have some "nice" moment where the original and women ghostbusters bond over the hassles of the job.
Then there's the action scene where the women use the instructions to kill the monster. Things don't go EXACTLY as planned, and the women improvise a way to make it work, so it's not just like the men did everything.
Geek culture = SJWs, Nu-male cucks, tumblrinas
People who legitimately read comic books or play video games without posting pictures of themselves doing these things on social media do not care about "Geek culture"
>Geek culture = SJWs, Nu-male cucks, tumblrinas
Then why did they hate the trailer? Your memes don't make any sense.
>It's a Jew looks for sympathy episode
Cool, after all of these reboots doing the same shit over and over it's good to see someone doing something original.
Because he's using the term incorrectly
props for this.
i cant say i agree with everything, but definitely some cool ideas man
Even the biggest normies on facebook are talking about how bad this looks. They bit off more then they could chew. Ghostbusters hold a very special place in the hearts of the 25-30 year olds this is aimed at and doing something like this while most of the original ghostbusters are alive still is an insult. Normies are retarded but they're not this retarded. The diversity card won't work this time, no matter how much you beat up strawmen on clickbait websites.
Thank you.
There's so many interesting ways they could have gone about "lady ghostbusters," but judging from the trailer they just ripped off the original and put women in it for political and/or marketing purposes. The unfortunate thing is not that they don't appear to have done anything interesting, not necessarily that they've made it all female - which seems to be lost in a lot of the online discussion. I'm withholding judgement until the movie comes out, but after that fucking trailer I don't think I'll even bother to see it.
>Geek culture = SJWs, Nu-male cucks, tumblrinas
This obsession with "culture" only started to happen when a bunch of liberal cuckolds started to infiltrate gaming, comic books etc
It's true but the movie still looks like shit
I'm drunk. Should say, "The unfortunate thing is that they don't appear..."
There is no such thing as geek culture.
i just laughed at how many men got triggered over the fact that it were women playing the leads
also funny how it seemed some kind of celebratory and necessary to hate on the trailer solely because of the women. not to say the trailer wasnt bad.
makes me crack up.
and a bit sad
Yeah I'd watch that.
This is really true as well. "Geek culture" is like some big umbrella term for people that are in actually a bunch of different cultures covering different interests. Anime nerds aren't like tabletop nerds. There's some intersection but they're different enough. Same with comic nerds, movie geeks, whatever the fuck.
"Geek culture" is just some commercial shit for Mountain Dew sales.
I hope you copy and pasted this from the comments section somewhere.
>people with tastes hate the new Ghostbuster's trailer
Doesn't help anyone's narrative and is difficult for PR to spin. Buzzwords help to give the polarizing effect required.
yusssss we're winning cuz a flick with women is bad. WE TOLD YOU YOU WERE A CRAP SEX. AHAHAH
>poor George
Yes, poor multi-billionaire George, why couldn't the plebs see his artistic masterpiece?
>One of the biggest normie films of all-time
>Geek culture
He can;t stand the fact that his remake is universally reviled before even being released. That isn't just geeks doing that. It's everybody.
No, there is no such thing as "geek culture." It's just a marketing term.
Maybe we should reboot geek culture amirite lmao XD holds up spork so randum Paul Feignewton
I identify as an asshole and don't appreciate being trivialized. Fuck Paul Feiggot.
Has anyone called him Paul Fag yet?
Since when do people proudfuly categorize themselves as geeks? I mean I think comics and superhero movies are shit, but why is their enthusiasm in being called a real geek
They don't, it's just a marketing gimmick pushed onto people
>"geek culture" for decades has comprised of social outcast and autist sperglords
>normies and sjws getting in on it
>angry that subculture they have never been apart of does not pander to them
He pretty much said in the Empire UK article that he isn't a fan of reunion stories. He likes origin stories. He thinks that making the ghostubsters all women is a twist on an old formula instead of a gimmick. Feig was just the worst director they could have picked. It might have been better if they took Akykroyd's old Hellbent script to make that the next ghostbuster's story. Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump doesn't seem so bad in the least.