What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

Some smartass faggy little 10 year old thought he could share the same track with the greatest podracer of all time.

It's like if David Spade challenged Mike Tyson to a bare-knuckle boxing match.

>have to walk everywhere on my hands
I'd be pissed too.

He had two incredible hot Twi'lek slaves, TWINS at that, and suffered from micropenis. I too would be pissed every waking moment.

I hope someone was giving them the dick they deserved

Damn, I didn't remember those two being so fucking hawt.


The weight of expectation got to him

Cheeky fag in literal starwars hell.

Seriously why anyone willing lives there is beyond me.

That last part of the race was a pretty great little moment, when he is going into the bend and you can feel he will do it.

What was his fucking problem?


They weren't bitching and moaning about blue bodypaint.

Also it's sad, we'll probably never see Twi'leks, especially females, in the new movies because female Twi'leks were essentially sex slaves. And if we do it would be some obnoxiously hamfisted crusader character breaking the glass ceiling or whatever trope.

Should have double checked those power couplings.

>I'ma Sebulba, I'ma 'gonna win, heh heh heh

What did he mean by this?

What would be the evolutionary purpose of just being a face with arms and legs?


Ask Maggie.

>driving through the tent on the first ice level

Bruce Wayne wasn't around to give enough dickings

>holding boost till you heard that fast beeping

Everyone always told him he looked like that disgusting droopy faced creature TDK.

He always wins

Well, hello, beautiful...


What does "Die wanna wanga" mean?

He's Maggie Gyllenhaal's stunt double.



Cannot unsee.

Is his death scream the only shot in the movie with no CGI?

sebulba did nothing wrong. he got hit by a fish and his reaction was understandable, then he did nothing during the pod race that was against the rules.

I got this reference

Stupid sexy Sebulbua