Why was this movie considered bad in comparison to it's predecessors?

Why was this movie considered bad in comparison to it's predecessors?

Outside of some of the action sequences, I just didn't find it funny

It had a little too much emphasis on the drama, so much so that it made the action feel a little out of place.

I still love it though, one of my favorites.

"It's" means "it is".



My friend and I find it to be the best one

slasher of prices

The whole alien thing just felt out of place.

And the hamfisted messenge at the end was shit too.


Yea this. Not that its a bad movie, just expected it to be more funny than it was.

Personally couldn't relate to a single character. Pegg's character was really obnoxious, and everyone in the movie was miserable. Was bored for most of it, and perplexed by the rest.

less good is more acurate

I think Arthur's speech about how his whole life has been centered around trying to relive the only time he actually felt "alive" hit people way too hard.

The deep, desperate yearning to return to simpler times is a very uncomfortable subject for a lot of people, especially considering Arthur's situation was *realistically* pathetic, rather than something you'd obviously recognize as fantasy.


I felt bad after watching it. The other two were pretty light hearted. Plus robot alien body snatchers just weren't done as humorously as zombies or the best town committee/cult

Of course you do. You're a faggy brit

it gets less funny as it goes on.
i was enjoying it until the aliens, them and their message seemed kind of out of place. i just wanted bar jokes and british subtle humor.
the best joke is still alexander dumas writing the bible

I'd have to agree that this took away a lot of the charm that could have been in the movie.

Like, we've all known a Gary, some of us might even be Garys ourselves.

Nobody likes to be reminded that Gary exists.

Yeah, this. It hit home with the whole "wanting to go back to good times" thing with me, though I'm more depressed that I never had those times in the first place.

It reminded me of a friend of mine, who at the time was struggling with heroin. He passed recently, and I feel really bad that I wasn't able to show it to him.

Nigga loved Simon Pegg too. Fuck, now I'm crying a little.

I thought it was on the same level as its predecessors, wanna know why? the thing is these movies are considered unfunny trash in britain
you, the american, only find them funny because of the zany accents and lingo
spaced/shaun of dead/hot fuzz/worlds end are to britain what big mama's house is to america and viced-versa


Are you saying that you guys actually dig fucking Big Momma's House because if so that's horrifying.

That said you fuckers do enjoy Mrs. Brown's Boys.

I literally watched this movie with my friends the night before I had to move out of my apartment and move back home, where I've remained for the past two years.

That speech haunted me for months after I moved out, it was *too* real.

It's a meme, you dip.

>It's all I've got
Fuck, man. I mean that's honestly what transcended it to top 10 tier.

There's a saying I've heard, I can't remember it but basically it said if you want your comedy to be memorable, there's gotta be a moment where it isn't funny anymore.

Take "I want my father back you sonofabitch" from Princess Bride. That moment is where every part of Inigo's character comes to a head, where it's no longer just funny "le six fingered man" bullshit.

That's what that speech was to me.

k but I'm a brit and I think its the worst one.

You and your friends have good taste.

I was loving the movie until they went into the toilet, then the action sequences, aliens etc just seemed out of place and ridiculous.

I would have love them just do a pub crawl and it stay in reality. I love to visit pubs so the movie was feeling so cosy.

Speaking of pubs, anyone know of some good movies that spend a lot of time in pubs. For instance The Quiet Man with John Wayne.

>mfw the rest of the movie after the toilet scene

What was Wright smoking

its just a dark comedy mixed with a bunch of scifi tropes

Shame it gave me feels i never asked for

Two reasons:

> Swapped the roles of Frost and Pegg in being the wacky and the straight character. I found it jarring the first viewing due to this switch.

> Heavily pushes the overall theme of the trilogy of growing up and leaving childish things behind. (Something Pegg has keenly pushed on his twitter). It's not going to be well received when your fan base is primarily made up of man children.

Maybe it was the pub structure, it just didn't make me excited about the plot in the beginning.

Even when the twists came in the second act I was already bored with the characters. Rosamund is best British waifu.

Unlike other movies the main character does not change to accommodate the world around him but the world changes to accommodate his immature view of life.

He cannot succeed as an adult as the others did so the world becomes a simpler one, and Gary fits in perfectly.

Overall I liked it more than I thought I would from the premise or trailers. Probably the most enjoyable to watch but not the best out of the trilogy.

there was one genre shift too many.

cause people are plebs

> Heavily pushes the overall theme of the trilogy of growing up and leaving childish things behind. (Something Pegg has keenly pushed on his twitter). It's not going to be well received when your fan base is primarily made up of man children.

This. I would rather do my taxes and shop for a better mortgage rate

The fuck are you talking about?
It's a sci-fi alien movie dipshit.