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I still don't entirely grasp why Starks choose to not armor themselves adequately. From what can be seen, there does not appear to be either plate nor even mail on their attire, it literally just comprises of cloth and leather.
And going from things like the Tower of Joy trailer, this is what they wear in combat too; against fully plated knights as well. Why? What tactical advantage would this have in open combat aside from movement and mobility?
No one gives a fuck. Game of Thrones is for AUTISTS.
No it's not, it's for normies. If we're being honest.
>full plated
We never see full plate in GoT or any other series or film. It's too much for the actors.
There must be a shit load of autists in the world then.
>movement and mobility
You just answered yourself. The best defense is to just not get hit in the first place. It costs more to make it is the real reason, look up how much a bog standard set of armour costs, not even somethng with details and furnishings, imagine kitting everyone out in that shit and how much it would cost
Its fantasy for people who dont like fantasy. Ie normies.
GOT was patrician-tier during season 1, when it was still a low key fantasy series. Now it has international fanbase and the showrunners need to cater to normies.
The show takes pride on how fucking stupid their characters are when it comes to armor choices.
Is that Steven Seagal?
I take this back we see it in some films such as Excalibur, but it is rare.
i HATE that GoT never uses full plated armor
pretty fucking sure starks wear chainmail under their clothes
>My name is Jon Stark, heir of Winterfell, former Lord Commander of the Night's watch, loyal servant to the true king, Stannis Baratheon. Son to a murdered father, brother to murdered siblings. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
You forgot
>At last, I have become The Winds of Winter
This sort of. It was going to get shitty no matter what, given it's source content, but it was pretty okay.
When I first saw it, knowing nothing of the books, I was actually kind of interested. Thought it would be a cool low-fantasy series. Then boromir died and everything went stupid.
dex > str
This is false
>While I was dead I had a Dream of Spring. I talked to Ned. Do you want to know what heaven looks like?
The only defense this 7 people actually need is all seven of them armed with a crossbow. 3 of the best swordman in the realm, let fight them with sword. Fuck that shit
you can literally see them wearing chainmail in that picture you dumb fuck
Has anyone ever killed someone like this? I know that some fight training does use the eye as an attack point. But to actually say shove your fingers in their eyes and crack their eye orbitals from their skull what be a sight to watch!
>note: not a pop of course
>Trying to tank a boss solo...
Except he won before he went full retard
now ...
it ends....
But he won the fight, in a way. If the mountain was just some guy to him he would've never let his guard down trying to get him to confess
>won the fight, in a way
Mountain still is alive, in a way
Was winning, you mean.
dex won, retard
He didn't win in the way where he won, though, so there's that.
Wow ricky gervais is that tall??? Or is faggy mcbeardo kit a manlet.
Just make it out of styrofoam or aluminium or w/e. These special FX guys can make severed limbs, holes in heads, giant robots, spaceships etc but can't make a believable armor? Please
Movement and mobility... You just fucking said it
>its too much for the actors
no it really isn't. It's too much for the fight choreographer and too much for the audience when you watch two men in full plate fight because it's not what we're used to.
We're used to people dying by being slashed, a swift motion that quickly kills a man.We're not used to two men beating the shit out of eachother and one barely staying alive by sheer luck more than skill
Aren't Hugh and Clegane wearing armor in the jousting tournament in season one?
Should change ned to my mother, then it fits perfect
Heavy armour slows you down, makes you vulnerable.
So why couldnt he dex his way out of the last part?
because dex is literally worthless
Nobody is asking for actors to walk around in actual platemail, son. We're asking them to walk around in well-painted plastic pieces or some shit.
Or do you think all the extras are walking around in authentically heavy padding, maille, helmets and weapons?
>We're used to people dying by being slashed, a swift motion that quickly kills a man.We're not used to two men beating the shit out of eachother and one barely staying alive by sheer luck more than skill
The Bronn fight in the Eyrie was GOAT, though. Everyone thought so. And it wasn't because Bronn wasn't wearing full armour, but because you actually got that slow fight choreography, instead of a spear to the back of the head or a whip being presented as a dangerous weapon.
>fat friendless virgin bed-wetters detected
A complete suit of plate armour made from well-tempered steel would weigh around 15–25 kg(33-55 pounds).[2] The wearer remained highly agile and could jump, run and otherwise move freely as the weight of the armour was spread evenly throughout the body. The armour was articulated and covered a man's entire body completely from neck to toe. In the 15th and 16th centuries, large bodies of men-at-arms numbering thousands or even more than ten thousand men (as many as 60% of an army) were fighting on foot wearing full plate next to archers and crossbowmen.
Sounds like adult actors should be able to "fight" for a few minutes in one of those
Believe it or not, I know someone working on the set in the Titanic quarter and got to go around the studios one night, the props are mostly actual metal, but its not heavy hardened steel, its aluminium or something that is very light at least, the ones that are given the background characters are made of latex, oddly, theyre kindof floppy and it baffles me how they can make that look solid on screen. Didnt see any weapons for the extras though so cant speak for them, but the front of camera props were definitely metal.
This is easily the most normie centric show on TV at the moment, how does pointing this out equate to anything but a basic observation anyone can make. If anything youd think that something like this would only appeal to fat neckbeards who live in their basement playing DnD, but its socially normie tier.
No. He used poison to weaken him. Besides, the Mountain disarmed him at one point, before his squire or whatever tossed him another spear, if it was a battlefield the Viper would have been dead at that point.
using the term normie (or patrician or kino) automatically makes you someone who regularly pisses their bed
What word should I use user.
>this is easily the most normal centric show on tv at the moment
Makes no sense, when I say "normie" you know exatly what Im refering to, youre looking way to deep into that, its just an abbreviation.
abbreviation for what? normal? so normal/"normie" (cringe) people watch Game of Thrones. does this mean anyone that doesn't watch is some kind of mutant with six eyes and no legs?
But they have to do multiple takes, which means they're there for a good few hours.
Except it wouldn't be a "few minutes". If you think those kinds of scenes are done in one take then you're a fool. Even the sand-snake scene on the boat took them more than a "few minutes". If someone's wearing a helmet with a visor there's way more time spent getting the choreography right because of it restricting sight etc.
Which is why they wouldn't be wearing something made out of tempered steel if they decided on letting actors wear "plate-armour", but some aluminium alloy stuff that's way lighter, with cooling-systems built in for the shit filmed in spain. But that'd cost more, and they'd actually have to bring in a choreographer who doesn't just go "and then he gets stabbed through the back of the neck/head." or "then he gets his throat slit.", which would also cost more because it takes longer to figure out a good fight and teach all the actors what they're supposed to do.
Yay, i can't wait for them to ruin past characters other than present ones!
fuck off to /lit/ with your book whining you tragic bed-wetter
>implying he wouldn't have brought a squire on the battlefield and had him toss new spears
That kind of shit is what squires are for at the battlefield.
That's more like a case of low int caused by rage.
So, is your new dank meme taking off or is it just the same 2-3 idiots?
>heavy armor slows you down
This meme needs to end
Literally no excuse for wearing some faggy leather shit instead of proper armor.
Besides price I guess.
I didn't even read the books but if you don't think the show has gone to shit Season 5 and so far in season 6 you're just a moron. The show went from great to below average mediocre show.
>Ned beheaded
>Ned's soul warged into a crow.
>Crow flies to wall
>Jon Snow is retarded, practically soulless
>Jon dies
>bastard soul so shit
>Crow Ned wargs into Jons body
>Jon is now Ned
>Start and end series with Ned
>Ned gets to slam Dany and ride dragons
Hire me D&D
Not about being heavy, its that it restricts movement, not by much but its definately not as flexible as without.
Do you mean real plate armor?
> I don't know why this came to mind first
>In a number of modern tests, a wearer, obviously not trained as a knight, was able to perform somersaults and cartwheels.
>Medieval chroniclers wrote about fully armored men-at-arms scaling siege ladders like sets of monkey bars.
I think the extra protection would be worth it.
>A simple suit of chain-mail could blunt most sword slashes.
>Medieval writers noted knights coming out of battle so absurdly covered with arrows that they looked like porcupines, but were unwounded.
>During the Middle Ages, it was often easier (and more profitable) to capture an enemy knight rather than find a can opener and kill him.
>>Medieval writers noted knights coming out of battle so absurdly covered with arrows that they looked like porcupines, but were unwounded.
Turns out Mount & Blade was realistic
ha season one jorah vs dothraki
Is this some kind of modern day Eowyn fighting the Witch King?
Oh itd be worth it, no doubt, but factor in the costs of mass producing it for a TV show. Even today a mundane suit of armour will set you back a fair amount of money, bring in movie shit like furnishings and engravings and thats a massive chunk of the budget gone on just one prop.
Theres also the movie thing of "I hit you with my sword so you immediately die". Combat with characters in full plate looks goofy as fuck, its 2 guys tripping and knocking eachother over then getting tired, its not terribly exciting to watch.
TLDR; armour has almost no drawbacks. But its boring and expensive.
Yeah, his goal was a confession and he obtained it, so he won his own battle. But I highly doubt, given his personality demonstrated in the book, that he thought that confession worth his life.
that's right, get back to the topic of the show. this is a TV board after all. book readers need to piss off with their bed wetting
as for my own opinion on the show, Dorne is trash but everything else ranges from good to phenomenal
Sounds rad as fuck.
>"I hit you with my sword so you immediately die"
>lord of the rings
>guy hits giant orc monster wearing heavy steel armour with a single slash
>reels and spins over, dead
I want to see something that has armour working as it should, I imagine it really wouldnt be terribly exciting but I just want to see it.
Yeah true
I mean there's dual wielding do they definitely went for flashiness over function
battousai, pls. the edge on your sword isn't even on the correct side
Source on that pic please?
Empire of Sand on youtube
Empire of Dust. Interesting documentary.
>It restricts movement
Only if your wearing someone else's armor. Plate armor was personalized and fitted to avoid exactly this problem.
Its not like wearing a track suit just because it fits, it still feels as clingy as you expect, not to mention that it gets hot as fuck after a while and you start to sweat buckets doing anything strenuous.
Again, factor this issue into the movie realm, noone is going to make custom armour for all those extras, thats just not happening, and main actors are going to be rinsing sweat wearing a full suit so its not terribly good if you plan to do multiple takes in a day or anything.
It's from a "zombie" movie.
>Its not like wearing a track suit just because it fits, it still feels as clingy as you expect, not to mention that it gets hot as fuck after a while and you start to sweat buckets doing anything strenuous.
But that's also true for the shit they ARE wearing, except for the sand sneks. With all the leather some characters wear they're not far behind, really.
You have a point. Im going to say that its not as hot or nearly as expensive to get and replace should the need the though. One dent or scratch in a piece of prop armour and you have to wait till its fixed or a new set is made, with a leather piece you just grab a replacement, movies and shit usually house like 3 full outfits per character incase one gets damaged and needs replaced.
My only real gripe is that alot of the time they arent actually wearing armour at all. Its just cloth, not padding or leather, but cloth, no chainmail or anything. I can fucking make chainmail, its not even expensive or particularly time consuming, theres no reason for that.
I can't wait for the big reveal when probably a dragon blows fire on Jon and he is left standing because he is a targ.
What bothers me is that the few armour-pieces they do have is so fucking shit.
The Kingsguard armour is fucking horrendous, both looks-wise and protection-wise. Jorah wore better protection in S1 than the Kingsguard. It's not even properly fucking white, but looks more like some shit you'd see Tywin dress up his guards in.
Remember when Cat realized that Roose was wearing chainmail at the twins? Yeah. They aren't really always wearing chainmail underneath, because you can't see it and its unnecessary. Just pretend its there.
The tv series is bereft of color compared to the vivid colors in the novels. It's not just the kingsguard armor.
Everything is brown.
If you look at the fight, you can see his fighting skill is superior. The Mountain has a hard time even hitting him. I feel like, if he wasn't so emotional about avenging Ellia's murderer and rapist, he'd have taken him down without an issue.
>best helmet in the show was a background prop
You do realise he was only lost due to his hubris?
Robert seems like more of a greathelm type guy to me.
Yeah, if Oberyn only wanted him dead he'd have poisoned him and not even bothered with a duel.
As the timeline progressed they invented kevlar to replace plate.
>that pattern
And to think, people still could've been wearing plate armour and wielding rifles.
>lancel the fucking squire is wearing better armour than the northerners, at a tourney hes not even taking part in
>that pic
No pun intended, but basically the dark ages in a nutshell.