
Stargate Thread

What are you Jaffa doing tonight?

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Missing Stargate, t b h senpai' vah.

>we never got the movie to close the ori arc
feels bad man

The Ark Of Truth wasn't close enough for you?

Either you made yourself forget because it was so bad or you really didn't know about this. The Ark of Truth is the wrap-up movie

>pure white society
>gets attacked by SJWs first
>fighting tooth and nail just to survive
>has millions upon millions of innocent women and children that will be genocided by the SJWs

>O'Neal kills them all because MUH BLACK PEOPLE

What is the right order to watch this? What series and what movies?

>gets attacked by SJWs first
They gassed everyone else first you revisionist asshole.

Watch the episode again, breeder.

>gets attacked by SJWs first

Nah bruh.

watching s04e22 right meow

Are there any other Stargates worth watching after I finish SG1? I think I saw some people talking about Atlantis being good before.

Even Sup Forums likes SG1

Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe. Atlantis is pretty much the same type of show as SG-1 but Universe is completely different, similar in style to Battlestar Galactica and focusing on character relationships rather than the action/adventure format of the other two shows.

Rewatching SG1 now. On S02E03.

Atlantis a shit. It's like the Go-Bots to SG1's Transformers.

Universe is worth it just for Robert Carlyle's performance and the BSG-style "we're fucked on a derelict ship in the middle of nowhere" atmosphere. Pretty much everything else about it is terrible.

Should I watch Battlestar Galactica after SG1 then? It's been on my list.

>papyrus font
Make it stop

Oh god yes. BSG is GOAT if you like sci-fi at all. The ending is off-putting for most (I count myself among those) but on re-watching, the themes expressed in the end were there from the beginning.

yes, definitely. It's one of the best sci fi shows ever made, if not the best

I just watched the first two episodes of SG Atlantis for the first time. Humans are food for the Wraith What a fucking played out, retarded premise. I won't continue.

Universe is super gay.

It's like the Grey's Anatomy of the Stargate franchise.

Who the fuck are these people recommending Universe but not Atlantis? Kill yourself please.

Universe had potential and some good performances but ultimately tried too hard to be LOST, BSG, anything but a Stargate show. The self insert nerd character was cringy as fuck.

I'd just like to add that Atlantis is strong on the fact that it is already part of the established Stargate world. Even the worst episode of Atlantis is better than the worst episode of SG1.

I guess people tend to block it out or forget but some of the early SG1 episodes were fucking awful. Remember when they all got turned into cavemen? Remember when those Blue Crystals on that PURE YELLOW SAND in some set, because they couldn't even afford to shoot in a desert, turned into Jack and Jack's dead kid? Remember when Hathor single-handedly took over the SGC and then set up a hot tub in the locker rooms?

I remember all of that and I think I can take any filler shit episode of those than any other shit filler episode from any other series.

I was playing Starbound and found this!

Does this look like the ancient weapon on Dakara? It has all those stones that you touch to dial in the weapon and it is in like a mountain.

>It's one of the best sci fi shows

Only if you don't mind the retarded politics and judgements, and mary sue characters.
The spacefights are nice but the rest is soap opera deep.

Eli was 100% cringe, I agree. Complete with beta orbiting of a "hot" popular chick that is fucking Chad and literally friendzoned him multiple times.

I just couldn't get into Atlantis and admittedly I didn't get past the first season. IMO the characters were blatant knockoffs of better characters in SG-1. I know it's a minority opinion. Everybody seems to compare it to Universe since they were contemporaries and competing for funding, and really it's not a fair comparison. Universe was its own thing and by and large, done badly. A better comparison is Atlantis vs SG1, and it falls completely flat.

Don't talk to me or my Goa'uld queen ever again.

>unironically using "mary sue"
opinion discarded, memer

those were GOAT episodes imho.
it was great that htey meat crystal lifeform.. not only humanoids. We also got know more about Jack and his family.

The see monster guy, who wanted to find his lover Momoroka (or what) has nice myth too, as she was once a ruler in Babylon.

I think they did the best.

>mary sue
Who the hell was a mary sue on that show? What character didn't completely fuck things up from time to time?

I would like to point out that I'm not trying to be contrarian, but I generally think Atlantis is better than SG-1. Not that Atlantis doesn't have a lot of garbage, I thought as a whole it was quite a bit smoother than SG-1, with much more balance between long-term character and story arcs, and adventure-of-the-week episodes. SG-1 never really got out of the weekly adventure mode, with the exception of a few episodes that referenced a previous ep or maybe a couple. But in general SG-1's main weakness is that it never developed it's world or arcs, except for the increasingly ridiculous supervillian escalation.

SG-1 was horrible about its overarching antagonists, and the writers perpetually put themselves into a cycle of having big bad supervillians of insurmountable power to inflate tension, which would eventually be hand-waved by some dues-ex-machina or lucky break victory by the plucky heroes. It got old by the time Literally Satan was defeated. It also took away from building arcs based around other factions and minor villians which were more interesting. They barely did jack shit with the Goa'uld System Lords, or the dynamic of their alliances in a constant flux, or the Tok'Ra (who were usually either the token solution-out-the-ass providers, or the token "halp us we got a random problem out the ass" damsels).

I think in general with the Wraith, SGA had a lot better progression of danger and hero faction growth, they were able to throw in fairly decent side-arcs (and shitty side-arcs of course as well), but maintaining a good threat level throughout the early seasons. Once they started bringing in their own superlegos people it started going south but that season was still great (generally I think SGA season 3 is the best overally SG season).

Universe was ok, but unfortunately it was trying too hard to be the BSG remake, with emphasis on character drama, and frivolous musical montage scenes to (fail to) inflate emotional investment.

>we don't have the technology

>we don't have the power

>we are too dumb to get the repair robot in a box to work

it was shit!
and last two seasons were a mistake....

Post more sg 1 gifs

what do you call the masculine pilot girl, who is the best pilot, the best sniper, best mechanic (even managing to work an alien organic plane), and also some the chosen one, etc ?

she is an alcoholic, incredibly abusive and hurtful to those around her, low self-esteem, afraid of commitment; as the series goes on she becomes more and more depressed and unhinged. She is not universally loved by everyone else for her flaws, some characters downright hate her. i.e. not a mary sue

You should start alternating between Atlantis and SG-1 after Season 7, the shows sometimes refer to each other in fun ways and it makes the universe feel nicely rounded.

Do you mean when I start season 8 or when I start season 7?

When you start Season 8. The two shows aired concurrently for three years.

Stargate (1994)
SG-1 Seasons 1 - 7
SG-1 Season 8/SGA Season 1
SG-1 Season 9/SGA Season 2
SG-1 Season 10/SGA Season 3
The Ark of Truth
SGA Season 4
SGA Season 5x01
SGA Season 5x02 - 5x20
SGU Seasons 1 - 2




Posting in a whacko thread!

this episode just happened

Was she the hottest girl in stargate?


Thanks for this user. I noticed a couple of days ago that some Stargate SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe are on Hulu.

I have seen most of the SG-1 episodes. But I wasn't sure how/when the other series tied in.

Came here just now to ask.

she's the hottest girl in anything she's in

Not the user you're arguing with, but the usual connotation of Mary Sue is that any "flaws" they have turn out to be irrelevant to their ability to BTFO everyone else out in their own supposed fields of excellece.

By the end of the series, the only recurring characters that Starbuck hasn't completely annihilated, up to and including having them say "But you're *so much* better at this than me!" are Cottle (Medicine), Roslin (Politics) and Lampkin (Law).

Bill Adama begs her for tactical and strategic advice. The dude who jumps a fucking capital ship into atmosphere. She out-drinks and out-assholes Saul Tigh, a legendarily embittered alcoholic. She's more inspirational to military personnel and the Fleet than Lee Adama, someone so charismatic they called him Apollo. She's a better Jump navigator than Gaeta, who only kept the Fleet together while travelling past the safe jump limit over thousands of FTL jumps across multiple years. She's a better shot and ground fighter than god damn Colonial Marines. Better sense of ethics than Helo. Etc etc etc.

Meanwhile her assholishness never impacts on anything because everyone goes crawling to her to save them, all her sins are forgiven because she's JUST THAT AWESOME YOU GUYS.

Like,they literally had to kick Apollo out of the military since there was no point to him being around any more OOC, Starbuck ate up all the "ace pilot and commander" shit, leaving him with nothing to do.

They really should have toned her down. Best pilot, best gambler, best trainer is fine. But then they got addicted to making her the best at whatever it was that the episode required.

guys guys
i hear you like stargate ja
guess vat

Atlantis was a bit like Angel in that as a spin-off show they had a better idea of how to do things so the lows were never as low as SG-1 (not that it has many bad episodes, mind) but then the highs are never as high either.

Personally I liked Universe (I know, I'm a heretic) but it had Greer, Lt. James, and Dr. Rush even if there wasn't much else going on.

Especially Greer. "Oh, yeah. While you useless fucks were dicking around with Ancient technology, I went and built a MOTHERFUCKING FLAMETHROWER. Now I will save you with it."

Episode 200 killed my sides

>every costume Teal'c wears in that episode has a giant codpiece

Deadpool was right when he said she's the woman who engineered for men (or geeks)
>likes sci-fi
>does sci-fi
>ergo likes cosplay
>always sexy /mostly sluty / lewd
>many time does dominant roles

Thor as rygel still cracks me up.

I hope someone makes a

rainbow sun francks

One day I'll watch SGU.

Hmmmm Boob'ra

You could watch it today





>it's a unscheduled offworld activation

>Daniel constantly getting carried off by aliens
He probably got raped a bunch.

Fuck you i liked SGU.

Who here is fucking hype for next week? I honestly don't even care if it turns out to be shit, just being back in the universe is all i need.


Stargate filled my need for tomboy military woman, is there any show with a character like Sam?


SGA episodes had those more often


I want morrigan to step on me.

I just got through watching all of SG1 for the first time actually, and is it just me or is the second movie (Continuum) pretty awful?
Feels like there's a billion plot holes left open by it.

Wouldn't the Stargate being activated so early (1939?) change its history significantly? Even if Mitchell threw the Jaffa/Baal corpses into the sea and convinced the crew to keep quiet, there's still a giant hole in the ship and a burnt shipping crate.
Plus the time machine is still sitting around somewhere.
Not to mention all the things that should have happened without SG1 existing in that alternate timeline.

This shit is frustrating

>tfw stargate is getting rebooted completely
>hack director doesn't like tv series
>tfw Atlantis movie never ever
>tfw star trek 2017 is going to suck
m-muh scifi escapism

I just recently realized it myself but yeah, SG-1 really shits the bed when it comes to time travel logic. How the fuck did they come out of a gate that wasn't even there in 1969? And running from timeline changes?

there still are yearly blockbusters, and some series (The expanse, Dark Matter )

Yeah I get what you're saying I guess. I usually just think of a Mary Sue just being this perfect, flawless self-insert. Kara was pretty OP with those things you mentioned but I guess it didn't bother me because of those other things that didn't make her perfect, and were honestly quite irritating by the end, like her attitude and demeanor and whatnot.


One thing that always bugged me in SG-1 was the whole Tretonin thing.
When it was first introduced, they made a point out of a being in incredibly short supply. They couldn't stress that enough, plus it seemed like a real pain in the ass to make (requiring a willing, living Goa'uld queen for one).

But as time went on, they just started handing out Tretonin like freaking candy, giving it to whole tribes of Jaffa willy-nilly, Teal'c too of course.

Did I miss a line of dialogue or something?


The Tok'ra managed to refine it. Their dying queen I think did it.


all it takes is a grounded up Goa'uld. There's plenty of that in supply after their downfall

They showed Tretonin being synthesized in the last episode, Unending, though that was with the fancy new Asgard technology they just got. So that might not be a good explanation for the years prior to that.

Can't imagine that there's a factory grinding up millions of symbiotes for the SGC somewhere out there, so I'll just hazard a guess and say that they managed to replicate the stuff in a lab.

The writers seemed to forget about its "cure any disease and live for an extra hundred years" properties though and just used it on Jaffa.
But that's a question for another day.


>big guy


I'm going to a Stargate convention in Vancouver this year. What am I in for?

dont they have a brochure? what does it say?

maybe some actors of the series will appear, i've seen such vids on youtube

I was at FedCon in Germany a couple of years ago.
RDA, Michael Shanks and Amanda Tapping were there, it was awesome. I've also met David Hewlett and Suanne Braun.

You'll have a lot of fun

>dominant roles
eww, the perfect woman is a sub don't you know anything

>It's a someone dies and gets brought back to life episode

Couldn't even let Ronon have a heroes death in the last episode of Atlantis.

i liked two things about it


>That big
>No bra
>Not sagging

Wat sorcery is this

I'd hallow her orifice if you catch my drift.

A 100% pure tau'ri milk factory.