Let's fucking settle this once and for all

Let's fucking settle this once and for all.

>Van Patten>Bryce>Allen>Bateman

Other urls found in this thread:


watermark > all


dubs confirmed for truth

shit, let me try again

*daaaamn I'm goooood*

Paul Allen
No contest

thats it

Bryces is clearly the worst

>Paul Allen
So clearly the best
Just ok
>Van Patten
Shit tier.

How are they all vice presidents?


paul allen one is the best
no debate

Paul's is the only one whose texture isn't fucked up, so he wins by default.

If it's a big enough firm, it would be for different regions or offices.

They always forget Carruthers

What's so good about Paul Allen's? It is so plain and boring.

>acquisitions misspelled on every single card
All get a 0/10 from me.

fucking pleb get out of my board

Paul Allen hands down. His has no distracting texture.

It's intentional dummy, it was in the book too.


Paul Allen, followed by Bateman, followed by Bryce, with Van Patten in last.

He gets it


No, he fucked up the spacing near the ampersand

Allen>Bateman>Van Patten=Bryce

bryce's is fucking orgasm enducing.
bateman's looks like fucking comic sans, why the fuck is he such a failure?

I still think Bateman's looks the best

>no Carrathurs
that faggy autist shit's all over them

niggas out here tryna say bryce isn't best smdh senpai

different offices? with the same phone number? and address? and extension? they didn't even try.

>1. Allen
>2. Bryce
>3. Bateman
>4. Van Patten

Maybe they were all competing for the position and all were arrogant enough to pre make their cards in anticipation


From best to worst
>Paul Allen
>Van Patten
I actually like the colors on Luis' card looks but I would never use it for something professional

Bryce > van Patten > Bateman > Allen

>Van Patten
Utter shit.

Tough call, but if mix and match is allowed, I think Bryce's typeface on Bateman's card stock would be the best of the best.

Because it's shit

>gold font

Paul Allen's card is clearly the best.

the joke is they all have nothing positions and don't actually do anything. in the book it's explained that bateman's father swung him the job.

he doesn't actually have any duties to carry out and his dad has enough weight to ensure security for his layabout sons role.

they don't use the business cards to conduct business, it's purely a status symbol.

>surname in all caps

Is that really a thing?

I don't know

Allen's card has a nice quality to it, the other three have strange letter sizing and placement that doesn't make the eye flow from one piece of information to the next nicely, especially Bateman's card his is the worst

I find the typeface in Allen's card distracting.

no lol, allen's is a joke at best, it's so gaudy, bateman's looks like it's a first try and patten's is a cheaper bryce.

>the lighting on Allen's card is superior

I call cheating

what are you some kinda wage cuck?

>calling a neet a wagecuck
im offended desu familia

What bothers me, Pierce & Pierce doesn't have an established logo?

>having business cards that hold a crease and fit in a wallet


>It took me 25 years to design this
Still looks like shit

I am a proud republican, liberal spitting, mom's apple pie eating, chemtrail fearing, all american blue collar worker, son. The only card I know is my NRA card.


Congrats on being a retard I guess.

I don't believe it was in the book, but it does make sense. They're so hung up on copying each other, someone accidentally spelled it wrong once and they all copied it since.

an M&A shop like Pierce & Pierce would be an invesment bank, within which the title of VP is far more common