
Romanian general.

Ce faceti mah? Votati premiere?

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primul pentru sex homosexual cu prietenii mei romani

That's hot.

why did hiro have to remove the (You) I'm missing them so much ffs hiro
anyway how you doing tonight fellow user? why are you up so late?


BGM of this thread

You have to go back

Bula mea x---DDDDD

>thread romanesc la 3 dimineața (ora României)
ai inima unde trebuie, dar nu prea ți-a ieșit execuția

for Rumanian, Is it easy to learn Limba Italiana?
it sounds similar for Japanese, much similar with Italian and French

very easy, I learned it when I came here in like 2 months. I did go to italian school in that period so maybe I'm not exactly the right example of how hard would it be for an adult romanian immigrant to learn italian. But most romanians here speak italian on the same level as native italians, shit I even get bantered when I go to other regions because I speak in a thick roman dialect

what's the romanian song at 2:40


thanks now go fuck yourself

anytime bilel

buna seara (sau mai corect dimineata ??) dragii mei

ba sa mor eu, thread pentru romania si nu e nici un steag romanesc, pana la postul meu, ce pula mea.
inteleg ca e ora doua, dar sigur nu sunt singurul.

lumea normală se duce la muncă în câteva ore, poate nu sunt toți NEETs de facultate ca noi
neața frate

ideea e ca nu e decat diaspora si random posters pe aici
ma face sa ma simt trist

dar e ora 4 in romania

csf, nu sunt chiar așa de mulți români din țară pe Sup Forums, majoritatea stau pe Sup Forums di câte am observat

Ju na sapa la langa romana....mui, ju ava joina alturnativa. Creda ce me cumprendaite
Perco apiar join filjo a tra destra el desmun?

haha, da așa e

ma refeream ca era ora doua cand a fost facut threadul.

esta nu e thread pentru cat*lici, imi pare rau dar trebuie sa pleci

"I don't know the romanian language, but I have an alternative. I think you can understand me
So I can join the thread something something between the right?"
What language is that? Sounds like portuguese


Quista sant langa dalmata M-mai

Interesting, it's very close to italian and I am sure it sounds just like friulian dialect
Do you use it often?

Whenever I'm here, since there are no recorded native speakers, there are no oral examples of use. The only thing that remains is some 300 word vocabulary (luckily being a Romance language, so reconstructions are much more forgiving) and a concise grammar

amo molto come le lingue romanze si capiscono tra di loro

its bastardized venetian

It existed parallel to Venetian. It is directly tied to Vulgar Latin

>noi in capu nostru

>noi in general

>tfw eram încă minor cand a ieșit melodia lu puya și nu am putut să-i trimit și eu un clip


>tfw melodia nu e cantata in engleza/spaniola/italiana/germana sa inteleaga si muistii lasi din vest nu se iau de tigani si negri, dar se iau de noi

what do you guys think of the current political situation in Romania?

it's shit as usual