Just marathoned the first five episodes
How can a show be so fucking dumb yet based at the same time?
Does it remain as entertaining throughout the season?
Just marathoned the first five episodes
Other urls found in this thread:
Season one has some good points but Fish Mooney largely ruins it.
Season two fully embraces dark campiness and it's wonderful and Fish is gone.
Gotham is bad because it's a terrible concept just like Smallville so it's limiting itself off the bat. That being said it's fun each week. So even out of the 5 DC shows that we have now can't even say it's the worst.
Yes. It's consistently an entertaining show. The biggest complaint is that Harvey basically becomes a side character and is barely around after s1.
The second season is great. It's the best comic book tv show going right now
You can probably skip season one and not miss anything except penguin.
Except why would you want to skip the best thing about the show?
Penguin's rise was my favorite thing in the season.
Echoing this.
first season is hit or miss on quality. They found their footing with the second by embracing campy grimdark.
I gave up after episode 11, it just got way to shit to sit through. Probably not going to go back to it even if it does get better.
So fucking dumb but based? That's a good description of the show. Also Fish is coming back!!!!
Season two is so much better.
Can they just delete Season One so people forget it exists, do a Netflix style recap and then release S1 as a bonus season DVD 5 years from now?
People should just start at the insanely far superior S2.
>he's quite the riddler
i will never watch this show because of this quote
die please
Once you realize that the stupid campiness is done on purpose it gets better and also helps make the over the top violence and brutality more palatable.
This is pretty much what you'd get if you combined every form of Batman TV show and movies and put it into one show and dialed the brutality up a notch.
People actually think they are being bad on purpose bwahaha
It is worth it alone for Penguin and Nygma.
It gets much better after Fish, she was awful.
This webm and the first ep are literally all I know about it.
Please tell me it stays this way.
Soo is jerome coming back or nah?
Let me know when Natalie and Camren get naked
Batman66 and The Dark Knight Returns had a waterhead bastard child.
Gets better honestly. Season 2 doesn't have Fish, and it's a big improvement. They really do take the darkness and violence up a notch later, but there's still such campiness that it never feels like the brooding angsty shows that are always around these days.
it gets way better
best capeshit on tv right now
honestly it gets a lot better season 2
Riddler and Penguin are great, and Dr. Strange is amazing
i dont get the praise for S2.
Doesn't have anything like penguin's rise or nygma's autism
i skipped all of fish mooney's scenes
>best capeshit on tv right now
Nowhere close, Daredevil, Jessica Jones and The Flash are all better. Even with a better second season it doesn't make up for the piece of shit first season.
Seriously. I know Sup Forums always shits on changing races for no reason, but he's fucking awesome and I can't honestly imagine a better fit for the role. This just shows how no one gives a fuck if the actor is just chosen because of his skill.
>Fish Mooney largely ruins it
So far no, and there hasn't been an other possible pre-joker yet.
Daredevil and Jessica Jones, i get it. But The Flash? Really? Where are your standards, user?
>jessica jones
enjoy your BBC, cuckshed dweller.
I'm not saying The Flash is anything great, just that it's better than Gotham. The Flash is pretty entertaining for the most part, sure its got problems but I would rather sit through The Flash than I would Gotham.
It doesn't have any other character stuffing explosives in their coats, but it has all sorts of outlandish crimes.
this show makes me sick now when I know gordon and leslie cucked irl
Again, i don't get it. The Flash is way more campy than Gotham, and also the soapy lovey dovey virgin shit was unbearable. This guy is asexual or something.
How is it more campy? You have episodes like Balloon Man on Gotham, theres nothing quite that campy in The Flash. The romance bullshit does get annoying for sure but the main story has been interesting enough for me to ignore the romance.
Fish ruins the first season.
The second season is based.
No fuck you he's right, there's multiple black women in positions of power in the show but they're mostly fine, Fish Mooney is just a terrible character.
Next episode looks like it's gonna go full Cronenberg.
If you don't like Fish, you missed the point
The point of the first season, and of Fish as a character, is to show how a gritty and realistic cop show slowly becomes a cartoony pulp show about a city of mad people.
Look at fish, she start a regular crime boss and ends up a ONE EYED BLACK SPARTACUS with leather fetishist as goons
The sets and the costumes makes this whole show
And it's great !
who is barbara kean
>Does it remain as entertaining throughout the season?
Ups and downs, but If you're asking whether to watch all of it, and then Season 2, the answer is an emphatic yes.
I watched the first episode of this.
>writing/acting seemed awkward
>it felt... off with the way it was filmed
>transitions between scenes and the soundtrack didn't really 'flow' together
Is it worth to continue watching it?
no just completely ignore everything else people said already in this thread.
Okay thanks
The Flash is shit. The show is killer of the week centric. They aren't even creative or interesting. Here's a girl who can control bees, a man who can create doppelgangers of himself, a man who can turn into poisonous gas, a man who can emit loud noises, a man with an ice gun, a man with a fire gun. This is the least imaginative shit I've ever seen. How many times have we had someone who just has super strength? Swear we've had about 4 of those metahumans now. The only good killers of the week were the clock stopper / time keeper guy in season 1, whatever his name was and Mark Hamill as the Trickster. Not only are the actors who played the KotW's great, the character / story of the episode was well written. Ironic how the HUMAN villains were infinitely more interesting and entertaining to watch than whatever trash superpower the writers pulled out of their ass.
Harrison Wells was really good as a big bad, I'll give you that, but every episode in season 1 was a KotW episode while only about 3 episodes focused on Wells with a KotW absent. So add the two good KotW episodes, that makes 5 good episodes in a 22 episode season. And everything outside of the good stuff I mentioned in this show is absolute Uwe Boll tier trash. So that was 17 episodes of absolute pure garbage. Not worth it for a measly 5 good episodes. Zoom is lame as fuck, doesn't hold a candle to Wells, season 2 has just been boring shit aside from the early Mark Hamill episode.
Everything outside of the KotW / big bad stuff is millennial teeny bopper drama like love triangles and look at how quirky and awkward I am xD Reddit-tier dialogue between Barry and his co-workers. The battles with the KotW's are exactly the same. Barry attacks, get's his ass kicked, returns to the lab, they devise a new strategy / device that allows Barry to win the second round.
You have to be a complete fucking simpleton to enjoy this show. I would go on but, character limit has been reached.
not to mention the complete absence of talent in acting, direction, photography, music and editing
Blackanon here, No, Fish Mooney is literally fucking terrible. Not because she is black, but because she brings the whole show down with her awfulness. Thank god they killed her off in the first season finally.
>Fish Mooney largely ruins it.
The character Fish never bothered me. Having her go through all of that shit at the end only to get thrown off of a building was...well, hilarious for a moment. But then the question is why? Why develop that character so much at the end only to "kill" her.
I really complained about they way they introduced so many villians so soon: Penguin, Joker, Riddler. But now Penguin and Riddler steal the show IMO. And as mad as I was at them for bringing in the Joker, I fell under his spell. And I ended up being pissed when they "killed" him.
>How can a show be so fucking dumb yet based at the same time?
I love the show. Everyone is entitled to their opinions of course. If you feel it is dumb then you probably won't enjoy the rest of the episodes.
Shame that it might get cancelled since no one watches it.
BD Wong fucking nailed Strange.
This show is horrendous. It's actually painful to watch. It gets worse with each episode.
The most recent Azrael plot is the worst thing I have ever seen on TV.
They've already exhausted all the interesting Batman villains and are now moving into the B and C list characters.
Casting is horrible. Barbara ruins the show.
How can one man have such shit opinions.
How can one autistic fucktard be so triggered by the truth?
Nah phamilia. user is right. Show is shit.
Gotham is fucking garbage and should be canceled.
ur shit
Cry harder little cunt. Show is fucking garbage
Fucking quads confirm legitimacy.
Oh shit!
Confirmed happening.
>dem minutes between each post