Years of complaining about the demise of Motherless, and nobody told me rarescandals was back up...

Years of complaining about the demise of Motherless, and nobody told me rarescandals was back up, which is just like old Motherless.

Other urls found in this thread:



post some numbers


Did you not read? I just watched a guy put his dick in a passed out girls mouth.


Read above.

There are loads of pop ups though. Do you know how to eradicate them on android?

I watched a vĂ­deo and did not see single add. I use android Firefox with ublock origin

Nice. I'm going to try and get that now.

What did you watch? Theres some good school classroom videos in there.

A girl being "raped" on a motorbike. Not real rape, it was staged as fuck just an orgy

There are so many good real videos. You're ungreateful.

I use ulock add-on because it uses few recurses. With addblock add-on I think it would be the same

I searched unlock and found free adblocker. Do I have to set anything up now it's installed?

>3 posters and 12 replies

Fuck this I was hoping this was real.

Fuck off

What are you even talking about, there has been barely any comments, the 12 comments are back and fourth replies.

You know it doesn't cost money to just go on the site and see that I'm right. Instead of talking shit.

How about you fuck off with your shitty attempt to fuck over anons.
Fucking idiot.

You talk like a faggot from east India trying to scam people.

Get fucked faggot.

>implying im OP and not just an user who thinks youre a steaming pile of wank

Fake and gay .

sounds like op is a scammin' faggit.

Yup, wouldn't advise checking out the clickbait.

Kek I know people like to do stupid things to mess up other anons, but you guys are acting like tin foil weirdos.

I don't get anything out of you enjoying some videos, don't watch them. I could post screen shots but why even bother. You'd probably come up with some conspiracy that I made them on photoshop to trick you.

motherless is legit if that's what ya'll are arguing about.

>unresponsive interface
>shitty hosting
>little content
>hosting shit that motherless still hosts.
>generic purchased bootstrap template
>back end hosting that lets you rip the whole site with a two-line bash script

it's like the useless fucks who created decided to write an 'adult' front end for their cms. find somewhere else to advertise your get-rich-quick-through-porn scheme you raging faggot.

Shut the fuck up you weird faggot.
Nobody cares about your internet bullshit.


So I was dumb enough to check this out and the site was taking forever to load. I feel scared now.

Was that one of those websites that you should ignore?

I mean motherless and heavy r are pretty kosher tbqh nowadays.

wtf cost you to enter in the fucking link bitch?

Fucking exactly.
This is all grade D cowshit and OP is a faggot.

You're fucked now m8.
Nice knowing ya user.

hey guys I cant figure out apache permissions, lets jut put an index.html in the folder that's the same thing right

You're retarded, why are you talking technical talk? Who cares how well made it is.

If theres stuff you like then wank, if you think it's a shit site fuck off.

Are you mentally fucking retarded?

hey OP how are you going

Go away OP. Leave this site forever.

Leave the thread you aussie piece of shit.

I gotta agree with the guy though, if its porn that you like, when why the fuck would you care what the overlay fucking looks like? Thats just retarded.

Not op faggot.

Fuck off OP

>has one ONE category: "rare scandals"
>takes forever to load
are you hosting that in your basement with a DNS redirector ?

>so little traffic you are checking the logs live

figured out apache permissions yet?

wtf is motherless

I checked it out too. Found nothing out of the ordinary yet.

Tou guys are slow. Go through the pages and you'll find something good after 30 seconds.


Well depends what you're into. I dont like rape, but theres a very rel one of a project hall camera catching a woman walking down the stairs and getting draged backwards and raped, the struggle is intense and goes on for a while.

Theres some in a school like I mentioned, and other stuff.

this site is really slow

this is probably the worst attempt at selling your shit on Sup Forums I have ever seen

can you at least just say you raped your sister like a normal spambot

Ha haaaa, yeh boi old fav right there.

Fucken lol

It is. I don't know why I'm getting so much hostility though. It's shitty and has loads of pop ups, but it doea exactly what I said it does.

No it doesn't . Fuck your site and most of all fuck you

I use adblock so idc
no money for you

if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you.

Wow a real life gril.

Because there are people who have other skills/interests beside pulling on dick the whole day.
Uneducated, useless, basement dwelling autists.

Sauce plz


Kek brothers

it used to be full of potentially under-aged stuff and besti ality until they had to ban it

Theres still underage, just much less and higher ages. Everything else is still there though, like festival girls getting abused, and passed out creep videos.

tbh i stopped going their because our government locks you away for seeing anyone under-aged even if it's by accident, they have literally gone over the top, not that i'm into that shit, but i'd rather be safe than sorry

Wow that's crazy, I wouldn't either. Where you from?



ok maybe i've exaggerated a bit, but the government is always coming up with new laws

i'm surprised this place hasn't been banned yet lol

Is this you acnekun?

I'm from the uk too. I thought it would be ok seeing stuff by accident even though you will definitely be locked up for downloading.

If you're really interested in pizza I can show you some if you want. Nobody should be deprived of their sexual urges kek.

god damn but rarescandals is a slow site

show me

I meant in person. Do you think I want to distribute it after what was just said? You bafoon.

both sites were always for children,fake and gay, and will stay that way


er no thanks

You're not even the same anom I bet. And I don't even know if you mean I'm Chris, or I'm busted.

I just checked and I could only find some shit on heavyr.
so mind posting a link or something to prove it?

no, i meant no i don't want to be linked to bad shit or see it

Ok one second.

Then wtf are you here for talking about cp? Did you just need to get a bit of edge for today to feel bad before you go to school?

Fuck off.

do it fag

almost literally the same 6 videos on every page for rarescadals

Come join b' official porn chat.

I'm going through my video history and it seems like I can only watch the videos, with no url showing.
Hold on.


damn the site is slow, still waiting for chrome to open it

pornsocket has zoo

wtf is this site, seems like a site that will have cops at my door.

garbage. there's nothing of value on this site. the same 6 vidoes on every page

bad quality, cant see shit

I get a trojan thx

kek n00b

I said there was lots of pop ups.

Have you really?

cheeky cunt i'm not talking about cp at all
do you even know what cp is ?
cp doesn't exist, it's a name paedophiles often use to justify looking at children, it's called child abuse, or in this case indecent images of children (i'e anyone under 18)
in my country their is no leeway they are 18 or they are considered under-aged

what i was talking about is avoiding sites that have potentially under-aged girls on which would still get you jail time

Oh I see.

Not all of it is abuse you know. So you can take that bit back.

Fade away

fake as fuck


Here u go
bit ly 28NljPX