Uh, you don't get to bring dubs
What did he mean by this?
I think he meant the masked man.
i love you
Literally who?
mosquito man suffered from mild tourettes
hehe le funie meme xD its dank O___o just like reddit say it was frickin epic m8 xDDD its so le funny haha i keep postin to be le post meta ironic
i'm totally a le hothead right now teehee xD :p
what? is this a meme or something?
Check muh trips
get him on board, ill call it in
something i never understood
>get ben on board, i'll call it in
Who the fuck is ben?
My friends are making fun of me for staying home on a friday night, but the epics memes on Sup Forums are worth it
Holy shit
>Get them, I'm bored. I'll call Ittin
>"The flightplan I just filed with Degan Xi lists Smee"
Was this Degan guy their oriental contact working with Ittin?
Why didn't CIA just shoot Bane?
because bane is a big guy
any porn of her yet?
Because it would be quite a feather in his cap if he brought him back alive.
Enough with this fucking garbage you autistic piece of shit. I'm so sick of seeing this stupid secret agent faggot posted all the god damn time. I can't see how this could be funny for you, it's pathetic. It is the biggest shitposting I've seen since the early era of this board.
I honestly can't understand what goes through your mind when you post this. I hope whoever is in charge of this website throws you the fuck out. I don't know what takes so long to delete these thread, it can't be happening like this. I call in all these reports and yet nothing happens. You're crashing the quality of this board and you can't even fucking see it. Anyone who enjoys this garbage is a sad, pathetic fuck.
there he is there he goes again..
I'll call Itin
gross post desu
3 words
Captain CIA: Civil War when?
CIA V Bane: Dawn of Big Guys when?
get this hothead outa here
Perhaps he's wondering why'd you throw a giant frisbee at a Special Agent
>I call in all these reports
>you're crashing the quality of this board
with no survivors?
fucking jej
>Iron Man: Mr. Bucky, I'm S.H.I.E.L.D.
>T'challa: He wasn't alone
>Iron Man: You don't get to bring friends
>Bucky: They're not my friends
>Iron Man: Why would I want them?
>T'challa: They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the soldier. The shielded man.
>Iron Man: Cap? Get on board - I'll call it in.
>Iron Man: What are you doing in the middle of my operation?
>Iron Man: The flight plan I just filed with SHIELD lists me, my men, and Bucky here. But only one of you.
>Iron Man: First one to talk gets to stay on my helicarrier!
>Iron Man: So... Who paid you to grab Bucky?
>Iron Man: He didn't fly so good! Who wants to try next?
>Iron Man: Tell me about Cap! Why does he wield the shield?
>Iron Man: Lot of loyalty for a fake Avenger!
>Cap: Or he's wondering why you someone would shoot a man with repulsors before throwing him out of a helicarrier
>Iron Man: Wiseguy, huh? At least you can talk. Who are you?
>Cap: It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
>Cap: No one cared who I was before I picked up the shield.
>Iron Man: If I take it off, will you die?
>Cap: It would be extremely painful.
>Iron Man: You're a big guy.
>Cap: For you.
>Iron Man: Was getting caught part of your plan?
>Cap: Of course. Bucky refused our offer in favor of yours. We had to find out what he told you.
>Bucky: Nothing, I said nothing.
>Iron Man: Well, congratulations, you got yourself caught. Now what's the next step in your master plan?
>Cap: Crashing this helicarrier. With no survivors!
>Cap: No, they expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.
>Falcon: Have we started the Civil?
>Cap: Yes, the Civil Wars.
>Cap: Calm down, Bucky, now is not the time for fear, that comes later.
>I'm sorry Bane...but Dr. Pavel's my friend
>So was I
What was his problem?
fucking lol
So much time typing that for it being so unfunny
was having a stoke part of your plan?
you're a good boy
For woof
wew lad
Fuck off