/got/ general goes in the subject and not the name field you faggots Edition
/got/ general
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First for Rana
One god. One king. One thread.
Damn night's king looks like THAT?
How much are you being paid?
>reading a storm of swords right now
>this happens
Fuck i haven't laughed that hard at a book in a whale. Shame they didn't show this in the show.
>Reminder that Davos is going to find Shireen's pyre when he marches south with Jon
>Reminder he is going to kill Melisandre after he finds a little silver stag in the ashes
I swear, Corvo is a dead ringer for Jaime here
nth for Darkstar
so sick of your circle jerk
I want to spend the rest of my life with my mouth as her personal toilet, and my balls as her footstool
>Rickon is going to be a "dog". Like the Cleganes. His hyper aggressive nature is being foreshadowed through Shaggydog. It's going to come out when he gets older.
When Rickon returns from Skagos, he's going to be a throw-back to the hard-core Starks of old.
who the fuck is this girl even?
HOT. fuck whoever cares about her weird mouth, she's still a total babe
Fat Belwas would have been great but no fun is allowed when it comes to the Dany storyline in the show.
Fuck your Rana bullshit.
Fuck your /got/ general in the name field.
Fuck your youtube whore and her birthday
Bend the knee or be destroyed.
That's not /got/ fuck head. That's some bullshit thread for some YouTube slut one autistic faggot keeps pushing
Why do people think she's attractive?
Literally ayyylien tier
Would you seriously want your kids to look like that?
It's not just her mouth that's weird. It's also the small eyes that are too far apart.
Fuck your false shitty thread, newfag.
Cute face>good tits any day.
I'm using this thread because I hate Asshai and those street shitters.
>there are people on /got/ RIGHT NOW who will defend this creature as anything more than a terrible actress
I want to believe
>cute face
Her eyes have different fucking area codes, m8
>When Rickon returns from Skagos
This sunday?
He is alive in the books and in our hearts.
She was good in season 1
You seem salty user. Whats wrong?
She's good as Sansa.
TV show is irrelevant.
He's the hero of the next book if sketchy rumors are to be believed.
No, she was never good. Don't pretend otherwise
Had some mcdicks fries for dinner
that implies she assumes a character role. She's just herself, she literally cannot act
tits are shit
What the fuck are you doing here then=
what about cute face AND good tits? i believe she's the case..
Sophie wishes she had that booty
Well if she's playing herself when she plays Sansa, it doesn't matter, because she's good in the role of Sansa.
We're not discussing X-Men here
>that implies she assumes a character role. She's just herself, she literally cannot act
So then she was perfectly cast. Because I really believe she's a sniveling spoiled grieving rich girl.
I suppose thats off the table as well
so... some random youtube tranny?
get the fuck out autist. Youtube is for underage kids
Well cast, perhaps, but I said
>there are people on /got/ RIGHT NOW who will defend this creature as anything more than a terrible actress
She can't act. My point stands.
I don't even know when she's shopped anymore.
I'm not the one who posted the thread, dumbfuck
Howland Reed guys.
>I don't even know when she's shopped anymore.
Is this image shopped or not?
How many Preston videos have you watched today?
Me? I've watched 13.
I don't know about you. But I can't believably act like myself. If someone told me to cry, or act scared, or act shocked, even as myself, it's very difficult to do it convincingly.
I know most people like to *think* they can do it. but most people can not.
Yea it's shopped. Don't know why the fuck they would shoop it to make Sophie shorter though.
only good snake i like desu
Yes, this is the unshopped version
That's why most people don't get cast for premier television shows or movies.
Only 10
What food do they eat in Essos?
Is there falafel or kebab or something similar?
Why would I voluntarily submit myself to brainwashing with misinformation?
Nobody's paying me or you millions of dollars to star in an international television show, though. And much like Aaron Paul, this show will (wrongfully) propel her onto other roles that should be filled by real actresses.
the only time littlefinger had his "own" scenes was when ros was alive right? after that he was always with some other main character
>kit can almost fit in one of brienne's shoe
kinda jealous desu, wish she'd keep me under her feet all days long
I'd imagine a lot of fish and various fruits. It has a seriously good climate for growing shit and most of the major cities are almost directly on the sea.
seriously fuck off. We talk about a real show in here. Go circlejerk over that ugly tranny on the comments on youtube or on your tumblr or whatever, fag.
He had a few scenes with varys.
read books?
there's probably like 100 full pages describing people eating in essos.
and 'essos' is quite vague. the eat 'normal' foot at some places, horse here, dogs there...
Probably not pork.
What does money have to do with it? You think a million dollars can make you good at acting? What are you saying?
Not every actor can take on every roll. Every actor has a range in which they can act. Some ranges are smaller than others. But just because an actor might have 1 character up their sleeve, doesn't mean that they're bad at doing that character. That 1 character might be useful to other projects.
Why boner why!?
>implying he wasn't with a main character when he was with Ros
Seriously though Littlefinger works behind the scenes. Seeing the shit he does wouldn't make sense when it comes time to deliver.
If he does show up with a Vale army at the end of the season, it'll be pretty big. It would lose significance if we see that all play out from his POV.
Actually has the show ever followed a non POV character alone in a scene?
yeah, that's probably why I don't work in the acting industry.
I don't think anyone should expect me to be able to act convincingly, I never learned it, and I wouldn't expect Sophie to be able to work my job, for the same reason.
I expect her to be able to do her own tho.
Do you think Varys is going to die next episode? I'm worried that he finds out who the Harpy is (the answer) and he gets killed. Oh god /got/ I'm scared. I'm not ready for Spiderfu to leave.
>What does money have to do with it? You think a million dollars can make you good at acting? What are you saying?
>hurr durr
I'm pretty sure what he's saying is that if you're paying $1M for someone you can be selective as fuck and thus hire one who knows how to act.
Paying $30m a year for a baseball player won't make him good.
But being willing to pay $30m a year means you can make sure to get a good one.
But he's nowhere near Darrio right now.
I'm saying if you're being paid a million dollars to act, you should be good at acting, you fucking idiot.
There is no way that
>bland, whiny redhead who is constantly jerked around by forces beyond her control
would EVER make for a good character in any other half-decent media
The sooner they leave, the least they're ruined.
Silver linings, user. That's all we got left on that shit show.
Shes likely going to do an Ellen Page at some point anyway, which is pretty fatal to a career
She is worth every dollar as Sansa. She plays the roll convincingly.
There is no way that bland, whiny redhead who is constantly jerked around by forces beyond her control, would EVER make for a good character in any other half-decent media
ellen page is kinda articulate and not completely retarded tho.
Sophie is dumb as a fucking brick, a coming out from her would be cringeworthy as fuck. The LGBT would probably dissociate themselves from her.
Is animation the only way the series can be done justice or can live action do it if D&D are removed?
/r/ing Kalorieesi's titles
you mean that one genre that's known for having shit actors, terrible reactions, poor writing, and all that?
yeah, she's fit right in, she could even bring D&D with her.
Live action has proved to be difficult
roberts rebellion anime when?
That throne looks pretty fucking great compared to the piece of shit from the show.
"You are in the orbit of Daenaerys Stromboli, of the House Tartarsauce, First of her Weight, the Unburped, Queen of the Arby's, the Rally's, and of the Five Guy's. Queen of McDonald's, Khaloreesi of the Great Grease Sea, Breaker of Chairs and Mother of Burgers."
I dont think they would. Shes relatively hot, and shes young. Lesbians would love it if she came out. I think she will after GoT, its not like she hides it anyway.
Except she's never been able to convincingly act like she's scared
>Not quoting Littlefinger with a sibilant S
That's just bad etiquette
Maybe is Sansa was in horror movies, then the acting wouldn't be shit.
She could get into some dramas with the right roll. Some super somber stuff where she's upset for the whole movie.
why were there 10 billion swords to be melted down in first place?
you're the best m8
gb2 Sup Forums
>Except she's never been able to convincingly act like she's scared
I disagree.
because GRRM is a hack who thought it'd be epic