Has Sup Forums ever experienced sleep paralysis?

Has Sup Forums ever experienced sleep paralysis?

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Yes, why?

Yes. Being the extremely lonely shut in that I am, I wish I got it all the time let alone 4-5 times in my life. I hear somebody walk into my room, sometimes from afar, like I can hear them walking across the floor downstairs, then up the stairs, then into my room and it's the most vivid thing ever, realer than real could possibly real feel. Meanwhile I cant move and can see or anything. It sits down next to me, says something that feels meaningful at the time but that I never remember when I actually wake up.

I wish I could induce it regularly.

Yeah few times, it's horrible

Yes, once, haven't felt fear like that since.

I also had night terrors as a baby and pervasive nightmares until puberty.

>realer than real could possibly feel real

>Meanwhile I cant move and cant* see or anything


just wondering what its like i've seen ways on how to induce it, should i?

>also checked

Why do ya'll think it's horrible? teh fuk are you afraid of? I just know that if I could remember what it says, it's probably the meaning of life or origin the universe or something.

no but i forced my body into s.p. and started to lucid dream.....so yes, no?

Every morning during the last few months. Until now.
The terror of sleeping and waking up to your imminent death haunts you.

i did when i was 12 i just saw a tall figure i just opened my eyes tried to scream then went back to sleep and another time it was simular to my first but it was a electric blue figure it only lasted a second

No, but once I was regularly paralyzed.


Com talk about it on the official Sup Forums chat.

fuck off with your chat advertising faggot

It's a hallucination created from your mind.
>your mind
You're saying you have the meaning of life/origin of the universe in your brain.

Get it every couple of months, here is the worst case I've ever had: Woke up a couple of months ago from fever nightmares facing the wall against my bed. Eyes open, couldn't move, felt half in a dream world. I'm familiar enough with the feeling of sleep paralysis so I was calm for a few seconds just waiting to fall asleep again or get out of it. But then I felt the empty side of my bed creak and sink as if someone had just gotten into the bed (I live alone). The mattress feels like it's starts to sink more and more on the other side of the bed and I'm starting to feel unsure if the heaving breathing I'm hearing is my own. Finally jolt myself out of it the same way I do a lucid dream by kicking my feet. Do a dramatic flip on my bed and obviously nothing was there but I was filled with adrenaline. Didn't sleep the rest of the night.

It'll happen at some point..
Honestly I was just slightly annoyed because I really needed to piss, when my body finally kicked into gear I had almost pissed myself. Made the toilet just in time.
Feels kinda strange but nothing special. Anybody that says it's scary are beta faggets

Im intrigued should i try to do it?

Lucid dreaming is just astral projection. There is nothing to fear. embrace the journey and see where you mind can take you. If someone or something talks to you write it down, they are beings from other dimensions trying to communicate. Also, a good way to get out of a lucid dream/projection is to accelerate your breathing as your body knows what is sleep breathing and what is waking breahting

Yes . I had it for the first time last week. My older brother has them since adulthood

Yes, I heard someone breaking in downstairs (I thought) but couldn't move my body. All I could do was wiggle my left leg, which I did as hard as I could until it woke up my wife beside me, who woke me the rest of the way up.

no, but i want to.

I have experienced it a couple of times when I was little. It was like a dream where I am in bed and it's very dark and monsters are fucking crawling towards me slowly while I can only move my head and not even scream/talk. Pretty shitty stuff.

Don't know how to make it happen.. I guess you could go a couple of nights without sleeping.. apparently that can trigger it when you finally do hit the sheets. Still if you got mental problems of ANY sort I wouldn't recommend it. Just try to wake up via an alarm clock at shit o clock in the morning.. your body will Still be in REM mode but your body is kind of kill.
Don't care if it happens to me again as long as I don't piss myself

Same here; terrible nightmares as a child, but mostly they've subsided in adulthood.

As a child most nightmares were supernatural, though very rarely a more realistic one (my mom getting shot by burglars in one memorable nightmare).

Holy fuck ladies and gentlemen either this is some mint bait or we got a hippiefag in the thread

Happened to me once scariest shit in my life and it still gives me chills, no matter when I think about it. It's not that exciting but I'll greentext it.
>Wake up from sleep
>Realize I can't move
>See ghastly hooded figure on side of bed
>Thing has no face but I can feel this bitch smile
>Struggle against the paralysis until something grabs my legs and tears me from my bed
>All the while that creepy bitch starts laughing
Then I woke up terrified and covered in sweat.

no no the way to do it is lay and meditate (maybe put on some binural beats) and slow your breathing down to sleeping pace. your body will slowly fall back asleep and your mind will be awake. once you feel like a weighted blanket is on you you are lucid dreaming/astral projecting. there is literally nothing to fear and only things to be gained so try it out go in with a good mindset and you will have an amazing time

oh i'm a hippie alright

I don't recall being actually paralyzed, but I had a hatman experience when I was around 5 years old. I woke up to see a shadow with a hat, and a shorter shadow hovering in the doorway one early morning.

I then passed out. I didn't even think about that experience until I was 19 and stumbled upon a paranormal thread about Hat Man. I did research about others seeing the same shit all around the world. Creepy stuff.

Also, when I was 10 (same house) I saw a show reaching it's hand over my shelf and heard shuffling sounds. I screamed and my mom came in my room. I slept in my parents room that night and I had panic attacks and night terrors every night for around 3 months after it. I'd end up either sleeping in their bed or staying up with one of them until I could fall asleep again.

I haven't had anything else happen, but by dad had sleep paralysis happen once a few years back. He said it felt like his bed was shaking violently until he finally was able to snap out of it. My mom also had a night where she woke up unable to move and saw shadow people standing around her bed.

ALSO, I have one friend who had an experience where he saw something similar to OPs pic, and another who had the fucking hag show up and sit on her chest while shadows were standing around. She has sleep paralysis often and sees shit like that.

Yeah, Happened around December last year.

I "woke" up to find myself laying on my stomach/side facing the wall/door. As I try to roll over and go back to sleep I feel something sitting at the end of my bed stand up and move towards me. Because of the way I was facing I was unable to see what or who it was. But I got the feeling it wasn't there to be friends. I start trying to move or talk but nothing is working. It's not standing halfway up my bed around where my back is and I feel myself sink further into the bed as it sits on me. I feel my bones crack and the springs in my mattress get tight. I start trying to get it off me but it's getting harder and harder to breath with each passing second. I'm still laying on my stomach at this point as I desperately try to move or yell for help, This goes on for about 5 minutes but it was the longest 5 minutes of my life. I eventually get feeling in my toes as I start to wiggle them which seemed to also give my voice back. It was at this point the weight was lifted from my back and I pushed my self up in bed screaming...

Was a pretty fucking awesome experience even though it was terrifying. 10/10 would experience again.

I will add some info about my first time last week.
Usually since being 22 yo I only remember having bad dreams. But very vivid clear and repeating. Last week I had my first expirince with sp. it wasn't scary I just felt Depleted like I haven't slept for days (I can say it felt as back at the days of my army service , I wouldn't sleep for days do to activity) and I still remember clearly some details like I knew in what kind of situation I was in.. Like my mind told me "ok listen up , it's a sleep Disorder and it will vanish quickly soon as you go to sleep" but I was just lying there feeling like I'm stuck in a loop. At the end I managed to go back to sleep and shock it off very quickly .. Any way it felt like shit but nothing scary

Yes, and it's some freaky shit. It's a nightmare that you're awake for.

I am 23 years old and I experienced it for the first time in my life about 3 weeks ago. Was sleeping next to my girlfriend and I woke up, I couldn't move my body nor could I move my eyes even though they were open. Realizing you are trapped in your own body was petrifying. Funny thing was I knew I was experiencing sleep paralysis and what scared me was what I had read about it and how you see demons vividly and other apparitions. I didn't see anything but what got me really scared was the dread of what I might see or experience. I didn't know what to do so I started breathing really heavily to try and wake my girlfriend up because I literally could do nothing else. Lasted about 10 seconds, rate it a solid 2/10.

I get it after I've abused MDMA for a week


Yes, it felt like I was being dragged by my legs and all I could see and hear was fire and some pretty scary screaming.

You'd be better off asking this in /x/

First time I experienced it was about more than a year ago,then I've had this period of experencing it every night for about two months. I woukd wake up from it all at 3:00 or 3:14 am never a kinute earlier nor later than that. After that I experienced it a couple more times and now ,every now and then I feel like slipping into it but i snap at the last second . Interesting experience,that's for sure

Experiencing*,would* minute* damn phone

Nah,he's fine here

I can't remember how old I was but I was young so like 8-10. I remember my mom walking into my room to hang shit up in my closet. Idk why but I was really scared and felt like I was about to die, so I tried to get my mom's attention. The only thing I could control were my eyes so I just tried blinking really quickly so she would notice if she looked my way.
That's it.
That's my story.
The end.

Have you ever experienced quads?

Oh also.
When I woke up I thought it was a dream so I asked my mom if she was hanging stuff up in my closet. It wasnt a dream.

I used to with some regularity, but not really for the past couple years.

It would usually happen if I was laying on my back, and I'd hyperventilate until I could push my body awake. It had me pretty spooked for a while, but I sort of just started dealing with it and sleeping on my side so if it happened, it wouldn't be hard to flip myself onto my back and wake up.

I think it was anxiety related, I've since learned not to care so much and to make sure I'm actually tired before going to bed.

Pic unrelated

sounds fun tbh, i love scary shit like that.


Same thing man

yes and it was fucking terrifying< story?

Did you guys ever thought of placing a camera to record you sleeping so when something odd happens you could watch it later?




Also,I've seen an apparition 3 times directly sitting on me ,once in the corner and if i didn't see it ,it would always talk to me,whisper in my ear or behind my head so I went out and spoke to a friend. He talked about demons,and 3:00 being the portal period but I never credited it to demons probably to neglect it more easily. Even if it was some ceazy shit it probably lost interest because I was in fear no more,but,as I say it's probably just a survival instinct we kept over the years

This, really.

Even if there was something beyond human understanding, what would you do about it as an individual?

Better to just minimize the side effects and go on with your life.

Fuck,no. It was my brain,that's it

It happened to me a couple of times, but I knew what was happening and wasn't afraid or anything.

I got a bit a nervous because can't move or speak, and heard strange noises. The first time I heard lego pieces falling and glass breaking, and the second time I heard a radio with no signal (static).

its all your head. there is nothing there

Wait youre not a bot?
Fuck off no one wants to click your link

You should claim it links to cp youd get more clicks from these degenerates

I have experienced it, probably a couple dozen times. It's been a few years since the last time, though.

It's really nothing remarkable, though it is scary while it's happening. All that's happening is you are straddling the boundary between wakefulness and a nightmare. Part of your consciousness wakes up, but the mind is still generating a dream and has not yet re-enabled your voluntary motor functions. It feels distinctly unnatural and unpleasant: it's definitely unpleasant, but not at all supernatural.

You know it's probably nothing, just your imagination running wild, there shouldn't be a "being" in the room with, and if there was; well boy you'd have a multi million dollar video right there!

For a week ? Like daily ? Your brain should be fried if you do that regularly

i could hear someone in the kitchen breaking glass and at first i thought it was a robber but i didn't check because i couldn't move and had the most dreadful fear like i was going to die. mean while i could hear a marching band playing right next to me but quetly i hear a sound that was like "wuwuwuwuw" in the background. just be for i saw flashing white lights and was sure i was being abducted by aliens "shit felt real" and just when i tried to scream help i sat up and let out a whisper saying "elp" i was spooked after that i didn't know what sleep paralysis was at the time

Seeing apparitions is quite common during sleep paralysis. This is undoubtedly the origin of the legends about incubi and succubi (demons who seduce people and drain their life force while they sleep)

Fuck off new zealand

when i was younger i also saw an aperation of a woman dressed in white telling me to clean my room she looked ghostly

no need to spread hate man just lket him do his thing. even if that is calling me a hippiefag all i know is the unconditional love i get from myself and others around me. i only wish they could experience the same love even once

but does anyone know how to activate the lucid dream?

I happens to me a lot. I rarely see scary shit though, most of the times I just hear creepy things. Not really frightening if you ask me, just annoying


Happened to me twice. I tend to try to roll myself over by REALLY suddenly trying to force one shoulder up. Takes a few attempts but eventually I wake up.

Anyway last time:

I had a dream I was at work. All the lights were off. I was standing next to the counter and a woman was walking in a curve, round towards me, and then past me and curving back away from me through a door. She was wearing a sweater, and a skirt, and her upper body was dark while there was some light illuminating her lower half.

Anyway, it made me nervous. Then I woke up. Except I couldn't move. I was laying on my right side at the edge of the bed, and I swear, even though i could barely open my eyes and my vision was blurry, she was slumped down right there in front of my face, i guess waiting for me to wake up. I knew she was there, but i closed my eyes and tried to make myself wake up over and over, I was really fucking panicking, this feeling of dread and impending danger just gripped my fucking heart, I knew this couldn't be anything good. And then I woke up, she was gone. That was it.

thanks kind user

Holy fucking shit. Exact same thing happened to me. Only I also heard growling, and felt the heavy breathing on the back of my neck.

It's not the paralysis that is scary my sweet summer child, it's the fucking hallucinations.
I get it at least 3 times a month and every fucking time it's a fucking skinny shadow figure with a pale white face that climbs on my bedroom wall, on the ceiling and crawls over my bed and into bed with me and I can't move. I know it's there looking at me, I can see it's feet on the bed.
It's gotten to the point where I just don't want to sleep any more.