It's been a looong time
It's been a looong time
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/nonshittytrekthread/ general?
Non-shitty Trek thread or non-shitty Trekthread?
lol fucken nerd why dont u go fuck yourself before i break ur glasses
They're horny, Barbara!
Best character in ENT
We were having an argument last night - what's your favourite and least favourite episode from each TNG season?
Favourite - The Neutral Zone
Least Favourite - Code of Honor
Favourite - Q Who?
Least Favourite - Shades of Gray
Favourite - The Best of Both Worlds: Part 1
Least Favourite - The Bonding
Favourite - Clues
Least Favourite - The Loss
Favourite - The Inner Light
Least Favourite - Imaginary Friend
Favourite - Tapestry
Least Favourite - Man of the People
Favourite - All Good Things...
Least Favourite - Sub Rosa
False flag. It's not even 7 AM here
Not even close to Phlox, who was not only the best character on ENT but is in the top 3 Trek characters across all series and is easily the best Doctor across all Treks.
All those missed moments from season 5 with Shran on the ship. Oh what could have been
>that episode where Phlox proudly encourages Trip to cuck him
I don't use cuckoldry as a metric for judging Trek characters, should I? There seems to be a lot of it going on now that I think about it
>False flag
How the fuck is that post "an orchestrated event meant to affect a specific change"?
Why did you have to remind me user?
>no season-long pinkskin banter
>no in-depth exploration of the mirror universe and Empress Hoshi
I don't get it
He would have made a great counterweight to the cast.
The fact that they started getting their shit together is just bittersweet.
My only real phlox episode that I loved besides Terra Prime when he is discussing the child would be the Phlox centered episode that I think was in season 2, finding out that he was a battle medic was pretty awesome. They really embraced the war themes in the show.
Trying too hard, mate. No one cared but you.
>easily the best Doctor across all Treks
EMH > Bashir > McCoy > Phlox > Crusher > Pulaski
user was using a British spelling and it's currently 6:50 AM in the UK.
Though I suppose user could be Ausfailian, who knows what time it is there.
I'm the user and am an ausfag. It's 3.50pm here.
Today in "Objectively wrong opinions"...
What did Shran mean by this?
>Dr. Leonard McCoy
>Starfleet Medical Academy graduate
>Dr. Beverly Crusher
>Starfleet Medical graduate, later head
>Dr. Julian Bashir
>Starfleet Medical graduate
>Attained literally dozens of medical and science degrees, from botany to psychiatry
EMH never earned a doctorate, does not deserve the appellation "doctor," and wasn't even sapient long enough to get through pre-med and med school.
EMH? His name is medic, not doctor.
Which parts are wrong? What would yours look like?
>>Attained literally dozens of medical and science degrees, from botany to psychiatry
A Marty-Stu, huh?
Travis Mayweather on the Bridge of the Enterprise?
I think he meant it more as like pigment is pinkish but he was just joshin.
Shran enjoyed being a racist. I mean he shat on vulcans every chance he got. He basically saved earth to shame the vulcans.
Exactly. It's not an Imgur filename.
He was a doctor in the same way that a hologram of a police officer is a police officer, a hologram of a teacher would have an Education degree, etc.
Also, he had more medical knowledge programmed into him than the other four combined (perhaps not Bashir, who had a photographic memory).
Med school would be a waste of his time.
Hoshi > T'Pol
He's a cuck, though. Also denobulans have the same makeup as cardassians. Two tragic flaws.
He's a doctor in the same way that a medical reference tome is a doctor.
Fuck him and fuck all poseur AGIs
>not Lower Decks for Season 7
IIRC they lived for a very long time
In terms of pure innate talent he easily outclassed every 24th c. Trek doctor, considering he was the 'Napoleanic era' to their 'modern 21st century' and yet performed on more or less the same level
Best is a subjective term in this context..
In your eyes, Admiral Nacheyej is a better starfleet officer than Picard I assume.
fuck the doctors
>Implying picard did not legitimately enjoy surrendering.
Whenever I return to Enterprise after a long time, the opening credits make me emotional. The message of inspiration in there, showing where we've come from and where we'll go.
Those opening credits are what science-fiction is meant to be, lads.
By character:
By ability:
Archer surviving in the Delphic Expanse for months with shit-tier tech earns him that spot alone.
>that episode where he pirated a civilian ship
This, it would be truly inspirational if not for the fact that humanity has never really penetrated the lethal radiation belts confining us permanently to Earth.
user I don't know how to tell you this but I think you've stumbled into a mirror universe thread. We have no such radiation belt and have sent probes outside the heliosphere
>trying to hide your /x/-fagness but failing
I can appreciate the intentions behind the Enterprise opening, but I feel like the whole experience is negated when you consider that the moon landing is a hoax.
Cool video, but there's no noise in outer space, and I clearly heard music and sound effects in the "space" of that video.
Lower Decks is fourth-best (after AGT, Parallels and The Pegasus).
The point was if you can get off of the earth than the rest is just logistics.
If you're a robot sure
Did John Frederick Paxton do anything wrong?
From what I can tell the man just wanted to preserve biodiversity by protecting the human race from dilution, and make it so humans didn't have to feel like 2nd-class citizens on their own planet while a bunch of freak shows walked around
Basically the 22nd century Trump trying to MEGA
My point is you /x/ fags think it isn't possible is the crux of it and like webster tarpely before you, no amount of evidence is good enough.
It isn't your fault, you think you 'see' the truth that others do not but what that really is chemicals in your brain making you paranoid and wrapping coincidences and disconnected things together into ever-evolving conspiracies.
Once you get to point that you feel defensive, you'll start screaming about disinfo. It's unfortunate but medication can only do so much.
On the one hand I could see this argument working since literally entire foundation of Federation was built on whatever shadowy shit happened with the eugenics superpeople, bad supermen versus the good ones. There is even a theory about that since they literally go into how they send people to prison in TNG for going against socialist mindthink.
so I'm not sure..wouldn't a human want humanity to be as powerful as possible? I mean vulcans live longer, and are like 3 times as stronger and only real difference being space elves is ears and green blood?
I mean.. I would be a terrible advocate because I feel like humanity going the empire route like mirror universe would fail..but I also think the normal person is going to end up doing some STO starship troopers type shit where we're building armies and advanced ships which was never the point of Trek. Natural human nature goes against that universe so whatever maguffin you come up with it..would need to explain that away.
If you want space socialism to work, I think Andromeda does it better.
Please. I can recall two episodes where he did the absolute WRONG thing and forced Janeway to restrict him to sickbay.
This show grew on me recently, now I belt out the theme song as loud as I can to the point my parents bang on my bedroom door and tell me they'd had enough of my bullshit and that I'm 30yrs old and to get a job.
>digestfag ad hominems again
Go fuck yourself, cunt.
I'm explaining you. to you. Your lack of self-awareness is how you get to this point.
WHAT!? I'm busy!
I'm not sure what you're doing but you're crafting a persona that doesn't exist. I've never visited /x/. Are you projecting? I don't get it, but your caricature makes me really angry because it has nothing to do with anything I've stated.
It is exactly what you are because I've seen the same arguments before and I would be angry to since there isn't much you can do about it.
You're doomed to be what you are. I never said it is fair.
I've learned to appreciate all trek.
Except Deep Shit 9. Trash series.
What was the argument? Am I on the winning or losing side with my choices? (Note: favorite/least favorite, not objectively good/bad)
Favorite - 11001001
Least Favorite - Code of Honor
Favorite - Time Squared
Least Favorite - The Outrageous Okona
Favorite - Yesterday's Enterprise
Least Favorite - Captain's Holiday
Favorite - Remember Me
Least Favorite - Devil's Due
Favorite - Cause and Effect
Least Favorite - Cost of Living
Favorite - Timescape
Least Favorite - Birthright, Part II
Favorite - Eye of the Beholder
Least Favorite - Phantasms
NX was best Enterprise once you paint it like the TOS ships
>tfw the VFX department demanded the 24th century aztec'd skin, over the objections of the designer, and they won
What's the difference? just pattern?
Pretty much. Heavy aztecing and a weird, dull look to the paint. The underside was particularly ugly but I don't have a picture of that
Terrible taste, you're demoted.
But you showed bravery, courage and honor by sharing your actual tastes and not just some boring old "safe" answers. Please take command of this starship.
What? Come on DS9 has Quark, Sisko and Bashir. Quark alone makes DS9.
After playing STO, I kind of wish the new show would deal with various ring world type stuff, not kind of dyson sphere in ENT but actual huge worlds like when you're fighting the Voth.
The world just seems so never really get that feel, even in voyager.
And going into deeper mysteries of the universe can be fun.
Found one
>After playing STO
Stopped reading there.
Compare to the way it was actually designed before the VFX people got their hands on it
This one is a lot better, I see what you mean and never really paid that much attention to it.
Wow, thanks! I hope it's not all fucked up like how they got it in the films cause that would be a shame desu
Yeah, I always thought the ship just looked kind of crappy and anachronistic for when it was supposed to be. Like 5 years ago I read the designer's blog and he talked about the total clusterfuck that was designing the ship, and seeing some pics of his original model kinda made it click for me. Nice design with a truly shitty paint job.
Well seeing the potential storylines for season 5 hurt more than anything.
Garbage series for garbage people.