how smart is Sup Forums? does the lowest artform attract the lowest humans?
How smart is Sup Forums? does the lowest artform attract the lowest humans?
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I also play Linebacker for the Oakland Raiders and model underwear in the offseason
bullshit. there's no way a nigger has a 160 iq and there's no way heeney models underwear.
Is that why I didn't understand BvS?
What's the minimum iq to understand snyhack's masterpiece?
Last questions are interesting.
By the way, BvS is a modern masterpiece.
DCucks out in full force
i got about halfway through and got pissed off with all the fucking squares and shit. it gave me 107 iq with only half questions done so if i had done the entire thing i guess would get over 200
how to solve last two questions? god damn, I think I've spent like 6 minutes trying to solve the penultimate
there's diminishing returns on right answers after a certain point. you can only make patterns so obscure before it becomes a measure of nothing. this would only be one part of an actual iq test. also, the later answers are more difficult, it's not that unlikely that someone of average intelligence would have to guess on all the other ones.
last one is like the "overlapping lines cancel" ones, except you flip the first column. i don't remember the last second to last.
Yeah, that was my reasoning too. The penultimate is the one that fucked my shit up.
I highly doubt my IQ is that high considering I just did an IQ test because someone linked it on Sup Forums.
Also it is just pattern recognition.
Surely there is more to being intelligent.
There are different "areas" of intelligence. Some are often correlated with others.
>get bored halfway through
>click random answers
>end up 130
Am i a genius
So what we learned here is that the few people here that did the test are really intelligent when it comes to Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, rigth?
Now someone link a test for Interpersonal Intelligence because those results from Sup Forums would be a lot funnier.
Second that, would be interesting to compare it with my other result.
that one just combines the squares. i got a 140, wtf was that one with the stick in the middle and the white/black boxes on each side.
what is was your score? also >this would only be one part of an actual iq test
this is some sjw shite meant to make dumb people feel better about their bad iq scores.
others in this thread claimed to do the same thing and got like low 100s. you're a lucky guy
It's weird having an IQ of 140. You tell people that, and they don't believe you because you're broke and generally inept at most things. I'm not even good at math. Or chess. Or art.
But, hey, I guess it's a number I could flaunt. People do treat it like a scorecard.
>only people that posted have above 130
>pic related
>no longer feel good about self
There goes my sunshine.
everyone in this thread is claiming fucking 140/ 130 by guessing. there's only 3 screengrabs, ya'll niggas lying.
>how smart is Sup Forums?
not very desu
I find it really weird, I've always scored high on IQ tests, and while I consider myself to be intelligent, I do believe it honestly comes from years of playing a space simulator that involved solving things similar to modern raven matrices.
This is why I think it's bullshit when people say you can't train your IQ. That might be true, but I'm extremely confident that solving similar patterns over time will make it easier.
would you post a subpar score if everyone else was boasting Einstein levels ? well obviously YOU would, but your borderline retarded. seriously, people who guessed scored better than you.i'm guessing most people with bad scores just don't want to post them.
From my understanding an actual IQ test covers a much broader range of questions and you are also monitored by a psychiatrist. Your reactions and thought process are just as important as getting correct answers, otherwise someone could theoretically guess their way through.
3 fiddy
ITT; Sup Forums-Television, Film, and Rocket Science
It's true what they say, Reddit is where dumb people go to pretend to be smart. Sup Forums is where smart people go to pretend to be dumb.
what we have "learned" here is that internet IQ tests are designed to massively overstate your intelligence so that idiots proud of their fake score propagate the test. that's how this shit always worked, i remember getting 150 or whatever on similar fake tests 10+ years ago.
it's the same story as those INTP etc "personality" tests. they have zero scientific validity but everyone loves them because they tell you you're just like einstein or just like picasso or whatever genius you wish you were.
2 official IQ tests in life.
Age 11 - 167
Age 19 - 187
Just barely on the aspie spectrum
Sister's is higher and she is schizophrenic.
Lots of >160 in extended family; many debilitated and/or addicts.
why dont you save the world some oxygen and end yourself
IQ tests are a joke. Internet IQ tests are even stupider because they're not based on age, which removes the q part from IQ.
If someone tells me their IQ score ever regarding anything, I'll immediately think them an egotistical idiot and completely disregard whatever their opinion is
but this test takes age in consideration, stupid
>but your borderline retarded
Not retarded enough to use your when meaning you're though so I'll take what I can get. Thanks for the pep talk user.
>all these assblasted anons who scored low on the tests
the test obviously isn't equal to your iq, an iq test tests many different aspects and this would only be one. this is inflated as well. but if you look at the average and you score lower, it still means you're retarded. the average seems to be about 130.
>mfw some made this chart
>Sup Forums not on top
>/lit/ not near the bottom
>/fit/, the kings of broscience, so high
>/ck/ not an outlier
>Sup Forums not the weighted average
fucking dropped
>/x/ lower than all
fucking kek
>Still haven't found a board where chess can be properly discussed.
When I was a child, my IQ was measured at 148.
Now I'm 34, and have age, drug and alcohol abuse (I'm drunk right now), and possible brain injury (I played football back in high school) behind me.
I guess it's lower now
/tg/ can talk wizard's chess pretty well. Maybe you're playing the wrong game.
/vg/ is a good place
>wizard's chess
is that just normal chess played by /tg/-virgins?
y-yes. Except it plays out like free form wizard RP.
How did I do bros? Apparently I am smarter than 93.7% Feels good man.jpeg
read the thread. scores are inflated. if you score below 130 you should get yourself checked for mental deficiencies.
not bad user
mine was 117. Don't care, I'm smart enough.
Not bad, considering most anons were too embarrassed to post their scores you probably are well above average.
I scored 125, but I think I can accept you with a full embrace, my brother. Together we will find two more points for you somewhere.
I remember taking one of these in 3rd grade. Kids who passed got put into this "genius" group. I failed of course.
>passing an iq test
>that crop
yea, you're retarded.
>your IQ is outside the testable range
I wonder if I'm retarded or a genius
Sup Forums is right about where I'd expect it. The real head scratcher is /wg/.
Sup Forums have decent threads sometimes
i had an actual test when i was a child and i scored over 150+, my lowest area was actually the logical mathematical intelligence kek
This is old. Nowadays Sup Forums would be borderline retarded.
I made it halfway through before getting bored. I don't see how these are even supposed to be a measure of IQ.
It is said that a persons IQ will keep on rising until he or she begins a regular sexual life. My score has been steadily rising throughout the years, so before long I'll be a genius.
its probably barely above average and has been in decline for years
I get my IQ tested like, every 8 years, as part of getting money from the government for being crazy. I don't have a screengrab of days in my life. Here, I'll trigger you again; My wife thinks I'm a genius without the number in her face, and she's employed and can drive a car!
I would guess it's innate. You only like playing those games because of your IQ. But, also, you might have a point with the repetition-thing.
it's obviously fake.
seriously, who the fuck mains /i/ or /wsg/
the stupidity of your statement proves your point though..
Who gives a shit.
As long as your job is not pure suffering and makes you good monies.
Difference between someone with 100 and 140IQ is not magically gonna make you superior in every aspect and improve your life, family and education.
Many people with IQs over 180 are also regular people.
Trust me, average 115IQ normie here making 150k a year writing code and mantaining it at entry level.
I'm kind of annoyed, I feel like I've done better on these in the past
I guess its like 2:30 in the morning right now, but still knowing I'm amongst the lower scores in this thread is a bummer. I think the highest was a 140 but that test was probably bullshit, were I to take the test numerous times I'd bet it'd average between 128 - 132
>IQs over 180
Is that even how IQ works
I don't think 180 would be a full person.
Google it, there is people with higher IQ than fucking Einstein alive today, but must are just above average to slightly important people
But that is not how IQ works
The average is always 100.
You test your group. And then one standard deviation up and down is +/- 15
Sup Forums 4 lyfe
the fuck is this trying to be?
i think these are more determined by how fast you finish them with rightish answers and not necessarily more right answers. finished with 2 minutes left because the last 10 or so were stumping me.
fuck cognitive and spatial intelligence anyway. there are various intelligences humans posses that can't be gauged by shapes and squiggles. like being able to read non verbal cues and body language. essentially how to read people and situations by their expressions, tones, gestures, mannerisms. i am a fucking master at this.
I got 128 but I ran out of time at 80% completion.
Got bored at the end
Well, that explains my low score. Just had sex for a week after a long hiatus.
if a square of the same color exists on the the other side of the line, it negates its pair, its a subtractive problem
kind of a trick question too, the answer is that the box is the exact same as the bottom left hand box
>110 means retarded
>can't spell either
You sure you aren't retarded?
how do you have sex for a week?
If it weren't timed, I feel I'd do better. I kept glancing at the time and getting stressed over it.
Or, if they kept the time invisible.
i started guessing half way through because I just couldnt be bothered to actually analyze but yeah i shoulf probably take it again soon and not skip shit.
I meant everyday for one week, obviously.
I took a standford binet test once at uni. Got me a 116. Just above average i guess.
>tfw /x/ and /lit/ are you two most visited boards
I lost my virginity when i was 19. i took one of these tests when i was 17 and i got 135. im not a try hard anymore either i could give a fucka bout my IQ, it's just your ability to see patterns. most of you niggas dont even know how to let go of your ego's pull on your mind.
121, which is consistent with other test I've taken in the past.
same exact score as you so not even gonna bother making a screen
i'm the real genius here
Got bored at halfway through and stopped trying. Just guessed for the last 4 questions since I was falling asleep.
I got 117, I either felt like I knew the exact answer or had no idea and did a random guess. There wasn't much in between.
is this one of those tests where guessing is better or leaving no answer is better?
>140 IQ
how exactly could there be an in between? you either know the pattern or you don't. they're actually meant to be like that to eliminate guessing advantages, same with the reason you get 6 choices.
no penalty for guessing.
>no penalty for guessing.
shit, i thought it would be the other way. I'm adding 20 to my score
fuck you jared taylor
some famous geniuses have had 200+
it must be pure suffering
You IQ lies outside the area the test is able to measure ;_; am i stupid?
yes. did you actually try?
Not that it means anything .