Rate my teacher

Rate my teacher

Going to need more


You mixed up "t" and "p" again









would pee in her butt

I have traced your name and informed her of it, I am the protector of vulnerable women and I am not going to let you degenerates get away with it anymore. Mark my words.

8/10 pretty hot

i came

Very tasty

do it faggot

Peacher? :)

You do art OP?
What a fucking faggot.

Faggot. When you talk to her, let her know that I want to eat chunky beef gravy out of her asshole.

Body 8/10
Face 4/10
Paintings 9/10
Personality 1/10

Total female brain. Just take a picture of the paintings themselves you attention seeking bitch.

Nigga please.

How the fuck am I funny?



You ment to say rape right OP?


>would dangle by one leg off the edge of a building
>if she can say the alphabet backwards in less then a minute ill try pull her up
>if not dropfall to her death




are you this stupid
look at the fucking filenames